The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 4: : 4 big lewd

Section 4: Four yín thieves

"I not only know that you are called Feiyan, but also that you are a member of the Rouge Gate. This time, the gatekeeper did not allow you to participate in the activities, and I was not willing to run out alone?" Chu Yun's eyes flashed, the memory of the previous life appeared Get up, hehe smiled.

The girl was stunned, she looked at Chu Yun staring blankly. Who is this big brother in front of? Is it a fairy in the mountains? How do you know your situation so clearly?

"Feiyan, I didn't expect to meet you here in advance ..." Chu Yun looked at Feiyan with a complicated light flashing in his eyes, but secretly sighed in his heart.

The Rouge Gate is the third-rate school that once saved his life in the endless forest of the previous life. At the same time, it was also a previous life, and successfully achieved the inheritance of the Beast King, so it rose to the existence of the first-class sect in Sin Chew.

But what Chu Yun didn't expect was that he encountered members of Rouge Gate so quickly.

"Big Brother, who are you? Are you a fairy in the mountains?" The girl looked at Chu Yun blankly and asked suddenly.

Chu Yun smiled slightly and reached out, patting the girl Feiyan's head gently: "Fool, how could I be a fairy? My surname is Chu, you can call me Brother Chu Yun."

Fei Yan was frightened by Chu Yun's move, and she felt her kindness keenly, her face red like a ripe apple. The index fingers of both hands touched each other, and the eyes looked at the ground, with an unwilling voice in his mouth, and he said: "The people are stupid there ... how did Brother Chu Yun's tone be the same as that of the door owner and sister ..."

The girl's heart was full of curiosity about Chu Yun. Chu Yun seemed to be an acquaintance who had been with each other for a long time, especially when she patted her head. Feiyan's warmth during that period made Feiyan instantly relieve her worries and vigilance.

"Who is he? He is so tall, and he looks up like a mountain. When people see him for the first time, they feel like an old friend who has seen them for many years ... This is really strange!"

The girl flirted, feeling everything was so unbelievable. As if it were a fairy tale, when the princess is in the most critical situation, there will always be a young and handsome prince appearing to save the princess from the water.

"Because I'm a mathematician." Chu Yun smiled as if it was the evening sunlight, giving people a mild feeling, but the tone was very cool. "I have already counted your arrival. Our meeting is an arrangement of fate. "

The **** operator!

Chu Yun was not even at the edge of the fortune teller. It is just an excuse that I prepared early on the basis of owning the memory of the previous life.

But this excuse does indeed complement each other. At the very least, the two girls around me were cheated.

"Arithmetician ... It turns out that Chu Yun is an arithmetician. It's no wonder that it is the same as Yi Yan's sister." Fei Yan was relieved.

"Master, unwittingly, he became an arithmetician. It's amazing!" Tianhu Maiden's eyes were also bright, looking up at Chu Yun, the stars in her eyes were shining, all worshipped.

Goo ...

At this moment, Feiyan's stomach made a protest. Feiyan suddenly lowered his head, blushing, covering his stomach, standing at a loss.

"Are you hungry? It seems very hard to get on the road." Chen Hui blinked and looked at Feiyan. Since he was known by the owner, the hostility towards Feiyan had completely dissipated.

"Then, that ... because I was so anxious when I was on the road, I forgot to bring dry food, so ..." Feiyan's forefinger touched, and his voice explained like a gnat.

After a quarter of an hour.

"Huh, huh! It's delicious, it's really delicious!" Fei Yan grumbled mumbling mouth while chewing the delicious roasted jītuǐ, and said vaguely.

In order to take care of Feiyan's belly, Chu Yun specially called several wild mountains. The experience of the previous life has tempered his cooking skills. The deliciousness of the mountain made both girls rave about it.

"It turns out that in this world, in addition to grilled fish, there is such delicious food ..." Tianhu Maiden also sighed, "It is a pity that there are too few ......" , And looked at the owner who hadn't eaten a bite. Clenched his teeth, squeezed his mouth net, and turned his head pitifully.

"It's so full, it's delicious!" Feiyan slumped beside the fire, clutching her bulging belly. Beside Chu Yun, she unconsciously relaxed all over her body, and her lovely face was filled with a happy and relaxed smile.

"In the end, it was a child, and I believed the stranger so easily. It made sense for the rouge door master to put her in the martial arts." Chu Yun shook his head, but the corners of his mouth raised, smiling.

In the previous life, the Rouge Gate obtained the inheritance of the Beast King, and rescued Chu Yun of Mí Road on the way back. Chu Yun lived in this ranger school for a while.

It was a relaxing time. Huamei, the main owner of the rouge, and Yi Yan, the deputy, are all the people who are not allowed to keep their eyebrows. Chu Yun in the previous life, although a stranger. But his life experience was very pitiful, which aroused their sympathy.

Therefore, in the previous life, Chu Yun received help from them.

Feiyan is the oldest member of Rouge, and the recognized pistachios are favored by everyone in the school. She has always wanted to participate in large-scale activities in the martial arts, to get everyone's recognition. This time, I sneaked out and prepared to slash first and then meet up with the rouge gate's army.

I have eaten a lot of hard work along the way, not to mention accidents and troubles. Fortunately, Feiyan's own strength is not weak, and there is a bizarre demon plant that can be temporarily invisible, such as Kirin Leaf.

