“White eyes, open!”

The two of them shouted at the same time, and a bulging blue vein instantly appeared on their foreheads. They were angry and ferocious. Natsume Yang suddenly felt like he was being looked at, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

 “No, it’s a white eye!”

Upon seeing this, Captain Kumo Ninja yelled something bad. How could he have imagined that Natsume Yang would suddenly stop and let Hinata Tenshin and the two use their Byakugan to explore again.

In front of Byakugan, he didn't think that he and the others could hide even after exiting the hidden state. Everyone in the ninja world knew how terrifying Byakugan's insight was.

There was no other way. Although he felt very unwilling to do so, Captain Yun Nin had no choice but to attack immediately. Otherwise, their ambush would be meaningless.

 “Thunder escapes and falls like thunder!”


Suddenly, dark clouds filled the sky above Natsume Yang and the others, and then a lightning bolt as thick as an arm crashed down, causing Natsume Yang and the others to retreat quickly.

However, before they could stand upright, they saw several more finger-thick thunder and lightning flying from the sky, and the violent aura made their scalp numb.

“Go up, we must keep them here completely today!”

  After saying that, the Cloud Ninja Captain was seen like a cheetah, exuding a violent thunderous aura, rushing straight towards Natsume Yang in the crowd.

Outside the canyon, Yumu Ren, who was part of the encirclement, couldn't help but frowned when she saw this. She was a little confused, why did Yun Nin captain Tamoy suddenly launch an attack?

Didn’t we agree to launch the attack when Natsume Yang and others walked out of the canyon and relaxed their vigilance? Why is it so early? Aren't you afraid of affecting the entire battle plan?

However, now that the battle has happened, Yumu people don’t want to investigate the reason, nor do they want to figure out why Tamoi launched an attack in advance!

 After she and Kirabi looked at each other, they rushed directly to where Natsume Yang was.

 “Water escapes water and breaks waves!”

Facing Tamoi who was charging towards him like a cheetah, Xia Muyang quickly formed a seal, then took a long breath, and his chest expanded like a balloon.

 Then it sprayed out a high-speed water line with powerful cutting power, blasting towards Tamoi as fast as lightning, leaving him no chance to resist.


Although Tamoi immediately used the lightning strike armor to defend his chest, what made Tamoi's scalp cold was that his lightning strike armor was broken in an instant, and he could not resist it for a second. The water line was like this Pierced his chest.


Tamoy couldn't help but groaned, his face looked very painful, and he fell down like a kite with a broken string.

"How can it be!"

He couldn't imagine how powerful Natsume Yang's water escape was. Even the lightning strike armor couldn't resist it for a second.

You must know that Lightning Strike Armor is his strongest defensive move so far. If Natsume Yang's attack hadn't missed due to the influence of the wind, he would be dead now.

Moreover, according to Natsume Yang's water escape power, if he continues to fight, Natsume Yang can take his life at any time. He couldn't help but have a deeper understanding of Xia Muyang's power.

 “Thunder Release Thunder Ball!”

A group of cloud ninja seals launched an attack on Natsume Yang, and they saw thunderballs all over the sky blasting towards Natsume Yang, making the air sizzle.

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