The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 3 Chapter 92: : Tie Ao is very regretful

Section 92: Tie Ao is very regretful

"What? Huang Xiao agreed to Chu Yun's solicitation, and with the Shu family's fleet gone?" Tie Ao's face suddenly turned green when he heard the news.

He was caught by the flying warship, and it was too late when he realized that he could not conquer the spirit demon. The subordinates told him that Huang Xiao had followed Chu Yun.

"Not good! Huang Xiao is the one named in the tips and tricks that I want to solicit. Chu Yun came to Rainbow Island and ignored everyone, not even the flying warships. Just see him. Chu Yun must know some What, alas! "Tie Ao sank in his heart. Now that the Rainbow Island is closing, he will no longer be guilty of others, and there will be no treasures, and his thoughts will become clear.

"Let's go and look at the cottage." Tie Ao suddenly ordered.

"Shaodao Lord, Huang Xiao has gone. What are we going to do there?" Asked the entourage.

"You know what a fart!" Tie Ao shouted, and suddenly the soldiers around him were silent.

A group of people came to the hut and saw Jiang Bei pouring feces in the vegetable field. Huang Xiaoguo has really left.

"Uncle Huang Xiao is no longer here," Jiang Bei reminded kindly.

Tie Ao stomped his feet bitterly: "Search for me!"

"Yes!" The soldiers shouted like wolves.

"Hey! How can you do this, this is not your house." Jiang Bei wanted to stop, but was shoved to the ground.

"Go away if you don't want to die!" The leading general snorted, kicked open the door of the inner room, and broke in.

Subsequent dozens of elite soldiers also poured in. Smoke was rising from the humble hut, pots and pans, netg mattress tables and chairs were savagely pushed down. The soldiers searched the sky.

"Report, there is now an underground chamber!" A moment later, some soldiers came to report.

"Sure enough ..." Tie Ao's eyes lit up, "Lead the way ahead!"

He entered the underground chamber, but now it was empty, and his face suddenly sank like water.

"Master Shaodao, just an empty basement." A follower said softly.


Tie Ao looked back and said that the person who spoke was the one who had previously crushed himself. Suddenly angry, a slap, knocked him to the ground.

"You stupid, what do you know ?! Why is there an underground chamber, is it obvious that such an obvious thing is? It is obviously used to hide treasures! How many treasures can be hidden in such a large underground chamber? Huang Xiao This man has been hiding his strength. For so many years on Rainbow Island, I do n’t know how many treasures have been hunted ... hate, these things are now available to Chu Yun! "Tie Ao gritted his teeth. After three days and three nights of hard work, what he found was not as good as Chu Yun. Even his two fairy sacs were robbed by Chu Yun.

Tie Ao frowned at the thought of his two fairy capsules.

"Huang Xiao has been hiding his own strength? This is impossible. The subordinates have inquired about the news of his past decades. A man with such strong strength, how could he endure for so many years? What is he doing for no reason? ? "The entourage felt puzzled.

"Huang Xiaoneng could endure until 61 years old, this kind of heart ..." Tie Ao felt his heart sinking. The more he understood Huang Xiao, the worse he felt. Such a talent, under his own eyes, was taken away by Chu Yun.

A feeling of remorse suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Go check, what did Chu Yun move from here before Chu Yun left?" Tie Ao suddenly said again.

"The report, there is indeed a batch of things. But I don't know what it is. It was written by Heibumen. There are about dozens of them." Soon, the soldiers reported the information.

"That must be a treasure chest. Dozens ..." Tie Ao felt a **** heart. He secretly blamed himself: "I should have thought of it. Even if a person has lived in a treasure land like Rainbow Island for many years, how can he be as poor as such? Alas, I was wrong, this time I was really wrong. Even if you do n’t get Huang Xiao, and get these treasures, you can fill my iron family ’s increasingly thin storage. ”

"Master Shaodao, do you want to set sail and catch up with the Shujia Fleet?" A follower suggested with a heart.

"Chasing?" Tie Ao raised his tone and stared at him, suddenly trembling at the person who said that. "How to chase? Do you know where he is going? Do you want to change a route at random, can we know? He has an eagle Xiang, can we keep up? "

There was a burst of anger in his heart, and there was another sentence held in his heart, which was not said-"Even if he catches up, can Chu Yun be defeated?"

The battle of Rainbow Island made him have to admit that Chu Yun, who had overlooked it, has now surpassed him. He didn't grasp the victory over Chu Yun at all.

"Tear down that cottage for me, I look annoying!" Tie Ao ngzhong was depressed and shook his head and left. Now only this hut can be vented.

The master of the island ordered that the entourage would not dare not. However, just half of it was removed, and Tie Ao suddenly thought that if his behavior was spread, saying that he was jealous and envious, who would come to trust himself in the future?

Immediately stopped again: "Fuck! Stop hands."

The soldiers were ignorant and did not dare to disobey Tie Ao's orders and stopped all.