"Several times, it was really terrifying. People almost thought they were going to die. Fortunately, I had the Kirin leaf sent by the handsome guy who could steal. The red cloud drum sent by Sister Huamei could give birth to a cloud barrier and Sister Yi Yan The red-topped three-legged bird that flies so fast will always let me escape. "

Feiyan really has no intentions, and in a few words, he has a deep understanding of Chu Yun. No wonder the Rouge Gate mainly kept her in the martial arts and prevented her from acting together.

"This time, suddenly a mandrill ran out to chase me. I was shocked at that time, only using the unicorn leaf while holding Dan's neck and asking it to fly desperately. I don't know why, this mandrill can show me Fortunately, I met Brother Chu Yun, otherwise Fei Yan ’s life will be suspended. Brother Chu Yun, you are Fei Yan ’s life-saving benefactor. "

Feiyan said here that her big eyes are like transparent gemstones, and she sees clearly. Her eyes blinked again and again, and her eyes seemed to be glued together, tightly sticking to Chu Yun's body. The pink face was covered with Hongxia, and I did not know whether it was because of the proximity to the fire shelf or other reasons.

Chu Yun heard something was wrong. Although he had memories of his past life, he always had a one-sided perspective. Did not expect that there is hidden insider.

Suddenly his face fell, and he said with a deep voice: "Feiyan, your experience is very wrong. Someone must have secretly shot, and you have been secretly calculating you along the way. Mandrills such as mandrills often sleep in the mountains, and you do nothing. , But it was so angry that it ran to chase you down. It can also see through the invisible Taoism in your unicorn leaf. This is very likely, someone secretly shot it and blessed it, so the mandrill can see you Of stealth. "

"Ah?" Fei Yan heard her face pale and couldn't help but panic. "How could this be? I didn't offend anyone. Brother Chu Yun, what should Fei Yan do?"

"What should I do? Beauty, huh, huh. Stay where you are, just stop. Uncle and I will love you well. Let you enjoy the best experience in the world."

At this moment, a frivolous male voice suddenly came out of nowhere nearby.

"Who ?!" Chu Yun was shocked, and his eyes were shocked. He stood up sharply, like a javelin, rooted on the ground. His eyes were shining brightly and colorfully. The black water, white gold, green wood, loess, and red fire are breeze, six glorious shades, and each other is hidden.

"Huh, six rays of light, it seems that you already have six lines of real eyes. You can see that the six species of ximng are golden, water, fire, earth and wind, and the unicorn leaf itself belongs to the wood demon plant. No wonder you can see through the beauty of the invisible . Tianhu is worthy of being a superb monster, and the spirit will feed back, and eventually it will form the nine lines of real eyes. At that time, you can see all the world ’s aerodynamics. Overlord, am I right? "

The master of this voice actually saw Chu Yun's heel. A look of fearlessness, the sound is like a cold wind, which is horrifying.

"Brother Chu Yun ..." Fei Yan was so scared that she ran to Chu Yun's side. She looked nervous and looked around in horror. The body of the newly-educated girl shivered slightly, arousing pity.

"Who is it? Pretend to be a ghost and stand up kind of!" Tianhu Girl 1ù emerged from Bai Sensen's tiger teeth, and the spirit demon-level momentum blasted through the surrounding space. Invisible coercion, the flames on the fire stand are suppressed so that they can't help but weaken.

Chu Yun also frowned, looking around with the six lines of truth, but he couldn't see anything wrong.

"Every time a fox tail is born, a new vigor is added to my fox tail. My eyes can see through an invisible primal force in the air. Who is this mysterious person? The stealth Taoism used is at least not part of the 'Golden Wood' "Fire, Fire and Earth". Wait, maybe he is not invisible at all ... "

Suddenly, Chu Yun thought of a character.

Chu Yun relaxed and sneered more than once: "North Guangguang, it seems that your dreams and thoughts are good at practicing Taoism, and it is also very good to use the thousands of miles of sound to pretend to be a **** and a ghost. Where are you hiding, dare not Come out and face me? "

There are four yín thieves in the ranger world of Xingzhou. Known as the East and West, the cheap male and the North, the North Guangguang is one of them, known as the "North". There is the most peculiar monster in the top grade, the mountain wolf, and there are two rare ways in the hand, and one unique piece is "Chaosimuxiang". As long as the image of the other party in the memory is clearer and the strength is lower, the farther away you can see the scene of the target at this time in your heart.

There is also a first-class Taoism ~ ~ for "Thousands of Miles". Can convey his voice within a thousand miles.

This is Beiguangguang's signature Taoism. He has always been used to pretend to be a god. I didn't expect Chu Yun to say it today.

"Well? Who the **** are you? Actually have such an understanding of me!" Bei Guangguang exclaimed. Although these two methods of Taoism are widely known, their content names are secret and undisclosed, and they are the secrets of his north face. Unexpectedly, today it was broken by humanity.

Shocked in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear for Chu Yun.

"Huh! A good king, I wanted to be shocked and let you back out of trouble. But now, my interest in you has been greater than everything. Let me learn about the skills of your descendants."

Before his words fell, Chu Yun heard a roar in the air.

The roar gradually increased, apparently someone came in a hurry, tearing the air, resulting in a loud noise.

The strong enemy burst!

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