“Brother, you are really special. Most people will try their best to prevent their subordinates from surpassing them, lest they escape their control.”

“But you don’t care at all and even encourage me to become stronger and surpass you. In my opinion, this is the real strong person!”

“Okay, let’s stop chatting and work hard, young man, I’m training you to be my right-hand man, and the burden on your shoulders is not small!”

Natsume Yang waved his hand and looked at Natsume Shiodao seriously.

“Of course, if you can’t be the right-hand man of your elder brother, why inherit the surname Natsume!”

Natsume Shio narrowed his eyes and said confidently.

“In that case, let’s test your chakra attributes! You are the first ninja I have seen who can use ninjutsu independently without being taught by anyone.”

"I won't ask about the specific process. After returning to Konoha Village, you can learn as much as you can in the ninja school. If you feel that you have learned enough, apply for graduation in advance! Understand!"

  "Got it!" Natsume Chao nodded, secretly remembering Natsume Yang's words in his heart.

“Input your chakra, the fire attribute will burn, the water attribute will wet, the earth attribute will break, the wind attribute will split from the middle, and the thunder attribute will wrinkle!”

“Then, there are two attributes that are not very obvious, Yin and Yang. The Yin attribute will turn dark and the Yang attribute will turn red!”

“Remember, the result of this test is not your chakra attribute, but the chakra attribute you are best at!”


 After taking the chakra test paper from Natsume Yang, Natsume Shio slowly input the chakra into it.

 The chakra test paper first burned, then wrinkled, then turned red, and then returned to normal.

"Oh, that's good. There are actually three attributes of Fire, Thunder and Yang. They are all strong attributes that are more prone to attack. It seems that your future direction will be offensive. For ninjas with three attributes at the same time, the entire ninja world seems to be different. Not too much!”

"Really, I didn't expect that I actually have three attributes. This is indeed a bit beyond my imagination. I thought I only had one attribute, but I didn't expect that I actually have three attributes." Natsume Chao said with some surprise in his eyes.

He really didn't expect that he actually had three chakra attributes.

“Actually, there is nothing wrong with an attribute. The strength has nothing to do with the amount of chakra attribute!”

"Just like the other four major countries, there are many strong men in their Ninja Village who all have a single attribute, but does this have any impact? No, they specialize in one chakra attribute, and they still become strong and become An existence that most people need to admire.”

"Well, in fact, there is no need to go that far. Just like the first Hokage of Konoha Village, although Wood Release is the blood inheritance limit, it can also be regarded as an attribute! How powerful Wood Release is, I should not need it said!"

“Another example is the Second Hokage. Although he has a variety of chakra attributes, he specializes in water attributes. With his super powerful water escape, he is known as the man who signed a contract with the sea.”

“Of course, I don’t mean that multiple chakra attributes are bad, each has its own advantages!”

“In fact, for those of you who have just entered the threshold of ninja, multi-attribute chakra can help you learn more things!”

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