The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 3 Chapter 98: : Victory in the first battle, complex battle

Section 98: Victory, complex battle

Chu Yun's offensive, such as the shocking 1ang, cannot be contained. The siege tactics of the coalition forces completely declared bankruptcy. In the panic of the coalition, Yijing, his general, fled all the way. Behind him, Chu Yun was chasing after him, and his momentum was like a rainbow.

This way of chasing and killing, directly the Throne of the Immortals brought the whole Shu Jiajun's momentum. The balance, which was originally evenly matched, immediately tilted towards Shu Jiajun.

After another quarter and a half, the Taoism in the air gradually thinned out. The monsters that were originally long-range firepower basically exhausted the monsters.

The Fuyuan Dao method is very rare. The two armies can only feed Dan who supplements the demon element. But this kind of pill is not a precious thing. Because it is necessary to meet the quantity requirements, under the condition of a certain cost, the quality is only inferior.

The decline of long-range firepower directly caused the throne of the Divine Seal to change the battle between the two armies, changing from a way of mutual attack between Dao and Fa to a short-handed connection.

"The other party counseled, everyone rushed together."

"Kill one without losing money, kill two and earn money!"

Shu Jiajun's elite brass bells, each dressed in a red shirt, holding a war sword, and hanging a bell on his waist, had a ferocious morale. They attacked the ships of the coalition forces, and the bravery and bravery of the Shu family boys were vividly displayed.

Copper Bell soldiers can be mass-produced, and the basic quality of Sergeant Shu's soldiers is much stronger than that of the coalition forces. Almost immediately after the fight, the brains of the coalition forces appeared in horror. They could no longer withstand themselves. The winning balance has been dumped on the Shu family.

"Shu Jiajun's morale was completely driven by Chu Yun."

"A group of fighting lunatics!"

"Withdraw, it will be too late."

At the mention of withdrawal, the brains were hesitant. But when they saw that Chu Yun was rushing towards themselves, their minds were firm immediately.

"Withdraw! I leave Qingshan without worry or firewood!"

"Yes. This battle is the biggest naval battle in the Star Islands in a century. This kind of large-scale battle must have at least three battles. The victory or defeat of one battle does not mean anything."

This is the sea, the wide battlefield is unobstructed, and there is no danger on the ground.

The coalition brains made up their minds and began to retreat slowly. They have too much military power, and have been fighting for so long, even if morale is not high, but the foundation is still there.

After half an hour, the two armies flew away. The coalition forces paid a high price for the retreat. More than a dozen generals, three generals, and nearly a hundred warships left behind were all annexed by the Shu family.

This tragic naval battle was the first strike of the main forces of the Shu Jiajun and the coalition forces. Both sides invested all their troops, depending on the battle.

However, the result was that after the stalemate, Chu Yun took the lead in breaking through, and the advantages of Shu Jiajun accumulated step by step, which eventually turned into a victory.

From the encounter in the morning to the battle at noon, the sunset is now set, and the dim afterglow shines on the sea.

The scarlet sea water was filled with a **** breath that was thick and choking. Fragments of various ships, as well as the corpses of soldiers, fluctuated on the sea.

There are coalition soldiers, soldiers of the Shu family, and even the bodies of generals.

On the flagship, Shu Tianhao stared at the entire battlefield, and the evening glow reflected on his face, but he could not relieve his solemn expression: "Although this victory, but it was a terrible victory. The coalition's foundation is still there, and there is still a huge threat. Determining the true victory will require a few more tough battles! "

"The loss of the coalition forces is much heavier than ours. After we searched the battlefield, we believe that we can make up for the cost." Chu Yun comforted.

At this time, under the light of the dim setting sun, Shu Jiajun organized a number of warships to clean the battlefield.

This is the winner's patent.

They will find a lot of loot, monsters with long-range firepower, warships that are damaged but can be repaired and continue to use, and monster crystals that are too late to absorb. The items on each general are also worth looking forward to.

The most important thing is that they will have a lot of local soldiers who are seriously injured, or fall into a faint mí, and survive the battle.

A large part of these people can be cured. After healed, it was an undeniable force. This will greatly smooth the gap between the Shujiajun and the coalition forces.

"Speaking of it, it's still thanks to you!" Shu Tianhao looked back at Chu Yun and looked at his beloved son, his father's originally squeezed brows, and he suddenly loosened. Tie Zhu's general expression resolved a little, and the corner of his mouth smiled slightly.

He was so satisfied with Chu Yun!

This child's performance is amazing every time. Now, every soldier of the Shu Jiajun knows that if there is no Chu Yun ’s outstanding performance in this battle, he is afraid that the casualties will be even more severe.

"Dad, defending the homeland is everyone's responsibility. It's just the injury of the blue sea dragon ..." Chu Yun's tone expressed concern.

In the end, the blue sea dragon is seriously injured. In today's battle, the fierce battle between Shu Tianhao and general Xie Xie has made the blue sea dragon unsustainable.

After the battle, the blue sea dragon vomited blood for three liters, with some injuries worsening.

"My ambition is to go all over the world again and again and travel all over the world. The battle is so hearty, it is already worthwhile." The blue sea dragon itself is very bold and careless.

