The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 3 Chapter 89: : Flying Battleship!

Section 89: Flying Battleship!

"Informing the owner of Shaodao, Huang Xiaoshao's tomb returned, and he didn't talk to Chu Yun in detail, but asked him to come over tomorrow. He closed himself in the hut." A personal soldier told Tie Aozhen.

"Um ..." Tie Ao Shen yín a moment, "We will pass by tomorrow morning."

Today, he gained a lot on Hongqiao. But thinking about it, I feel that it is not appropriate to give up Huang Xiao in this way. It's better to fight again tomorrow.

"Isn't he trying to learn Zhuge Ming and playing the three-playing drama? How about I complete him? Even if I don't make it, I won't let Chu Yun get it!" Thinking of this, Tie Ao's eyes flashed a bit of coldness. .

After dinner, he seized the time and rested for a hour or two. Immediately afterwards, he turned into a giant of the Germans, and once again stood high above the sky, tying the side.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. At this time, the colorful bridge has passed three times. In the night sky, a green rainbow bridge hung horizontally. It came from far away in the sky and landed on Rainbow Island. The surrounding of the island is reflected in a verdant color, which is beautiful.

Rainbow Island is only open for three days every day. During these three days, Hongqiao experienced seven changes, and finally turned into a thick haze. The haze fog accumulated to a certain extent, and once again wrapped the island firmly, forming a pure land isolated from the world.

This is why Rainbow Island has remained neutral. Without communication and flow, Rainbow Island is an isolated island. The major benefits it possesses are even more difficult for a single force to swallow.

In the three days since Rainbow Island opened, it was the happiest and most festive festival on the island. The vast majority of people do not sleep, struggling to find their chance in Hongqiao or Xiawu.

If you encounter one or two rare treasures, your entire life will change accordingly. This fanatical Taobao complex ignites everyone's excitement.

Chu Yun was waiting for Huang Xiao in the day, and at night, he rested only one hour. It drives Tianhu to occupy a good position on the Green Rainbow Bridge, waiting for and intercepting the rare treasures that come with it.

Of course, with his current vision, most of the treasures are just ordinary things. However, as the number increases, it is also a major help to the Shu family's promotion.

Chu Yun already had plans to leave the Zhuxing Islands. A hidden place in memory will be opened in a few months. He must go ahead and prepare.

After he didn't want to return, the Shu family was wiped out. Therefore, every treasure, Huang Xiao's solicitation, is a security guarantee. Furthermore, the greater the power of Shujia Island, the greater his personal help.

After the first half of the night passed, the Green Rainbow Bridge gradually turned into a Green Rainbow Bridge.

"This is a military training handbook?" Chu Yun caught a piece of Jane, and the consciousness probed into it, and he was very happy. This handbook records the experience and experience of a certain military refining master, which is of great value to the military refining division. Just like the previous high-grade Danfang Shenglongdan, it means to Chu Yun, the alchemist.

"Before leaving, Uncle Yu Ya took care of these materials for military training. Now that I have this handbook, I believe he will not be able to close his mouth after returning."

"Look! What is that shadow?"

"My God, I have been to Rainbow Island for eight years. I have never seen a treasure of such a large size."

"What the **** is that? A giant beast?"

At the dawn of dawn, a huge black shadow flew over the Qinghong Bridge, causing an unstoppable cry of excitement.

In less than a moment, the eyes of everyone on the island were attracted.

Ordinary treasures are all in shape. The shadow is so huge that it is difficult to pay attention.

Soon, when it came close, someone shouted, "Gosh, it turned out to be a battleship!"

Heiying 1ù shows the true face of Lushan, this is a magic ship that is twice as big as the treasure ship. It flies in the air, with its broad blue hull and colorful sails, like a bright silver horse flying its wings.

"Tianma ship image?" Some people were well-informed, hugged their heads, and shouted incredulously, "God! What did I see? This is the famous flying warship in history!"

"Flying warship, a warship capable of navigating in the sky. Hasn't the inheritance been broken since the city of the sky was lost?"

"On the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, where is the connection? Has it been through time and space and brought a flying warship back from ancient times?"

Everyone was amazed, staring at the eyes, and staring at the flying battleship dumbfounded.

"Flying warship! As long as you get it, you can study the refining method of this kind of ship. If you form a flying fleet, then swept across the Star Islands, no, it ’s not a problem. It ’s not a problem! mine!"

"Push, seize this battleship!" "There must be treasures among the flying battleships!" At present, many people are stunned by ambition and hope, and they merge into a group of people and rush to the flying battleship. .


On both sides of the ship's side of the flying warship, it suddenly flipped over, making a dark ng mouth. A row of cannons, like the giant dragon's unbearable giant mouth, slowly poked his head out.


The artillery power exploded with powerful firepower. There are all kinds of Taoisms such as bursting red fire, ice water bomb, blue sky pill and so on. All of a sudden, all kinds of Taoism are woven into a dense firepower net to give netg to the hot-headed.

Everyone was ignorant.

