"From today on, you are a member of Konoha Village. The big family of Konoha Village welcomes you. You can grow up healthily here. I wish you a happy boyhood!"

  After the Anbu checked that there were no problems, Natsuki Tide came to the Hokage's office again. The Third Hokage personally went through the village entry procedures for him, patted his shoulder with a friendly expression, and said with a smile.

I have to say that if Natsume Yang hadn't told Natsume Shio in advance, he might have been impressed by the power of the Third Hokage, a superior person, believed in Naruto and became a loyal Hokage.

“Sure enough, in this world, the one I should trust most now is my eldest brother. At least he won’t hide anything from me!”

"No matter how powerful a person is, once he gets involved in politics, his appearance will change. What my brother said really makes sense!"

“But what does this have to do with me now? Ninja school, I’ll be here soon, let me see what kind of interesting things will happen here.

“I heard from the elder brother that in the ninja school at this time, there is a genius named Uchiha Itachi from the Uchiha clan. From the tone of the elder brother, it seems that he values ​​this Uchiha Itachi very much!”

"In this case, maybe we can compare with him and see what it is that makes him value so much!" Natsume Shio thought in his heart on the way back to Natsume Yang's home.

He was really not used to being suddenly separated from the kind of life where he needed to be on tenterhooks all day long.

 The next day, Natsume Shio joined the Ninja School as a freshman candidate and began his seven-day career in the Ninja School.

Since the actual start of school is not in this time period, he can only stay in school for seven days to get familiar with it, and then officially enroll on the actual enrollment day.

From the moment he joined the Ninja School, Natsuki Shio really felt the influence of his elder brother Natsume Yo.

Because Natsume Yo's aura of genius was so dazzling that everyone was full of expectations for Natsume Chao, wanting to see if he could create a miracle like Natsume Yo's again.

 Hence, one can imagine the attention he received, and he faced many challenges as soon as he entered school.

Of course, Natsume Chao did not lose his mind because of everyone's contempt.

Even if these people said that he was weak and cowardly, he would just think that these people were talking nonsense, but he told himself in his heart: It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years!

 At present, he does not have the strength to fight these people, so he needs to hide his strength and bide his time.

 But before long, he will let these people only look up to him forever, just like his elder brother Natsume Yang did back then, so that they can only look up.

 Konoha is in the dark!

“You actually brought back a new person, and even adopted him as your younger brother without permission, Natsume Yang, you are so courageous!”

"Hiruzen, you should be thinking about how to get Natsume Shio to return to your heart now. After all, Natsume Shio is already so powerful. How can anyone who can be looked down upon by him be so bad?"

"However, it is a pity that I have to take the first step. Regardless of whether this Natsume Chao has real strength or not, it can be used to restrict Natsume Yang!"

“Hmph, Natsume Yang, if I were you, I would never bring my brother back. Instead, I would choose an unknown place for him to stay!”

“After all, he is a young man and lacks experience. No matter how powerful he is, he is still of no use!”

Danzo sneered, then slowly walked out of the darkness on crutches and headed outside.

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