The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 3 Chapter 91: : Huang Xiaoxianbao

Section 91: Huang Xiaoxianbao

"Mother, I'm gone. I don't know how long it will take me to come back to see you. Although the young master is both in the limelight, the situation is really worrying and precarious. Since I worship him as the principal, I naturally bowed to the death ..."

Huang Xiao knelt in front of the tomb, respectfully placed a joss stick on the ground, knocked three times, and then slowly got up.

"Relax, Uncle Huang Xiao. I will come over and sweep the tomb for you when you are away." Jiang Bei said aside.

"Then thank you so much." Huang Xiao nodded, exhaled a long breath, took a deep look at the hill, and then turned around resolutely.

"It's time to leave." Chu Yun looked up at the sky, and the battle surrounding the flying warship continued. However, the other four generals, including Tie Ao, have stopped shooting.

Obviously, after trying it, I know that this flying warship is amazing. I also realized that in this case, it is impossible to collect this treasure ship.

This is already the third day.

In the sky, the original Qinghong Bridge has turned into a large blue. Red orange yellow green blue blue purple, this is already the sixth Hongqiao.

Around the Rainbow Island, there are thick five-color mist. All kinds of boats on the pier were hidden in the mist and fog, and they were indistinct. These haze mists are actually rainbow demon. The countless rainbow demon form a huge barrier. At this time, the ship was sailing through it, as if it was in the muddy mud, which was extremely difficult.

This is the last day of Rainbow Island.

When the last purple bridge among the seven rainbow bridges fell down. Around Rainbow Island, there will be a colorful light wall with thick fingers that can't be seen. The stars in the light wall are naturally floating treasures that have not been intercepted.

By that time, the light wall was thick and dense, and it was impossible to walk through unless it had a rainbow demon in hand. Not to mention sailing.

Therefore, Chu Yun must leave early. Otherwise, you will be trapped in Rainbow Island for a full year.

Of course, there are many people who stay on the island actively. Their goal is various treasures floating in the mist. With the second half of the year, the Hongyao evaporates in a large amount, and the mist will become sparse.

The profession of demon master is more focused on external force. Often a strange monster can change the life of a demon master and determine his direction.

The mist around Rainbow Island is a treasure that seems to be endlessly mineable. There are often people from the bottom who get a treasure here, and from then on, they lead a brand-new life. Even sell at a price, and wait for the coming year to accept the solicitation of all forces.

The rain in the east of the rainbow and the rain in the west, the men of the Shu family and the women of the Ning family. Among the stars of the Archipelago Islands, Rainbow Island is ranked among the four most well-known islands.

Rainbow Island is also named "the island where dreams begin". The legend about it is new every year, and it never breaks.

Hearing that Chu Yun was about to leave this place, Huang Xiao said, "There is still a period of time before the last Hongqiao falls, and Young Master please come down with him. You also come."

A group of people followed Huang Xiao and returned to the hut.

"These are the treasures collected by the subordinates over the years, and they are willing to give them all to the young master." Huang Xiao led the group to the underground chamber and opened more than ten large boxes.

For a time, the dimly lit underground room suddenly lit up. The colorful treasures included demon soldiers, yù Janes, various treasures of heaven and earth, dazzling dazzling, pearly treasures. Everyone looked at it and took a breath.

Chu Yun was also stunned, too much. In comparison, the number of treasures you have worked so hard to capture is even less than 1% of those in front of you!

This pile of treasures alone can be comparable to the storage of ordinary first-class forces.

"Incredible ..." someone murmured.

"Am I dreaming?" Wu Datou's eyes gleamed with golden light, his mouth wide open, quite disoriented.

"Gosh! Uncle Huang Xiao, you are the richest person in Rainbow Island! You only live in such a hut. You deceived everyone." Jiang Bei shouted with wide eyes.

The initial consternation gradually dissipated. Chu Yun thought about it carefully and felt that it was not incomprehensible.

Huang Xiao's qualifications are inferior, but from the memory of his previous life, he knows that he possesses the spirit demon fighting power. It can be seen that over the years, he has also taken a lot of Dan to improve his qualifications.

"Stay on the island for years, in addition to studying military books on weekdays, leisure leisure activities are treasure hunting. These treasures are actually very common. They are not comparable to the treasures of the flying warship. Take it, a piece of loyalty under Chengquan. "Huang Xiao arched his hand to Chu Yun.

"My God, these are ordinary? If the guys on the island heard them, would they be so angry that they would die?" Jiang Bei felt very speechless.

The scene in front of her is really beyond her expectations.

In her impressions, Huang Xiao was nestled in this humble hut all year round, and looked so poor. Clothing, food, housing and transportation are extremely simple.

I really didn't expect that Huang Xiao actually had so much wealth. Her head is dizzy now, and her eyes are dreamy.

"Okay, I have accepted all these things. Take your credit!" Chu Yun was overjoyed, turned around and ordered his followers, and began to carry these big mahogany boxes.

The treasure box is too heavy, and the soldiers need four people, each holding the four corners of the bottom of the box, biting the teeth, muscles, and working hard to move.

"Move fast, be mindful." He couldn't help dinging. The value of these wealth is too great, Rao is also a bit worried. If it is found ~ ~ I am afraid it will cause robbery. At that time, he will become the target of the crowd, and with his own strength, it is difficult to counter the terror man netbsp who is blinded by greed; fortunately, the flying warship has attracted the attention of most people. These boxes, Chu Yun also ordered people to be wrapped in black cloth, disguised, so that people can not see the box. After all, the big mahogany box is really fascinating.

Returning to the battleship in shock and danger, the group sighed heavily.

"Huang Xiao, perform well under the master of Chu Shaodao, don't let your mother disappointed ..." Jiang Bo told him seriously before leaving.

"You can rest assured, Jiang Bo. You should always take care of your body. If you have time, I will come back to see you." Huang Xiao's eyes slightly flushed.

Before leaving, he told Jiang Bei: "The vegetable garden in the courtyard is the most important treasure for me. I hope you can take care of me for Bei."

"Well. Uncle Huang Xiao, you can rest assured." Jiang Bei choked with tears.

"Set sail!" Finally, at the order of Chu Yun, the Shu family's fleet opened their sails and slowly started. The five-colored Xiawu quickly covered the hull, and the fleet disappeared into the eyes of the grandfather and grandson.

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