The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 7: : Whimsical Heart, Heluo Count

Section 7: Strange whip of mind, Heluo calculation

"How old is he? At the age of 15, he grew up to this level, controlling two spirit demon. When I was 15, he was not as good as his toes. Can't stay, such a character must never stay!"

Bei Guangguang was jealous and hated in his heart, and his murderous intentions were tumbling, and he had a strong sense of fear for Chu Yun, a younger generation. If Chu Yun is not eliminated, he feels that he will only feel sleepless in the future.

"Brother Chu Yun cheer! Beat the bad guys down!" Xiao Fei yelled happily. She couldn't see the situation in the field, but she felt that Chu Yun was so powerful and vigorous like cháo. On the other hand, the other party is in a state of silence, retreating and shrinking, and the momentum alone is weaker for more than one thing.

"God! Zhongshan Wolf, this is the mysterious north sè of the four yín thieves in Xingzhou. He came here."

"Compared with him, I am more curious about who he is against the young man. Although he fell into the downwind, he played so strong. It made people see the blood boiling!"

Far away from the battlefield, in a hidden mountain forest, a pair of young people with their eyes wide open looked at the battlefield in disbelief.

"This level of combat power may not necessarily be a young man. You forgot some monsters, and the spirits fed back can make people look younger?"

The young people are similar in appearance and are twin brothers. They wore tight-fitting warrior costumes and embroidered a half-and-half-and-a-half round dan yào on their chests-this is a symbol of the famous mén school "Life and Death Valley" on Xingzhou.

These two teenagers are equally promising. It is a famous young hero in the ranger world, heir to the next generation of Life and Death Valley. Known as yào poisonous double star.

Most of their eyes at this time were concentrated on Chu Yun. For a while, he did not think of Chu Yun's identity, and was very curious.

But gradually, their eyes became dignified.

"This man is so terrible! Did you see it, brother? He kept making progress in the battle, and North became the external pressure to squeeze his potential. If so, I'm afraid the outcome will be unknown." Brother Yào Xingzi He murmured, and there was an unstoppable surprise in his words.

"Masters often say that there is a genius in this world who is dedicated to fighting. This kind of person is born to fight, and the more courageous the war, the more he can break through himself in the battle, know himself, and even realize the road to heaven and earth. To this extent, this person is definitely a young man! The age is even younger than us. "The younger brother Du Xingzi was also shocked.

"We are already geniuses in the general population. But compared to this person, it is a bit inferior. This young man, if he grows up in the future, must be a strong man who calls the wind and rain. We help and form a good relationship. For the valley of life and death Beneficial and harmless ... "Xingzi Shenyin said beside him.

A bit of jealous light flashed in Du Xingzi's eyes. Although he is the twin brother of yào Xingzi, his heart is different from that of his brother: "Still don't save it. Brother, you see, although this young man has been progressing in battle, he still has a difference in spirit demon fighting power. In the north. In the hands of saving people, this success rate itself is very low. And this young man's heart is not, we don't know ... "

"Brother, you have made a bad speech. Watching the battle is like watching people. People may wear masks to cover their heart in ordinary speech and actions. But in this kind of life and death battle, no matter who will be their own. The side of his face was revealed. When you saw him attacking, like a tiger descending the mountain, going forward, you can see that xìng is straightforward. When defending, like a dragon swimming in the sea, you can see that you have a broad mind. Such a person is worth saving! "

"..." Poison star Shen yín said nothing, he didn't want to shoot, but eagerly, he couldn't find a reason to rebut.

"Huh? Look! We don't need to shoot, this young man is dying!" Suddenly, Du Xingzi's eyes brightened, pointing to the battlefield, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

"No, Bei Bei is a long-time old predecessor, and he is very cunning. This young man has been subjected to his secret calculations." Xing Zi's eyes turned and his face suddenly changed.

"Hahaha, you are still a little tenderer after all. But you can die on my whip that has been hidden in the snow for many years, it is also your creation." Bei Guangguang laughed with great pride.

This intentional whip is the card he has prepared for many years. Although there are only big demon levels, it is unpredictable to use it suddenly. He used this whip to sneak attack on many strong men. Many of them are even stronger than his frontline presence.

The mind whip is suddenly integrated, invisible and invisible, only the handle of the whip is completely dark, non-gold and non-wood, shining a simple glory.

This is an incomplete ancient demon soldier, which has not been repaired well. Cultivation can only reach the level of the big demon, can not be improved. Rao is so, because the whip body is invisible and sè, it turns freely. Under sneak attack, you can always succeed.

Chu Yun did not expect that Bei Guangguang would suddenly have this move. Bei Guangguang has been calculating for a long time, and he has calculated with his mind, but his experience and combat strength are stronger than that of Chu Yun. This time it was suddenly displayed, and it succeeded at once.

"How could this be ?!" Xiao Feiyan saw that Chu Yun suddenly didn't move, and apparently was secretly calculated. Even the spirit demon like the Sky Fox under his feet was implicated and stayed in place, just roaring, but not moving.

