The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 420: Don't get excited, wait a moment

“But, could this be a trap? How could a strong man like Konoha Hanguang carry out such a mission!”

This person can't imagine how Natsume Yang could do such a thing.

 Shouldn’t his battlefield be the front line? He hadn't offended anyone, so how could he be sent to the rear to deliver supplies?

No matter which ninja village you are in, transporting supplies is a task left to ninjas who are not favored by the higher-ups. After all, this is a tiring, thankless, and extremely dangerous task.

  But how do they understand that in Konoha Village, this principle does not work at all for Natsume Yang, because whenever the top management of Konoha is short of manpower, they will think of Natsume Yang.

 Therefore, the person who kills the most ferocious enemies on the front line can be Natsume Yo, and similarly, the one who is responsible for transporting materials in the rear can also be Natsume Yo. There is no contradiction in this.

"He gained such a great reputation in the past because he had assistance and our troops were not concentrated enough, but this time the situation is completely different. In order to prevent future troubles, Natsume Yang, we will not keep him anymore."

“Therefore, Kirabi-sama and Yukito-sama are here, I don’t believe that he can be so powerful and can do things that even Raikage-sama cannot do!”

Captain Yun Nin narrowed his eyes and said bitterly. All the Kumo ninjas behind him also had the same expression. I believe that as long as they are ninjas in Kumoyin Village, there should be no ninja who does not hate Natsume Yang.

 The hatred between them and Natsume Yang is as deep as the ocean and cannot be resolved at all.

“I really look forward to how Natsume Yang will struggle in front of Yukito-sama and Kirabi-sama, it will be quite exciting!”

 A cloud ninja licked his tongue with a look of anticipation on his face.

 “Here we come, stay hidden!”

At this moment, Captain Yun Ninja seemed to have discovered something and shouted in a low voice to all the Cloud Ninjas.

 Then, he almost concealed his aura and crouched in the grass. If you didn't sense it carefully, you wouldn't be able to find anyone there.

  Natsume Yang is here!

"Although I don't know when the Kumo ninja will show up, with a 'notorious' person like me, they shouldn't let go of such a good opportunity. After all, there are too many Kumo ninjas who want to get rid of me." !”

Walking in the canyon where the Kumo ninja was ambushed, Natsume Yang suddenly became more energetic, because if he wanted to launch a surprise attack, the canyon would be a very good choice.

As long as your mind is normal and you don’t have any other plans, you will launch an attack here!

 Natsume Yang understood this, Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi and others had no reason not to understand. They were all like cheetahs, and they all entered a fighting state. As long as there was any emergency, they could respond immediately.

And it was indeed as Natsume Yang thought. When they saw Natsume Yang and his group escorting the supplies into the canyon, the cloud ninjas immediately couldn't hold it in any longer. However, their captain had no idea of ​​issuing an order. .

“Captain, what are you still hesitating about? With such a good opportunity, why haven’t you issued an attack order yet?”

  A cloud ninja next to the captain scratched his head and scratched his head anxiously, looking at the captain with a look of eagerness on his face.

"Don't worry. People like Natsume Yang naturally know what kind of places are most likely to be ambushed. You see, they are in the most alert state now. It is difficult for us to achieve good results in our attack at this time. In this way, the significance of our ambush It’s lost!”

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