The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 3 Chapter 99: : Chu Yun, why are you here? !

Section 99: Chu Yun, why are you here? !

Night sea, cool breeze.

The sea that bears today's fierce battle seems to be tired. Tiredly wrapped in black pajamas, he turned to sleep.

The sea breeze blew up 1ang and made a sound. It seems that the sea is breathing in his sleep.

In the ink-like night, shadowy warships are concentrated near an unknown island. Some docked on the shore, and some did not have such good treatment, and stayed quietly on the water.

This is where the coalition forces chose to rest. Ye Hai's breathing sounds here also seemed to be somewhat depressed and somewhat desolate.

The coalition brains are negotiating the next tactical arrangements on a tall treasure ship flagship stationed on the temporarily constructed dock.

"The Shu family's strength is several times less than the coalition forces. Today's defeat was largely due to Chu Yun."

"I don't care about the bravery of Shu Jiajun, just worry about the existence of the overlord!"

"If anyone can resist the drunk snow knife, our army's victory can be seen from afar."

But who can do it?

When the brains mentioned Chu Yun, they all felt painful.

The two generals, Yi Jing and Numa Xie, also sat silently on the seats. Before switching to fighting, they must have snorted coldly, raised their heads, and ridiculed the coalition brains to "grow others' ambitions and destroy their prestige."

But in today's battle, the two famous generals have lost their arrogance.

When they think of Chu Yun, their hearts are awe-inspiring.

"Who can be against Chu Yun ... Alas, at least not yourself." The two generals thought of bitterness when they thought of this place.

Chu Yun's existence, like a dark cloud covering the sky, enveloped the hearts of everyone present.

"If you don't solve Chu Yun, this battle will lose more than you win!" Someone placed the cup on the table heavily and hated it.

"Common generals have only one spirit demon fighting power. Chu Yun has two of them. Not only that, but also his mothers are superb monsters. Even when the two are superimposed, the fighting power can soar. This is the most terrible thing. "Someone sighed.

"However, among the Star Islands, no one can block Chu Yun." Suddenly, a brain frowned slightly.

"Who else?" Everyone looked at this person, refreshed.

The brain talked eloquently: "If you don't say anything far, just say near. According to my family, Major General Tie Ao also has a second spirit demon. His strength is soaring, but he can be against Chu Yun."

"This information has been heard by my family. It seems to be true."

"Tie Ao is also a rare genius in a century. If it were not for Chu Yun, it would be the first to put pressure on his peers."

"He has two spirit demon, and with his qualifications, he can indeed defeat Chu Yun. However, he is still marching on the other road. Unless Shujia Island is captured, it is impossible to come to support us."

"In addition to Chu Yun, there is one more person," the brain said again. "This person is unfathomable, and he is on the Richie List. If he shoots, he will certainly be able to suppress Chu Yun and beat him up."

Everyone asked who it was.

"Who else? It is the sleeping old man."

"Alas, the sleeping old man has always been neutral, how can he help us?"

"It's like saying nothing."

the more you hope, the harder you fall. For a while, the eyes of the brains were filled with some grudges.

"Don't worry, I also know that there is not much hope. The first two people are not good, and the other one has great hopes." Then the brain said, "I'm not selling anymore. This person is nicknamed the mad lion, but the stars. The first pirate in the archipelago. With six spirit demon in hand, it is extremely fierce. It is also arrogant and almost nobody dares to provoke it. "

Among the pirates in the Zhuxing Islands, the third is the residual wolf, because he despised Chu Yun and was cut by Chu Yun. The second is the Scarlet Tiger, currently in a state of cooperation with Chu Yun. The first one is a mad lion, with an arrogant temper and possessing six-headed spirit demon combat power.

He is the only one in his pirate group. He is both a captain and a crew.

He doesn't even have a pirate ship of his own. Because no one can sail.

He was a subordinate of the former pirate king, the captain of the charge after the battle, a living legend.

Many people believe that after the death of Hailong Wang Jiangbo, the first and second strongest of the Star Islands are him and the sleeping old man. As for who is stronger among them, it is not easy to figure out at will.

"People like Kuangshi will not obey our arrangements. It is already a good thing not to **** our merchant ships."

"Which of us hasn't been robbed by a mad lion? Please ask him to come and fight Chu Yun. Isn't this a fantasy?"

"Everything is human. The Shu family can cooperate with the most mysterious female pirate, the tiger, why can't we cooperate with the crazy lion? As long as the price of the crazy lion's satisfaction is paid, I believe it must attract him. And pirants like him like it What is happening is that all parties in the Star Islands are in politics. If the Shu family defeats us, it will take a big step on the journey of unification. This is what the pirates do not want to see. " Organized.

"This is a good way to give it a try." The brains listened and their eyes lit up.

"However, we can't hydrolyze the thirst. We will face Chu Yun's impact in the next battle. How can this be good?" Someone asked another question.