The mind whip is an ancient demon soldier. Although it is incomplete, it cannot comprehend the new Taoism. However, the remaining one mén method can directly control the demon master, and then follow the aura of the demon master to indirectly control the many monsters under his hand. The effect is so powerful that once it succeeds, it can often be unarmed and enduring.

"Brother Chu Yun ..." Xiao Feiyan's eyes were filled with tears, and she couldn't help crying. "What should I do? What should I do? If Sister Huamei, Sister Yi Yan would be here."

"Oh!" Thinking of Huamei's sister, Xiao Feiyan looked up sharply and took out a special token from her arms. The token is small and exquisite, with a fire ball with three wings painted on the front, and the three large characters of rouge mén on the reverse.

This is a little demon soldier-thirty thousand fire urgently asking for help. Huamei, the owner of Rouge Mén, once gave Feiyan to let her use it in the most difficult times.

Feiyan did not hesitate, urged Taoism, and threw a 20,000 fire emergency order into the air.

The token suddenly turned into a flame, soaring high into the sky, a loud blast exploded. Qi làng rolled through the room, forming a strange sharp howling, spread quite far. Almost at the same time, a team trekking deep in the jungle suddenly stopped and almost every member looked up to the sky.

"That's a distress call from our mén faction!"

"No, this is a 30,000 fire emergency order. Xiao Feiyan encountered difficulties."

"This kid must have sneaked out again. Lord Mén, how should this be?"

This ranger team is very special. They are all nv sons, either young, old, or middle-aged. This is the main team of rouge mén. It is led by mén host Huamei and deputy mén host Yi Yan.

"Little Feiyan, although young, has three or four monsters. She has never used a distress token. This time, she sneaked out and sent me a letter from the station where Mén sent. She is really in trouble this time! "Rouge mén Lord Huamei is a mature nv son.

She looks 27 or 28 years old. The skin is as soft as yù, and the coiled hair is white with hairpins. There is a sharp edge between the eyebrows, a pair of beautiful eyes are capable, and the wind and frost are hidden.

She is dressed in a Tang suit and has a beautiful phoenix. Tops and bottoms, next to her plump body, graceful curves.

"Yi Yan, what's the matter with you first?" Hua Mei is very demeanor. Although he was anxious at this time, he was not in danger.

Beside her, stood an equally outstanding nv son.

Her green dress is as elegant as blue. Long hair like a waterfall makes the skin crystal clear. The eyebrows are like light willow longan, and the eyes are like the bright moon and the clear waves. A spirit is brewing in the bottom of the eyes, giving a sense of demureness and mystery.

It is the second character of rouge mén, the deputy mén master, and the mathematician Yi Yan.

She caressed the waist celestial sac, her hands were like white onions, and gently swayed, and then she saw a picture scroll appearing in her tender and tender palm.

"He Luotu, exhibition!" Yi Yan sipped, and the scroll in his hand suddenly suspended and slowly unfolded.

On a thousand miles of mountains and rivers, countless rivers and rivers are displayed in front of everyone.

The long river is rushing, or the Yangtze River, or the big river, or the stream, and all kinds of water flow merge into a mysterious mysterious manager.

Yi Yanning looked away, and the peace and quiet in the eyes of Bihu was sparkling and shining brilliantly.

After a moment, she breathed a sigh of relief, closed her eyes, and the scroll suddenly fell, falling into the palm of her hand.

"How is it? How is it?" Everyone didn't dare to disturb. At this moment, I was anxious to ask ~ ~ to meet the nobleman, there was no surprise. "Yi Yan vomited.

Everyone suddenly let go of their worries, knowing that Yi Yan was extremely accurate, and they all sighed with relief. The dull atmosphere suddenly lightened.

"But even so, we can't carelessly. We must know that the trick of calculation is based on the monster, intercepting the hidden information between the world and the result of deduction along the trajectory of the avenue. It may not be accurate every time. Variables exist, you can't help but guard. "Yi Yanmei still has a trace of worry between Yuyu.

"Yes, there is no change, we will rush over. Xiao Feiyan's child, over and over again, too Hu came. This time must punish her well!" Hua Mei ordered, more than fifty people The team immediately reversed direction, rushing towards Xiao Feiyan's direction relying on the steady flame guidance in the air.

At the same time, on the battlefield.

"Damn it!" Chu Yun clenched his teeth, and his whole body was tightly wrapped around the invisible whip, making it difficult for him to move.

More importantly, the more he struggled, the tighter this invisible whip was. This whip is like a bridge, let his soul, face the jīng **** of the north light.

Fortunately, he was born and reincarnated, and his soul was more refined than ordinary people, otherwise he was afraid that he would lose his hand at once, and his mind would be stunned.

Rao is so, he also lost his mobility. This mind whip is really wonderful. It can affect all his monsters by controlling him. Under this influence, both Tianhu and Zuixuedao were as rigid as wood carving.



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