Since Shu Tianhao's physique, because the dragon's eye fruit on the branch of Lishan Longyan has been significantly improved. The ever-increasing loyalty of the blue sea dragon, in fact, his own aptitude, and the temper of Ye Shutianhao's temper.

Speaking of the blue sea dragon, Shu Tianhao lowered his eyelids, looked at the fairy sac around his waist, and sighed: "The situation of the blue sea dragon is not very good. He can't support a long and fierce battle. Today's war is out. He has reached his limit. Fortunately, the other party retreated, otherwise, it is likely that I crashed here first. "

Speaking of which, this battle is actually very thrilling.

If the coalition forces do not take the initiative to retreat, and then insist on a moment of effort, the blue sea dragon is defeated, it may be another situation.

Half an hour later, the loss of this battle was brought up by a general.

The Shujiajun killed more than 6,000 people and lost as many as 57 warships. The lineage of the Shu family in the general is not lacking. Wu Datou had a good record, and the three old generals also had a good performance. Wang Zelong's elite soldiers were surprised by Yan's performance.

However, the generals of the Yan family died a lot.

This matter has advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that there are not many generals of Shu Jiajun, and the death of one is a great loss. The advantage is that this greatly restrains the Yan family's forces and allows the Shu family to sit more firmly. From a long-term perspective, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Among the generals of the Yan family, there are naturally outstanding generals. After cleaning the battlefield, it's a reward for merit. The first general of the Yan family was none other than Yan Jisi.

This female general, after replenishing the color smoke flock. The efficiency of driving the herd and winning the enemy is surprisingly high.

This caused Chu Yun to move involuntarily: "The school of demon masters who attacked the group has always been suitable for destroying the enemy in a large area. This is the means of choice to eliminate the soldiers of the other party in the battlefield. Famen is still a unique series. "

The "Laughing Sea" from the Xinghai Dragon Palace is a method of attacking the Yin Yuqun, which was the fame of the Hailong King. It's just that Chu Yun's talent for music theory has not been very good. The cultivation of Xiao Canghai is very difficult, and the group monsters who can enter Chu Yun's eyes have not yet appeared. So it has been shelved in the fairy sac.

"It's not the right time. By the end of this war, a hidden secret in my memory will be born. I just had time to practice while I was traveling alone." Chu Yun recognized one of his shortcomings. Now his own monster framework has been built, but its own demon means are not able to keep up.

"There is no victory in today's battle, and the opponent still has a large amount of troops, which seriously threatens the security of our army. Therefore, you must not be paralyzed by the victory of the battle." After discussing the merits, it is naturally a military meeting. Shu Tianhao instructed the generals present quietly.

"The island owner said exactly. This victory was also a terrible victory. Our army's military wasted a lot, and it still has a gap with the coalition forces. It can't be careless." Laohong Gun asked Xu Yinghe.

"Israel rest assured, we all know that next, there will be a fight. There are still many tough battles to fight!" Yan Jisi said.

She has a 1ang roll, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a heroic appearance, a red cloak, and a unique style in the field.

She has gradually become the representative of the Yan family generals. Although there were a lot of Shu family generals and the Yan family generals lost a lot, she did not resent it.

All the surviving generals of the Yan family knew that without Chu Yun ’s existence, they would have attracted a large number of generals and their losses would be even more severe.

At the same time, the survival of the battlefield depends entirely on their own strength and luck. If you die, you will not be able to do so, and your luck will be bad. No resentment.

After the meeting, Chu Yun stayed and said to Shu Tianhao separately: "The coalition forces are strong, our troops are fine, and a stalemate is formed. If a stalemate is to be achieved, unless the other party commits a serious error. However, this is unlikely, and neither general is general. The incompetent who talks about the soldiers on paper. The timely withdrawal of the coalition forces today can explain the problem. The key depends on our respective reinforcements.

"Which side of the reinforcements came here to support first, which side has a great chance. I have written a letter to the pirate scary tiger. Tie Ao, Huang Xiao blocked, do n’t worry. I am worried that the coalition forces If you lose, you will be transferred to a group of reinforcements from your respective forces. Among these reinforcements, there will certainly be new generals to deal with the high-end military forces that our army has already occupied.

Shu Tianhao nodded: "Yes, I am also worried about this. We have tried our best, but the coalition forces still have spare power. In fact, regardless of the outcome of the war, both sides of the war are losers. It will stagnate for a while ~ ~ The real profitee is still the Shuijia and Huajia. "

The Shui and Shu families have a deep hatred, but they are not seen in this battle. This is the act of sitting on the hill to watch the tigers and the fishermen benefit.

The Hua family, the original ally of the Shu family, died at this critical moment. Hua Ying inherited the position of the island owner, and the interior of the Hua family seemed unstable. Therefore, he also stayed on the sidelines.

Because of this, the battle situation is quite complicated today.

In fact, Chu Yun is not optimistic about the Hua family. He knew that with the power of Hua Ying, how could someone in the Hua family shake his position? The Hua family's perseverance made him see the bad signs.

The Wei family can rebel against the covenant, why not the Hua family?

It's just that Huaying is still waiting for the situation to be clear, and then bet.

Thinking this way strengthened his determination. Immediately clenched his fists and said: "So Dad, I want to attack the enemy at night, take advantage of the enemy's reinforcements, and go to the enemy camp to assassinate the enemy! If you cut another general, it will be of great help to the battle situation!"

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