The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 3 Chapter 90: : 3 Gu Maolu, the general's dream!

Section 1: San Gu Mao, the general's dream!

"It's the third day." Huang Xiao opened the window, looked up at the sky, and couldn't help but sigh.

In the sky, the sun rose slowly, radiating a magnificent light. Hongqiao is in the process of changing from cyan to blue. With the sun, the sky is gorgeous into a cold tone, with a sad feeling.

But the battle in the sky is in full swing.

Around the flying warships, people carried out unprecedented offensive. This kind of scene, even the first time I saw life on Rainbow Island.

"Chong Bao is born, will anyone come to me?" His mind could not help raising this question. But from beginning to end, his gaze was unwavering, "I will not give up whether anyone comes here or not."

He opened the door of the inner room, took out the tattered teapot, made tea quietly, sat quietly at the table to taste the bitterness and sweetness of the tea.

He is familiar with this process. For years, he has always been like this.

Three visits to the cottage, it must be three visits by the Ming lord before he can be an official.

This is his principle, for which he spent many years continually insisting. It became the laughing stock of the whole island, and did not care.

Tea is not good tea, the tea leaves are withered, if the aroma of tea is absent, the tea is astringent. Huang Xiao has been drinking this tea for many years. Drinking too much, but not used to drinking good tea.

Life is like tea, tea is like life.

Huang Xiao's life seems to be this tea. It's unremarkable, even ugly.

He was not a genius. He was born in dystocia, like a monkey cub falling into the water. His inevitable inferiority complex, if not his mother, his life will be another situation.

He still remembers that when he was six years old, he ran home stumbled with tears and cried, "Mother, why do they all call me ugly and say I am stupid? Am I really that ugly and stupid? Others They bully me and do n’t take me to play. "

"How can filial children be ugly and stupid?" His mother embraced him in her arms and comforted her gently. "My filial children are smart and cute, and outsiders don't understand it."

"Is it really like this?" Huang Xiao wept, looking up at his mother.

"Of course it is." His mother said in an extremely affirmative tone, "It's like Zhuge Ming. He was also born on Rainbow Island. He has been farming on the island for four years and is called a farmer. No one looks down on him, but he But he was worshipped as a prime minister and defeated Chu Bawang. It can be seen that really good people are not what ordinary people can do. Xiaoer, do you understand? "

"Zhuge Ming?" Huang Xiao looked up, seemingly incomprehensible. Under the gentle gaze of his mother, he suddenly lighted up: "It turns out that I am a person like Zhuge Ming, no wonder they all misunderstand me."

The mother smiled: "It's not easy to become a person like Zhuge Ming. Do you know Xiao'er? How many military books did Zhuge Ming read and how many classics did he read before he became an official?"

"The filial son asked eloquently.

The head of mother u Huang Xiao said warmly: "This is the special place of my filial son. Practice all over, what's wrong? There is a mother to accompany you. Come, write with mother."

She grabbed the bamboo pole and wrote stroke by stroke on the sand. Huang Xiao followed her and also held a wooden stick.

When I was ten years old ...

"Mother, I have so many words in my soldiers' book. I read the back and forgot the front. I couldn't remember it at all. It's too difficult!" Huang Xiao pouted, quite frustrated.

"Don't be afraid of difficulties, filial piety. Niang back with you."

Eleven years old……

"Mother, am I really a person like Zhuge Ming? Why do everyone despise me and call me ugly?"

"Xiao'er, don't care how others think of you. The key is how you think about yourself. In the mother's heart, Zhuge Ming is not as good as you can be."


"Mother, you lied to me! You lied to me! They can control the monsters, but I can't. Other adults say that my qualifications are low, and there is no possibility of becoming a demon master! Why do you lie to me? "Huang Xiao wailed with great pain. Finally cover his face and ran away from home.

"Filial son, filial child!" His mother couldn't stop her and was about to go out to catch up. Suddenly her eyes were black and she fell to the ground.

"Mrs. Huang, why do you suffer? Over the years, you have saved money for Huang Xiao's child, sold accessories, and bought books. You are sick, but you don't have the money to buy it, and you drag it down. If I weren't passing the door today ... "Old Jiang looked at Huang Xiao's mother, who couldn't afford it, shook her head and sighed."

