The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 3 Chapter 97: : Unable to contain!

Section 97: Unable to contain!

"Glorious and bright dragon pattern!" Chu Yun whispered, and the drunk snow knife in his hand immediately exploded with a tremendous amount of knife gas.

The great dragon pattern knife method is a superior Taoist method, and its power cannot be ignored. Now it has been augmented by the law of glory and color, and the attack power reaches half of the gem. More importantly, the drunk snow knife itself is also blessed by Shui Dezhen's body law.

The knife went down like an avalanche on Baizhang Xuefeng, a huge ice peak dragon roaring, swallowing everything within ten feet ahead.

Nearly 5 generals are besieging Chu Yun, three dead and two injured. General Yi Jing, clenching her teeth, covered in snow between her eyebrows. He had to be aggressive and retreat.

Compared to the battle between Tie Ao and Huang Xiao, this is the main battlefield.

In this wide and wide sea area, nearly a thousand warships are crisscrossing the sea. A variety of tactics such as chasing breakthroughs, encircling, and so on, and the various ways in mid-air, such as gorgeous fireworks, form a dense firepower network.

Great pill fire, exploding pill fire, and even pallid fire, as well as water archery, ice archery, flying rocks, falling rocks, flying leaf slashes, electric flashes, and other methods, became the masters in the sky.

Some Taoisms collide in the air, flames and frost dance together. Some Taoism fell on the battleship, resisted by the battleship's protective Taoism, and hit a surging light stream.

A burst of erysipelas successfully hit a battleship. Hearing a bang, a violent fire burst. The front deck of the entire battleship was completely lifted off, hitting a ng and a half in diameter. The unfortunate soldiers were bombarded into pieces of black charcoal by the throne of the Immortal Immortal and scattered everywhere.

Throughout the battlefield, shouting and killing shook the earth and earth. The Shu family's morale is like a rainbow, and they are brave and brave. The coalition has a large number of people, huge firepower advantages, and huge damage.

This is a close fight. Both sides have strengths and weaknesses.

From the very beginning, the battle fell into a fierce state, extremely intense. Every moment, the sky is full of thousands of dangerous ways. Such a combat environment will not be able to rise to the sky to fight. Once you go up, you can't stick to it for half a quarter, you will be hit by firepower.

Only generals and generals have the power to occupy the sky and fight.

Among the dozen or so clan groups, Shu Tianhao confronted General Numa Xie, and Chu Yun against General Yi Jing was the most eye-catching.

"Chu Yun is fierce. Five generals and General Yi Jing can't resist him." Seeing Chu Yun chopped to death three generals and seriously injured two, Yi Jing took the initiative to retreat and dared not resist him Dragon pattern. Allied troops were shocked.

"There are two spirit demon in Chu Yun's hands. The three generals of our army are only a spirit demon. If General Bo is there, he will be able to contain him. But at the beginning, Chen Bo was cut by Chu Yun. This The battle is hard to fight! "

"Overlord is overlord, alas, how is this good?"

Everyone was frowning and sad. Seeing Chu Yun's aggressive offensive, and Yi Jing's retreat, he didn't know how to stop him.

"Quickly think of a way, and then procrastinate, I think General Yi Jing is also in danger." Someone in the brain said worriedly.

"Is there any other way? Chu Yun is brave and fierce, not a single person. You can use a large number of people! There are so many generals in our army. If you can't do 5 of them, you can get 6! If you can't do 6 of them, you can get 7!"

This is no way. The coalition immediately transferred 7 generals from various battlefields to replace 3 injured generals. Together with general Yijing, a total of eight, besieged Chu Yun.

Chu Yun drunk snow knife sweeps, the knife is majestic, the knife is sharp, like polar snow blowing. He fought against 8 people and was invincible.

One of the generals came forward and was caught by Chu Yun immediately. The War Sword volleyed, and Xueyuetian rushed!

"Ah!" The admiral screamed, and was hit by the sword, and the throne of the Imprint directly fell from the monster's back. He vomited blood, and the frost and cold air filled his entire front, and immediately lost his fighting power.

"Save me!" He called for help and fell into the sea with a bang. He was breathless with a knife, and his body was cold and boneless, unable to move.

In the sea water, a figure suddenly posted up.

"Hey, hey ..." Wang Zelong smiled in his heart, swam in the sea, and the demon soldier wiped his throat there. Suddenly a stream of blood resembled a fountain, staining the surrounding sea water red.

The admiral's eyes widened, his body twitched violently, and finally he did not move. There was strong unwillingness on his face, which gradually sank to the bottom of the sea.

Wang Zelong didn't stop, a beckoning motion, and the soldiers behind him immediately followed. Attacked the coalition forces on the seabed, Dali City, beating many enemies. Let the enemy be defenseless.

"Fool! Besieging him and consuming his demon yuan. Don't rush to attack!" General Yi Jing sees a member of the general immediately, angrily corrupted, and cursed.

The generals heard the words, and all were refreshed, as if they saw a ray of dawn in the dark sky.

"Nothing wrong! The Overlord is offensive, but the demon yuan consumed is also huge."

"If the defense fights back, there is hope for victory!"

"Humph!" Chu Yun sneered and fought dozens of rounds, suddenly dropped from the air and fell into the sea.

With a splash, he sank into the sea and dived in a hurry.

"Chu Yun's demon Yuan is exhausted!"

"Can't let him escape!"

The generals besieging Chu Yun roared excitedly. They plunged into the sea and chased Chu Yun.

"It's weird!" General Yi Jing hesitated and frowned.

Come from all directions!

