The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 506: The eagle should fight in the sky

 “But when you get to the back, you have to figure it out on your own!”

"For example, the Third Hokage of Konoha Village is proficient in the five-element escape technique. Therefore, even if he does not have any blood inheritance limits or superhuman talents, he has still become a transcendent existence in the ninja world! He is respected as Doctor of Ninjutsu.”

"In short, it depends on how you use it. If you use it well, you will become a strong person. If you use it poorly, of course your achievements will not be low."

Xia Muyang breathed a sigh of relief. After talking so much in one breath, his throat was also a little dry.

"Well, I understand, I will work hard! With these three chakra attributes, I have to work hard, otherwise, I will waste such a good talent in vain!"

“Then you have to work hard and let me see what a surprise you can bring me when you graduate!”

"Of course, you have to be mentally prepared to become my younger brother, Xia Muyang. When others know that you are my younger brother, Xia Muyang, there will definitely be no shortage of people who will challenge you."

“At that time, it depends on your character. I won’t help you. You can solve it by yourself. Do you understand?”

“Hey, this is what I want to say. If you don’t face the wind and rain alone, how can you become an eagle fighting in the sky! I feel a little excited just thinking about it. I feel like I’m already burning!”

“Let me prove with practical actions that what you, the elder brother, were able to do back then, I, the younger brother, will not be any worse!”

 “Haha, let me wait and see.”

 Natsume Yang couldn't help laughing, then sat cross-legged on the couch, closed his eyes and went to refine chakra.

Seeing this, Natsume Chaoye lay down on the couch opposite Natsume Yang knowingly, then closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. It had been a long time since he had slept so peacefully.

 With Natsume Yang by his side, he was not worried about any unexpected situations.

Three days later, the two arrived at Konoha Village, and Natsume Yang brought the new face Natsume Shio to the Hokage's office amidst the curious eyes of everyone. "

“He first handed over the mission situation, and then explained Natsume Chao’s identity amidst the curious eyes of everyone.

"Okay, let's do what you said. Send it to the ANBU first. After finding out the origin, if there are no problems, then officially join Konoha Village. Konoha Village needs talents!"

 The Third Generation has no reason not to agree to Natsume Yo's request, because no matter how you look at it, Natsume Yo is a very good ninja.

 As for loyalty, the Third Hokage has plenty of ideas.

"Is this the Leaf Village? It seems not as bright as imagined."

Led by two ANBU members, Natsume Shio came to the Konoha Intelligence Torture Office.

 Natsume Yang had already told him on the way to Konoha Village. Before you have enough strength, try not to expose all your cards, because this will be very dangerous.

At the same time, Natsume Yang also told Natsume Chao, try not to completely trust the Hokage. As for the will of fire, just have your own understanding. If it does not go against the interests of the Leaf Village, the Third Hokage will generally not cause trouble for you.

Of course, the one who should be most careful in Konoha Village is Danzo who is spying on everything secretly. This made Natsume Chao very wary of Danzo after arriving in Konoha Village.

With Natsume Yang's secret advice, Natsume Chao's trip to the Anbu was naturally extremely smooth. After all, he had no shameful past that would harm Konoha's interests.

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