"Go back to Tiejia Island. Huh, Chu Yun, your good days are coming to an end. New and old accounts, I will settle it with you in a short time!" For a long time, Tie Ao left this sentence coldly and turned around. go. He never wanted to spend a moment in this cottage.

A group of horses came in a hurry and went in a hurry.

Leaving half of the cottage, and Jiang Bei who was pushed down.

"Huh, fortunately, Uncle Huang Xiao didn't turn to you. Unexpectedly, the young Master of the Tie Family was like this!" Tie Ao's image in Jiang Bei's heart plummeted.

"Uncle Huang Xiao, Bei can't protect your hut. But your most precious vegetable field, but stayed. You can rest assured that I will take care of it in the future." Jiang Besuo sat on the ground and looked back at the cottage, Turned his head again, looking at the vegetable field, with tears in his eyes.

Suddenly, her eyes narrowed: "Huh? These vegetables grown by Uncle Huang Xiao are very common at first glance, but when you take a closer look, there are some differences from ordinary vegetables. It's really weird. Even the vegetables you grow are weird."

"Looking at Cai Tian, ​​it seems that the more and more different ..." Jiang Bei muttered, but his eyes unconsciously distracted.


She heard a roar in her ear. Immediately after that, the whole world changed greatly.

A blue sea!

Feng Yan rolled, shouting to kill Zhen Tian. Between 1ang, thousands of warships were engaged in an extremely tragic naval battle.

During the voyage of the ship, countless wonderful tactics are displayed one by one. T-shaped assault tactics, group wolves tactics, sea hawk tactics, surround tactics. Avoiding heavy is light, real and false, divided and surrounded, nibbling step by step ...

"What is this ?!" Jiang Bei was terrified and couldn't help shouting. She lost her mind, and the scene in front of her suddenly shattered like glass. With a bang, she returned to the world of this world.

She was still sitting on the ground, surrounded by plants and vegetables. A pair of eyes blinked again and again, and she suddenly felt that the vegetables in front of her were familiar.

Reminiscent of the scene I just saw, I was shocked: "If every vegetable is treated as a battleship. Isn't it just the outrageous battle? What is going on?"

"The vegetable garden in the courtyard is the most important treasure for me. I hope you can take care of me." Suddenly, Huang Xiao's instructions before leaving, returned to Dang's ear in Jiang Bei's ear.

"The most important treasure ... No wonder Uncle Huang Xiao said something strange on the first day." Jiang Bei suddenly realized.

On the first day, Huang Xiao was pouring manure, and asked Chu Yun-"Are you trying to recruit me? Then just take a look at you and know what I am doing now?"

Chu Yun couldn't see it.

Huang Xiaobian said: "If you don't enter the game, how can you tell the truth?"

"Is this the game?" Jiang Bei muttered, "So it was."

Ephemeris March 754.

Chu Yun, on Rainbow Island, recruited Huang Xiao, and directly appointed him as the general of the Shu family. The news spread to the world's astonishment.

"Where is this filial piety? Is it sacred? Is it worth the overlord?"

"Chu Yun can look away this time. This is purely a prestigious person who has been trapped in Rainbow Island for many years. No one can see him. I don't know how Chu Yun did it, and he was solicited!"

"Hehehe, young people will always be frantic. If I were Chu Yun, I would also be covered with sensible eyes. The Shu family looked like the sky, but in fact it was turbulent. Many forces have already secretly negotiated to deal with Shu family. "

Shujia Island also made a splash.

"Why should Huang Xiao be treated like this by Chu Yun? As soon as he was released, he was appointed as General Xi. I didn't see much of his skill!" When he talked about Huang Xiao, Lao Hong sat angrily on his wide back. on the chair.

"Huang Xiao, this person, I also talked to him a few times at UU reading Compared with Zhuge Ming, xìng is arrogant. This is not okay. The Shu family finally set up the foundation of today's business Difficult. "Old Monkey Qiao sighed, also worried.

The old fish king has a different point of view: "I don't think it may be necessary. I grew up watching Chu Yun. We still don't understand the xìng style of Chu Yun? He did it naturally because of his reason."

"Although that is said, but an outsider, poor and down to the guy who can only live in a hut. As soon as he is out of office, he is promoted to general Xi. This is a very unfair matter in itself. Say. But Wu Datou and Wang Zelong actually have opinions. We are the veterans of the Shu family, and we should think about the Shu family. In my opinion, we should inform the Chuyun young island owner and the island owner about these situations. "Old Red Gun is very serious and dedicated.

Chu Yun's appointment of Huang Xiao inevitably attracted a series of trends. The other generals of the Shu family have great opinions. It was only because of the majesty of Shu Tianhao and Chu Yun.

The three old generals felt this and were worried. Today is the next meeting to discuss this matter.

"Three lords, general Huang Xiao came to visit." Just then, some slaves came to inform.

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