“Wait a little longer until they get out of the canyon and relax their vigilance.”

“Anyway, they won’t be able to get their wings and escape for a while. Our army has already secured the surrounding areas. Even if they have three heads and six arms, they won’t be able to escape even if they get their wings!”

    Captain Yun Nin is fully confident about their action this time.

 The Eight-Tailed Jinchuriki and the Two-Tailed Jinchuriki went into battle at the same time, and there were so many Kumo-nin elites. The Kumo-nin captain couldn't believe it. Natsume Haru and the others were really unbelievable.

You must know that even the Fourth Raikage said that he alone would not be able to escape from a camp like Kumo Ninja.

“Well, it’s a bit strange, they would let such a good opportunity pass?”

"In such a good place in the canyon, the ninjas that the cloud ninjas ambushed did not take the opportunity to attack. This is not in line with common sense. Since when did the cloud ninjas also like to play cards that do not follow the routine!"

"Logically speaking, the canyon is the most suitable for sneak attacks. This is something everyone knows!"

“Is it possible that this time the Cloud Ninja wants to have some unexpected surprises with us? This kind of unknown threat is really scary!”

Xia Muyang glanced around again, then closed his eyes and searched around, but found nothing unusual.

  Sometimes, Natsume Yang can only sigh that he cannot sense ninjas, so that he can detect many threats in time.

However, Natsume Yang doesn’t care too much about his lack of perception, because most of the time his perception ability doesn’t play a big supporting role in combat.

 It is only during group battles that the enemy's traces can be discovered in advance. Unless you have the ability to see directly through obstacles like the Hyuga clan, it's almost the same.

"What's the matter? What's going on?" Uchiha Shisui asked at the side. He didn't find anything unusual, but he still maintained a fighting posture.

“Perhaps I am too suspicious, thinking that the Cloud Ninja may lay an ambush in this canyon!”

Xia Muyang shook his head and said with a helpless smile.

"Don't worry, Captain Natsume Yang. I just checked with my Byakugan and found no traces of the enemy's chakra. It's true that you are overthinking it. Let's hurry up and get out of this canyon. The environment here is really unpleasant. !”

Hinata spoke to Tianxin, whether intentionally or unintentionally, there was a bit of ridicule and teasing in his tone, as if he was saying that Xia Muyang was making a fuss.

"Haha, okay, hurry up and get out of this dimly lit canyon!" Hearing this, Xia Muyang seemed to have completely failed to understand the meaning in Hinata Tenxin's tone, and looked kind.

The group continued to move forward, all speeding up their pace.

"Get ready to fight, the time is coming!" When Natsume Yang and his party were still dozens of meters away from the exit of the canyon, Captain Yun Nin spoke up and gave the order to prepare for the attack.

 All the cloud ninjas suddenly showed ferocious smiles, their bodies were trembling with excitement, and they could no longer hold back.

However, Natsume Yang and the others were still more than ten meters away from the exit of the canyon. After Captain Yun Nin revealed himself and released his concealment, Natsume Yang suddenly stopped and frowned a little.

"Hinata two, please check the surrounding situation, I think the atmosphere is a bit wrong! See if we are completely surrounded by Kumo ninja!" Natsume Yang looked at Hinata Tenshin in the team and left!

The other Natsume Yang is not familiar with because he has only met this Hyuga clan ninja a few times. His name is Hyuga Tatsuya. He has a very cold personality and is a bit unsociable. He likes to be alone and rejects others like an ice cube. Thousands of miles away.

Hearing this, Hinata Tianxin couldn't help but frown, but he also knew that this time was unusual, so he still followed Natsume Yang's words.

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