The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 3 Chapter 100: : Enemies! !

Section 1: Enemies! !

1uan United Army!

No one expected Chu Yun to appear here suddenly.

The drunk snow knife 1uan dance, Xueyuetianchong, and the dragon pattern are used in succession. Xueliang's swordmang, with a fierce and aggressive attack, seems to be a stormy snow, sweeping everything around him.

The brains of the coalition forces were almost wiped out. Fortunately, those who fled to the birth of heaven, with their livers and gallbladders splitting, shouted for help while running away. They are in a hurry like a bereavement dog.


Chu Yun is like a god, the body like a giant, a huge panic in the unprepared coalition forces.

He stepped **** his right foot, and the terrible impact caused the deck to collapse. The treasure ship under him was slammed with great force, and he was top-heavy, like a toy, and the stern immediately lifted up.

Chu Yun flew into the sky, drunk in the air, drunk Xuedao waved fiercely towards the flagship of the coalition army, suddenly the solid light of the knife suddenly chopped off.

In an instant, coldness overflowed, and the wood chips flew apart. The majestic posture, thirty-seven feet long and fifteen feet wide, was directly cut into two sections by the Throne of the Immortal King.

The ship directly sank the throne to the bottom of the sea, and the stern was still in the air because of the tilt, blinking and smashing down the sea surface, violent monstrous 1ang.


Chu Yun set foot on another battleship. The rear deck of the battleship was suddenly trampled down, and a group of soldiers rushed up in awe. They are not afraid of death and show extraordinary fighting qualities.

"Huh? This is a flying monkey soldier!" Chu Yun's eyes narrowed, and he saw the group of soldiers in front of him, each with a flying claw demon soldier, and a claw monkey hanging on his shoulder or head. They acted quickly and jumped freely on the violently shaking warship.

"In the end it is a soldier." Chu Yun sighed in his heart. "There are many soldiers in the coalition. This flying monkey soldier is best at mountain warfare. But naval warfare is not weak. If our army is fighting, it will suffer a lot. Since you sent it to the door, I will accept it! "

At present, there are three elite soldiers in the Shu family. One is the most common and common copper bell soldiers, which can be mass-produced. The second type is the elite soldiers led by General Wang Zelong, who is good at water warfare. The third type is the stone fire soldiers originally owned by the Yan family, which is now controlled by Shu Tianhao. This is a long-range combat soldier, each assigned to a volcano turtle. Can fly flames from a long distance.

There are more types of soldiers in the coalition. Every elite soldier is an ace in war, and if used well, it can play a decisive role. The flying monkey soldier in front of him brought great damage to Shu Jiajun during the daytime naval battle.

"Zeng Guang Tian Cai Yin Guangxue!" Chu Yun snorted. Yin Guangxue is a medium-level Taoism, which has been increased by "glossing and adding luster", and it has suddenly risen a lot, reaching the level of superior Daoism, and its power has been strengthened.

Under the dark night sky, the army disturbed by Chu Yun looked like a giant beast from restless sleep. Countless soldiers came from all directions. The generals and generals scattered all over the coalition also rushed their eyes and rushed to the side desperately.

Suddenly, it snowed in the night sky.

Silver snow.

This snow, with a kind of tranquility. However, it drifted quickly, and soon fluttered, covering the whole world.

The bleak and lonely night, the peaceful and mellow white snow, and the brightly lit battlefield, the bloodshot eyes of the enemy generals, and the grim look of the fighting, brought together a picture of the night snow battle.

"Why is it snowing?"

"This is the overlord's way!"

"Damn it, it's so cold, I feel frozen."

The faces of the flying monkey soldiers were shocked. I couldn't help but shuddered, and the sprinting movement suddenly seemed slow.

Yin Guangxue, a middle-class method, Chu Yun studied in Tiange Academy. Because it is a range of auxiliary Taoism, it is mostly suitable for ring games and positional battles. Now Chu Yun is used here, but they complement each other.

The spirit demon series has been increased by the drunk snow knife of Shui Dezhen's body, coupled with the glorious addition of color Dao, the release range of silver light snow reaches a hundred miles. Almost all the stretches of sea battleships are included.

Yinxue flew, chilling bones.

In a short period of time, the snow is getting bigger and bigger, there is a tendency to overwhelm!

The silver light shone, almost shining Hua's eyes. Except for the generals, all the soldiers and soldiers in the coalition army felt cold and flying, and it was freezing cold, it was like suddenly coming from summer to severe winter. This sudden weather made many people shivering.

it's too cold!