Chu Yun urged the Fuyuan Dao Law. Originally Shui Dezhen was in the sea, he could draw a lot of water and restore his vitality. Nowadays, there is the "Fighting in Eight Directions" Taoism, and the demon Yuan, which consumes more than half of it, immediately recovers with great speed.

"How could this be?" Yi Jing's eyes widened, a look of ghostly expression. He feels the martial arts, the Holy King makes the sacred king, and the night kills the **** seal, the throne, and asks the devil to be proud of the world. The night kills the gods and seals the throne to seek the devil Ao Ninth Heaven's strongest to abandon the Shao Zhou dynasty to create the gods The night to kills the gods and seals the throne to seek the Devil Ao Ninth Heaven's strongest to abandon the Shao Zhou dynasty to create the **** Suddenly the heart sank to the bottom.

"Fuyuan Dao Fa ?!" Someone also blurted out and exclaimed.

The admirals who originally chased and chased Chu Yun rushed out in a panic. They feel the martial spirit, the Holy King makes the sacred king, and the night kills the **** seal, the throne, and asks the devil to be proud of the world. The night kills the gods and seals the throne and seeks the demon Ao Nine Chongtian strongest to abandon the young Da Zhou dynasty to make the gods The night kills the gods and seals the throne to seek the devil Ao Nine Chong Tian strongest to abandon the young Da Zhou dynasty to make a **** It was a courtier who worshipped and swarmed to Chu Yun, the emperor.

Shui De's true body, which was a little dim, was getting brighter and brighter. The armor ribbon, under the nourishment of rich water, is more clear and thick, lifelike.

"Not good! Withdraw quickly!" It was too late when the generals reflected it. Chu Yun fought back, and Shui Dezhen was extremely flexible in the sea. The drunk snow knife splits the sea 1ang, the knife is violent and ferocious, and the heads of the three generals are cut off.

The remaining three, panicking like a dog in a family, can't wait to be as fast as possible, rushing out of the sea and flying into the sky.

With a bang, Chu Yun came back to the battlefield with the demon Yuan in his peak state!

"7 generals, 1 general can't stop him!" The brains were shocked.

"He has the Daoyuan Dao Fa, the demon yuan is almost endless, how can this be good?" Someone was panicked.

"Adjust, you can only stop him again!" The brains felt helpless. If he could not stop Chu Yun, let him deter the entire battlefield. The morale of one's own side must have reached the bottom, and the defeat of the whole army will be the only result.

Immediately, a group of generals, and even generals, were mobilized from all over the battlefield.

"No matter how many people there are, what's the use ?!" General Yi Jing looked at Chu Yun's Shui Dezhen body and returned to his peak state. A feeling of powerlessness that penetrates into the bone marrow fills my heart.

How to fight in this situation?

Chu Yun possesses a true body of water morality and is offensive and defensive. The sea is the place where water is most abundant. This is the home of Chu Yun, and the advantage it has made the enemy is desperate.

"If you come with a few more generals, you will be able to block Chu Yun. These generals and generals are just big demon fighting power. The ranks are suppressed too obviously. To deal with Chu Yun is simply to give food." The brains sighed in their hearts. They also know the situation very well, but there is no way but to siege tactics.

However, siege tactics cannot only be based on the number of siege people, but also on the quality. It is impossible for a group of sheep to fight a tiger. In today's situation, general Yi Jing is like a wolf. The army of sheep that he led was only a temporary delay. Use their lives in exchange for poor time.

After half an hour, Chu Yun had already killed the general and more than 20 people under the sword. His sword was so fierce that nobody could stop it. The generals who besieged him were worried, and their faces became paler as the war progressed, and their fighting intentions weakened.

"This water virtue is really good! It's really easy to use! Especially with my drunk snow knife, the fighting powers of the two spirit spirits are connected together, and the fighting power can soar to such a level ..." Chu Yun was also very surprised. . This is also thanks to Shui Ruolan. On the spot, he beheaded Shui Ruolan, and found a Jane who recorded Shui Dezhen's body from her body.

In fact, among the five virtues, the fire virtues themselves have burning additional damage, which has great restraint on melee enemies. Discussing Huo De's true body alone is more fierce than Shui De's true body.

Shui Dezhen is more persistent. The water source is long and the fire is fierce. However, Huo Dezhen cannot be used with Drunk Snow Knife. On the contrary, Shui Dezhen's body and the drunk snow knife belong to each other, and they gather together in pairs, revealing a good effect of 1 + 1 greater than 2.

Add luster and add talent to Qimen Sanqi-Qi Men Dao!

Chu Yun has the advantage of playing at home on the sea, and is almost not afraid of the loss of Yaoyuan. Suddenly, the big move was performed again, the six swords split the air, and the sword gas was like a madness ~ ~ and then killed three generals. The precarious encirclement will be completely destroyed.

"Yi Jing, but have the courage to pick me up!" Chu Yun slayed heartily and shouted violently, screaming all over the audience, with an unstoppable force, rushing to Yi Jing.

Yi Jing was taken aback, not daring to confront Chu Yun, who was so violent, and immediately retreated.

The generals and generals around him were killed, and they dared not come around.

Chu Yun did not stop, the long drive went straight in, and his momentum was like a rainbow, chasing him up.

Yi Jing was horrified in his heart, retreating again and again. The monster beast that urged the hips to run as far as it wanted.

Chu Yun's majesty dang, every move attracted the attention of most people. Seeing this and this scene, the entire battlefield was in an uproar.

"The master of the island is mighty! Brothers, kill!" The morale of the Shu family swelled again, and the blood was boiling one after another, and the whole offensive raged. The coalition forces were defeated.

The coalition men's faces were all pale, and the most worried thing was still born!

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