"Dr. Jiang, I have known this disease for a long time. It is terminally ill. Instead of buying money to extend my life, it is better to invest in a new life. The reason why Xiaoer's qualifications are low is because of my terminal illness. He has been killed. I will try my best to bring him a bright future. "Huang Xiao's mother lay on netg, her breath was weak, but her tone was quite firm.

Outside the door, the returned Huang Xiao stood blankly. Then he slowly turned around and walked out.

He was crying in the wild countryside. The first sentence that came back at night was: "Mother! I will not let you down, I want to be like Zhuge Ming!"

At the age of fifteen ...

Huang Xiao knelt beside Netg and held her mother's hand tightly, crying: "Mother! Mother! Don't go, what should I do if you leave?"

Mrs. Huang was lying on netg, barely opening her eyes, staring at Huang Xiao with compassionate eyes and smiling silently.

"Mother! You can't go! I have worked hard all these years and I just want to be like Zhuge Ming! When you leave, you can't see it. I will become prime minister and general in the future. What's the point?" Huang Xiaoda Shouted, tears blurred.

"Xiao'er, the mother will not go. The mother's soul will turn into a star in the sky and will watch you silently. Watching you like Zhuge Ming, when he met the Ming Lord's appreciation, became the prime minister, and became the general. You have to remember Live, everyone ’s birth is different, it does n’t matter. What matters is what kind of person you want to be. Xiaoer, the mother will look at you in the sky ... ”Huang Xiao ’s mother gradually closed Eyes closed.


Sixteen ...

Huang Xiao knelt in front of the tombstone.

He held his palm upright, tears flowing, and shouted loudly: "Mother! Xiaoer vows, he will definitely become a person like Zhuge Ming, and there will be a bright master who will scrutinize me to attract me. I will become the world's first general, I 'S name will be dangling in the sky! I vow sure! Certainly !!! "


"Huh! What is it that is better than Zhuge Ming?"

"Hahaha, I see a lot of arrogant people. Today I saw this Huang Xiao, but I was amazed."


"Actually want to look at the cottages? It's arrogant. Laozi looks at the cottages, and won't look at his cottages!"

"What a **** thing, cha scallions in the nostrils, I really think of myself as an elephant."

Seventeen, twenty-seven, thirty-seven ...

People of all colors walked and stopped, and the courtyard door opened and closed.

Huang Xiaopin sipping tea, sitting next to the same coffee table, listening to gossip, sneer and sarcasm, from a teenager to a youth, and then to middle-aged.

Forty-seven, fifty-seven, sixty-one ...

There are fewer and fewer people coming to visit his cottage. In the end there wasn't even anymore. A new generation replaces the old, familiar old people are recruited, or go out for a living. But he is still here, reduced to the laughing stock of young people. When it comes to him, the corners of his mouth are often upturned, full of disdain and laughter.

The past is like smoke, as if the heat from the tea in the cup flutters.

Bang bang.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Huang Xiao, this is your old uncle Jiang, can you come in?" Jiang's voice came from outside the door.

"Jiang Bo, please come in for tea." Huang Xiao opened the door and greeted the old man in the room. He is very respectful to this old Jiang who has given him a lot of funding.

"You must have guessed the purpose of the old decay. Yes, it is to persuade you." Jiang Laohan sat down and took a sip of hot tea with a serious heart, "The young master of Chu Shaodao is young, but the younger generation first People. Valiant and brave, broad-minded. It is a wise master who is rare to see in a century! The old age knows your rules and looks at the cottage. But you look at the sky, the treasures are born, and the heroes fight. The master of Chu Shao Island does not come, and love There is a reason. Huang Xiao, old age is watching you grow up. It is a pity to miss Chu Shaodao. "

"Jiang Bo, what you said is." Huang Xiao smiled and nodded again and again. Most of Jiang's tea was drunk, and he immediately added tea to him.

Old Jiang was furious and placed the cup heavily on the coffee table, splashing the tea. Heartache said: "You, as soon as I persuade you, you nod your head yes. In fact, they are all ears, I said mine, you do yours."

"Jiang Bo, I can listen to your suggestions for other things, but this is my persistence. I hope you can understand." Huang Xiao lowered her eyelids.