"This is also easy to handle. We can write letters to each other's forces, and then call out a group of reinforcements. Didn't Fang Hong's general Fang Hong always have enmity with Chu Yun? He had gold and silver boys and two spirit demon sledgehammers. Such a general, only need two more, we can temporarily contain Chu Yun's attack. "

"Hehehe. Tell you good news, in fact, my general Fang Hong is already on the way." At this time, Fang's brain suddenly laughed.

"Okay! Once General Fang Hong arrives, at least it won't make Chu Yun so prestigious today."

"If it is Tie Ao's side, make another breakthrough and capture the main island of the Shu family, which makes the Shu family's army difficult and has to return. We will hunt down again and win."

At this time, Huang Xiao's battle to defeat Tie Ao was only just over in the afternoon. The message has not been delivered.

Regardless of whether it is the Shu family or the coalition, both are still in the drums, and it is unknown.

But as soon as the words opened, the brains became more and more excited, and their eyes radiated light.

"We defeated the Shu Jiajun, and we will definitely not tolerate it, but slaughter it all to prevent future troubles."

"The Shu family annexed the Yan family, ransacked the main island of the Wei family, the main island of the Ning family, and opened the secret collection of the Xinghai Dragon Palace. The treasure house on the main island must be filled with various treasures!"

"Not only that, but Yu Ya, a master of military training, is still on the main island of the Shu family. As long as we capture him, other loot can be ceded."

"Huh! You want to be beautiful. Yuya I am determined to get it. But I don't recommend the slaughter of Shujia Island. The Shu family's soldiers are very good and they can colonize it. The Shu family's boys will be developed into a vassal army. Can these Shujiabings be sent to the field in hard battles and hard battles! "

"Good idea, good idea!" At this time, a strange voice sounded in the cabin.

"Hahaha, of course it's a good idea!" The brains didn't react for a while, and they all looked up and laughed.

"Wait, why is this sound so familiar?" General Yi Jing reacted first. The sound source is on the left side beside him, but when he looks up, there is nothing left.

There was a suspicious light in his eyes, but then, his pupils shrunk to the point of the needle, remembering the master of the voice. His face was white for an instant, and his horrified expression froze on his face.

"Chu Yun!" He exclaimed in horror.

"Can't wait?" Chu Yun sneered, showing his body. At the same time, the knife flashed out with lightning, and the knife light flashed.


General Yi Jing's head immediately flew high, blood was ejected from his neck, and the throne of the Imprint was directly rushed to the Tianhua board above his head.

The head happened to fall into the arms of a brain. With a stunned mind, his hands took over subconsciously, and as soon as his eyes turned, he saw Yi Jing's head glaring at him, his eyes protruding, and endless panic appeared on his face.

"Ah !!!" The brain screamed terribly, which changed so suddenly that he could not accept it. Immediately after he rolled his eyes and thumped, the Throne of the Imprinted Faint fell to the ground.

"Chu Yun, why are you here?" The brains who were still laughing were speechless. They stared at Chu Yun straight, and their eyes fell straight.

Shocked emotions dominate everyone's heart at this moment.

"You, you!" General General Xie Xie pointed at Chu Yun, and his throat seemed to be pinched, and he couldn't breathe.

"Don't worry, next, it's up to you." Chu Yun smiled slightly, his eyes swept, and his sharp eyes shot to Numa Xie.

Numa Xie suddenly shivered, and a chill of icy cold shrouded his body.


At this moment, this idea completely occupied his heart. He has no war intentions and just wants to run away!

"Guard, guard!"

"Come on, come on!"

boom! The whole meeting room seemed to be fried. On weekdays, people who pay great attention to manners, like fish that have fallen into the net, squeezed towards the door.

There is one figure who is the most swift, and no one else is a general.

Chu Yun was surprised by his escape degree ~ ~ This guy also has a way to escape, running faster than a rabbit!

"Hahaha!" Chu Yun laughed happily, and he didn't expect the colorless rainbow demon to work so well. His luck is also very good. It happened that at a certain time and in a certain place, he met his brains to start a combat meeting.

Chu Yun shot the fairy capsule, summoned the Sky Fox, and turned into a water giant again. The tall body immediately broke through the cabin.

The original quiet camp was suddenly 1uan!

"Don't you want to slaughter my Shujia Island? Xueyuetianchong!" Chu Yun waved away, the snow soared, especially dazzling in the night. Nearly ten brains did not even scream, so they were drowned in the sword and cut into pieces.

"Aren't you going to search my house's treasure? What are you running now?" Chu Yun stepped on the foot again, and immediately stepped on the throne of the Shenyin throne on the spot. After the big feet were lifted, on the deck where the pit was sunk, two corpses that had been trampled on, brain humor hún joined blood u into a vague mass. Bloody breath came suddenly.

"Come on, I am Chu Yun here. Are you going to deal with me?" He shouted his arms, the giant body of the water giant Blu-ray Yingying, now became the master in everyone's vision!

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