Countless corpses have either become coke, or have been frozen into ice, or the throne of the Divine Seal has been torn apart, becoming a victim of flying warships to warn the world.

"Is it possible to command this flying warship?"

"With such fierce firepower, these cannons should be the lost big demon soldier Long Xiao Cannon!"

"With so many dragons and cannons, this ship is not an ordinary flying warship. It should be the flagship of the fleet, the captain's car!"

Long Xiao artillery deterred the scene, and there was a lot of discussion in the crowd for a time, and they all dared not venture.

Chu Yun's pupils expanded, but he saw the details of the flying warship: "This ship is unmanned, but it has reached the level of the spirit demon warship. It already has a spirit xìng, and can defend itself and protect itself! "

A battleship of the spirit demon series!

Chu Yun couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart. The Spirit Demon Battleship is extremely rare. There is no one in the entire Star Islands. Even other national island forces rarely have a spirit demon warship.

Chu Yun's Yingxiang, Mengya, and so on are just big demon series. But it has occupied the first-class position of the Zhuxing Islands, making others jealous.

"This is a treasure. Get it! Even if you can't use it, you can't let others get it!" This idea not only surged in Chu Yun's heart, but also the common voice of others.

Get started!

Suddenly, the existence of the five general series including Chu Yun and Tie Ao almost all shot at the same time. One by one, the spirit demon was urged to attack the flying warship.

Booming ...

The Long Xiao artillery was once again prestige, and countless Taoist laws and regulations were colorful, forming a firepower net. But in the end the general is a general, Chu Yun turned into a fire giant, Tie Ao turned into a gold giant, and the other three also showed their abilities, broke through the firepower network, and bullied the flying warship.

The flying warship also felt the crisis, and the colorful light sails suddenly turned on. Even at a critical moment, a jaw-dropping degree broke out and escaped from the net of five people. Let five people thump.

"It's quick!"

"Look, it's actually invisible!"

The flying warship became gradually blurred with the visibility of u eyes. Soon the hull disappeared, only the rainbow sails remained, and gradually disappeared.

"Go, Phoenix Wings and Gold Wings!" Tie Ao urged Dao Fa and threw the gold hands in his hands. Jin Zhuo turned into a phoenix, golden glaze, spread his wings and flew high, hit the flying warship, and knocked it out of stealth.

"Is this?" Chu Yun hurried afterwards, with a suspense, and now there was a suspicious transparent thing, which was knocked away from the flying warship.

This group of things is extremely hidden. Only Chu Yun's heart is as delicate as the air is like water.

He subconsciously urged the knife technique, the knife burst out, encircling the group of things. This mysterious being rushed from left to right, but could not break through. As the knife-mand gradually shrank, it stiffened in the center of the knife-mand and shivered.

Chu Yun again used Lishan Longan huazhi to shoot out Bing Soul. It took a lot of effort to finally freeze it.

"What is this?" With his knowledge, he couldn't see the identity of this group of things. Among the ice cubes, there seemed to be a big bubble.

"It's invisible and colorless. Isn't the reason why the flying warship can escape in stealth because of it?" Chu Yun moved his heart and looked at the flying warship.

The battleship was surrounded by four generals, and while running in the air, the dragon howling bomb exploded. But no matter what the situation is, there is no longer any invisibility, as if this ability is lost.

Chu Yun kept quiet and put away the ice cubes. Join the encirclement and suppression again.

This is a hún battle.

The five majors will contain each other while at the same time conquering the flying warships. The six parties formed a delicate balance. During the 1uan battle, Chu Yun seized the flaws, boldly dispersed Huo Dezhen's body, and shot into the battleship.

The warship is also unsafe. There are organ traps in the aisles and rooms, and there are groups of monsters guarding it. Not only that, Chu Yun ’s aura was strongly suppressed, and his own monster netbsp; "Ancient military training, it is really unique!" He sighed in his heart ~ ~ to resist the constant attacks After a lot of hard work, he broke into the captain's room.

"Young man, this is not where you came from!" A middle-aged man stood in the captain's room. He was wearing ancient armor, his eyes were translucent, and a fine mango shot.

"Shipling!" Chu Yun was surprised to see this. When the demon soldiers are promoted to the spirit demon stage, they will give birth to soldier spirits. Like drunk snow knife. This flying warship is also in the stage of spirit demon, and naturally there is a ship spirit sitting in town.


Chuanling shot and punched. In this boat, he has a huge home advantage. Chu Yun immediately felt a strong sense of crisis. He only had time to protect Deng Xue's body in front of ng, and he felt a surging force rushing in. His vision suddenly turned upside down and changed rapidly. The wind whispered in my ears.

When he turned into a giant fire and regained his footing in the air, he now was punched out of the captain's room by the ship spirit.

His arms were numb, and his mouth was stuffy. He stared blankly at the four generals besieging the flying battleship, and the battle group gradually went away. It took a long time before he exhaled and said in secret: "This ship spirit definitely has a repair behavior that is close to the robbery. It is terrifying, and there is no one in the ship. With his guarding the hull, how can I conquer this warship? "

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