"Alas, persevere. You have persevered for many years, and now you are 61 years old. How many years are there in a person's life? No, no. I know this is the result. The old age is really a pity for you!" Jiang Laohan stood up, angry Walked away.

Huang Xiao looked at the back of Jiang Jiang's leaving and listened to a clatter, the voice of the courtyard door was heavily carried, and he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He has special channels that can penetrate through the mist and absorb information from the outside world. Since Chu Yun gave up his righteous father, he noticed Chu Yun. Chu Yun's rise like a meteor, brilliant record, etc., Huang Xiao knew more clearly. Chu Yun visited the house for two consecutive days, Corporal Lixian, and Huang Xiao would not know?

There is no doubt that Chu Yun has reached the standards of Mingzhu in Huang Xiao's heart.

However, Huang Xiao's persistence will not be shaken by this.

He took the oath, the oath to the mother's tombstone. It is an agreement to look at the cottages, but it is also a kind of perseverance.

This is not simple stubbornness, but has risen to the height of meaning in life.

He therefore persisted for many years, and never bowed to his fate!

He knows the value of flying warships better than Old Jiang. A spirit demon warship is already worth fighting for by the national island forces. Not to mention flying warships? This kind of military refining technology can create a country.

Abandoning this opportunity for competition, and choosing yourself as a laughing stock, nestled in a sloppy, eccentric temperament?

Huang Xiao thought about it, and found it very unrealistic.

"Many years, just in a hurry. How many more years do I have to wait?" He asked himself, but couldn't get an answer. Destiny is always mysterious and unpredictable, its prestige can make people feel extremely insignificant and frightened. But another force supported him, preventing him from bowing to his destiny.

The name of this force is called maternal love.

Fate gave him a terrible, but great maternal love can resist the power of fate. He can walk out of inferiority complex, to this step today, let him live with dignity.

All are maternal love.

He can't break his original vows and can't give up his principles. Otherwise, it is death.

Some people are dead but still alive. Some people are dead even if they are alive.

Bang bang.

At this time, there was another knock on the door.

"Huang Xiao, come out!" Jiang old man shouted loudly, his tone very fast.

"What happened?" Huang Xiao packed his feelings and opened the door, but he was shocked.

"Huang Xiao, you are a fool! Lord Chu Shaodao came to see you!" Jiang Laohan shouted joyfully.

"You ..." Huang Xiao looked at Chu Yun in front of him, his expression stunned, almost dreaming.

Chu Yun seemed to know the question in his heart: "The spirit demon warship is repaired to be close to the robbery demon, and some people are restraining each other, it is impossible to conquer."

"Even so, if you forcibly break into the flying battleship, you can steal some precious treasures?" Huang Xiaodao.

"Hehehe, how can one or two treasures compare with the gentleman's talents?" Chu Yun gave a deep sigh, and said sincerely, "The more people know, the more they will feel themselves Superficial. The more scenery you see, the more you will feel insignificant in nature. The heights are not cold, but my ambition to climb the peak has not ended because of this. Help me. "

Huang Xiao Leng stared at Chu Yun on the spot, dumbfounded. Fate once ignored him, bullied him, raged him, but today, he smiled at him.

He did not expect this moment, he waited for many years, came so suddenly. So much so that he almost thought he had auditory hallucinations!

The old Jiang man on the side stomped his feet anxiously, but his face was tears: "Huang Xiao, why are you stupid? Haven't you heard? Chu Shaodao mainly worships you as a general!"

"Ah ~ ~ Huang Xiao was shocked, and when things were about to end, he was at a loss.

He stared at Chu Yun, and saw Chu Yun smile slightly, sincere eyes flashed in his eyes.

For a while! In Huang Xiao's field of vision, all the other scenes turned into a white background, leaving him and Chu Yun alone.

After many years of perseverance, the results are finally here!

If you look around the cottage, you will have to meet the Ming Lord! !

mother! Did you see it in the sky?

Although I am old, although I am no longer young, this moment is a little late, but it is not too late after all.

Jīdang in Huang Xiao's mood can hardly control himself. He took a deep breath, and his whole body was trembling.

Bending slightly, he also arched his hands, speaking with the calmest tone possible—

"The young master is so valued, Huang Xiao is willing to work hard!"

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