The soldiers slowed down, and Yin Guangxue had a great effect against them! It is only because they cannot distinguish between attacks, and when the two armies fight, they will also affect their own people, so they can only be used in this situation.


Chu Yun slashed, the sword was like a tornado, a cold wind in a sudden time, and Xue Xue roared.

"This!" The flying monkey soldiers widened their eyes at the same time. At the moment when the knife light struck, their hearts jumped wildly, feeling a kind of dripping terror. It seems that the whole world is praising them!

The irresistible feeling flooded their hearts.


"Be faithful to your home!"

"No matter how strong Chu Yun is, he is only one person."

However, the elite soldiers are still elite soldiers. After a sudden shock, with their bravery in the blood and their unlimited loyalty to the family power, they still rushed towards Chu Yun.

"To a certain extent, the loyalty of the elite soldiers is more reliable than that of the generals. Because some generals can defect, but the elite soldiers will not. This is why my Shu family defeated so many forces. Today, the elite soldiers still There are only three kinds of reasons. "Chu Yun looked at the flying monkey soldiers who rushed over and couldn't help but sigh.

He wanted to conquer these elite soldiers, but he knew it was impossible.

Daoguang swept over, the wind and snow shook like a giant beast. The terrifying offensive force shattered everything in front of tens of feet. The flying monkey soldiers, even if they are elite, are just soldiers. Countless broken limbs with broken arms, fluttering and falling with the silver light and snow.

The warships in a fan-shaped area were all twisted into countless pieces, and the wood chips hún joined the blood u, and were rolled up by the storm snow and frozen into pieces. Then it hit the surface of the sea, and the sound of banging was falling.

"Regardless of losses, the whole army is attacking. Target overlord!" You brain stabilized her position and yelled in the rear. Countless red fires, water arrows, ice bombs, wind yù ... all kinds of Taoist attacks, breaking through the snow and snow, instantly covering the space around Chu Yun.


The endless explosions sounded one after another. This was a collective attack by tens of thousands of coalition forces, and Chu Yun's Shui Dezhen shrank suddenly. The figure is soaring with a degree visible to the u eye.

Chu Yun was frightened: "Man is still able to eat elephants. Not to mention these tens of thousands of troops! If I have a robbery in my hand, I can confront it head-on. Now I can't attack him!"

In a short moment, Shui Dezhen defended various Taoisms, and no less than tens of thousands. Sky Fox exchanged demon yuan for defense. Chu Yun sensed the demon yuan of Tian Fox through aura, and was descending with a terrifying degree. In this way, once the demon element of Sky Fox is exhausted, he will face the attack of the army with the U body.

Chu Yun did not dare to neglect and immediately dived into the seabed. Urge the Eight Directions to come to the Dao Dafa to carry out the recovery of vitality.

The coalition attack continued.

Countless Taoist methods, with colorful brilliance, squeezed down the entire sea surface where Chu Yun was.

The seawater was inhumanly urged, shot through, frozen, cooked by fire, and cut. The attacks of tens of thousands of coalition forces are especially terrifying. Even if Chu Yun dived into the deep seabed, there was still an undercurrent. The attack affected the depths of the ocean floor, making him feel his body as if pulled by dozens of different forces. If you don't pay attention, you will be swept away by ocean currents in some direction.

"Repelled Chu Yun!"

"We are tens of thousands in the end, he is not a god, how can a person resist?"

Seeing Chu Yun bombarded for a long time, the coalition forces were relieved. Unless there is a monster robbery, it is really difficult to contend with such an army.

"This time the loss is really terrible! The brains of all parties were almost killed by Chu Yun. Fortunately, I ran fast!" The rest of the brains gathered together again, all in shock and secretly rejoiced.

"This battle can no longer be fought! The brains are almost slaughtered, the forces in the coalition are wrong, and we can only command our own forces."

"But it must not be the case! In this attack, our major families have done their best. We have emptied the main island and the amount of labor on each sub-island. If we can't beat the Shu family, our exhibition will be retrogressive ! "

The brains gritted their teeth and felt huge pressure. War is a double-edged sword, which not only hurts the enemy but also hurts oneself.

"The thief's heart doesn't change. Since that's the case, I'll send you to die." Just then, a voice suddenly came from their ears.

"Chu Yun !!!" The brains thought that Chu Yun had been run away, but did not expect that he would dare to appear!

This time they were not as lucky as they were, and they were all harvested by Chu Yun. The knife flashed, and his head flew away.

"It's not a long time to eat a grain. It deserves to die!" Chu Yun looked at the corpse everywhere and sneered in his heart. This time it was not his luck, but a careful observation under the sea, and a temporary headquarters was deduced from the momentum of the army.

"Chu Yun, he is here again!"

"Attack, attack!"

However, this time, Chu Yun felt the pressure was greatly reduced. Without the unified operation and command of the brains, the original was a joint army, and the Daoist attack appeared abnormally. Many Taoisms collided with each other in the air and detonated.

Suddenly Chu Yun had a plan, withstood the attack and burst into earth-shaking laughter: "Hahaha, the victory is in sight! General Wang attacks from under the sea, General Hong attacks the left, and General Qiao attacks the right road……"

He shouted loudly and directed around. In fact, there is such an army at this time. Unlike he acting alone, when the army mobilized, the movement was so great that he couldn't hide people.

Of course, in his agreement with Shu Tianhao, he also arranged a response from the army. But according to time, the warships on our side are only just sailing.

However, the coalition forces did not think so.

Everyone knows that the Shu family's fleet is nearby. A surprise attack at night is very likely.

At this time it is dark and it is difficult to be farsighted. In addition, the silver light and snow covered the ground, blocking the field of vision, and it was impossible to see clearly.

The most important thing is that the brains were all slaughtered by Chu Yun. The lack of command led to the coalition forces fighting each other and unable to unite forces together.

Chu Yun also made a lot of enemies, shouting killing sounds around the scene. With such guidance, Chu Yun suddenly gave rise to the wrong judgment that there were enemy troops around him.

People are blind, especially in this kind of life-and-death battle, it is easier to defeat the soldier's line of defense. I do n’t know if that area started to panic, and then, like a plague, it spread to all coalitions like lightning!

"Run away!"

"Shu Jiajun is here!"

"Even the leaders were killed!"

The coalition was caught in extreme panic, and the enemies envisioned were the most terrifying.

"Kill, generals!" Chu Yun shouted again, drunk Xuedao waving in a row. He now has only the remaining general Xie Xie, Shui Dezhen with an irresistible momentum, all the way down, Xie Xie to kill.

"Don't panic, this is the enemy's suspicious plan!" Numa Xie shouted, in fact, there are some tricks for general Chu Yun. But in the face of the tens of thousands of coalition forces in Hún1uan, their power is too great.

Morale collapsed!

Numa Xie saw the soldiers who were trapped in hún1uan everywhere, rushing to flee, and a huge sense of powerlessness enveloped his heart.

"Don't run away! Don't run away! The other party is Chu Yun alone!" He screamed hard, his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and his throat was almost shouting.

His efforts were still fruitful, and some soldiers around him heard his words and barely calmed down. In a blink of an eye, a team of people was formed.

"Numa Xie, you are destined to come!" Chu Yun shouted, but arrived at this time.

When Numa Xie saw him, his face suddenly turned white, especially when he saw the drunk snow knife's radiant light and irresistible power, he immediately understood that he was never Chu Yun's opponent.

"Damn !!!" He shouted extremely unwillingly in his heart, but reason turned him away.

"General Numa Xie has run away, everyone run away!" Suddenly, the originally assembled crowd collapsed instantly. General Xie Xie's escape chops off the last glimmer of hope.

The coalition forces lost their morale, and in the snow and snow, they drove around the warships. They raced to flee, unable to break into an army.

"Quickly! All forward!" Shu Tianhao stood on the flagship ship, frowning deeply. Frankly speaking, he did not want Chu Yun to take this risk. But he also knows that Chu Yun's son, once decided, will never change easily.

"Hurry up ~ ~ Hurry up again!" He kept ordering, calling the warship behind him to keep up. He knew the huge risk of Chu Yun's stab. After all, Chu Yun has only two spirit demon, and it is difficult to resist the attack of the army.

"The sooner I respond, the safer my child will be." Shu Tianhao gritted his teeth, and the battlefield ahead was already in sight. The bright color of silver light snow became the most striking target in the night.

"Huh ?!" He suddenly froze, "This, this is!"

Shu Tianhao stared dumbfoundedly at the entire battlefield, feeling incredible! Rao is he has been in the Zhuxing Islands for so many years and has long been famous. He has eaten more salt than Chu Yun has eaten ...


He had to admit that he was seeing the scene for the first time in his life.


Chu Yun is using one person to fight the tens of thousands of coalition forces! !

For a time, the Shu Jiajun who came to support anxiously, suddenly, all froze.

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