The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 419: How could you miss such a good opportunity?

“Another difficult mission! I hope the enemies we encounter will not be so strong and difficult to deal with!”

This mission was still led by Natsume Yang. He couldn't help but sigh. Since the supplies were destroyed, Kumogakure's troops seemed to have lost their mentality. They became extremely violent and fearless of death. Many Konoha ninjas died like this. In their hands.

 A group that is not afraid of life and death is the scariest to me because they have almost no weaknesses.

“Ding! It has been detected that the host is about to carry out a fake material **** mission!”

 "Issue a mission: hold back the enemy and ensure that the headquarters' material **** successfully reaches the front line!"

"Task rewards: +5000 experience points, +9000 gold coins, +2 illusion resistance, +1 seal hand speed, one free draw in the mall, fire escape ninjutsu, and the fireball technique!" The system's tasks always come in such a timely manner. .

“Haha, even if the enemy ahead is difficult, we still have to keep moving forward, otherwise, how can we win the final victory!”

Uchiha Shisui on the side chuckled to relieve the tension of everyone.

“Yes, even if there are difficulties and obstacles ahead, we must face them head on!”

“After all, if we don’t defeat Kumogakure, we will be the ones who lose in the end. Kumogakure is all very ambitious. Once we, Konoha, fail, the consequences will be far beyond what we can bear!”

Moonlight Blast nodded in agreement, his face also solemn.

"Okay, let's not say that much. It depends on us whether we can divert the Kumogakure army and allow Konoha's material troops to successfully reach the rear."

“The importance and difficulty of our mission far exceed our previous experiences, so this battle will definitely be difficult.”

"Therefore, I sincerely plead with you all to fight together with the heart of being in the same boat, otherwise, we will definitely fail!" Xia Muyang looked around and glanced at the people, his tone was soft but firm.


 Everyone is a sensible person and knows what this mission means. Naturally, no one dares to neglect it.

“I just hope you really understand the importance of this mission, otherwise, you and I will both be finished!”

 Natsume Yang couldn't guarantee 100% that these people could really let go of their prejudices, but he only hoped that these people would not hold back their teammates when Kumogakure attacked.

 The other side!

"Captain, will the Konoha transport troops really pass through here? Also, isn't it just an operation to destroy supplies? Why are you so excited and volunteering to attack!"

"Hahaha, of course it's because of the captain of the transportation team this time? He is a ruthless person that our Kirigakure ninjas would like to eat his flesh and drink his blood raw. Without him, our losses would at least be Cut it by half!”

Yun Ren, who was called the captain, was dark-skinned, but his eyes were like those of an eagle in the sky, sharp and deep, making people feel chilled.

This captain is tall and tall, exuding a suppressed aura. His face, which does not have many edges and corners, is full of patient murderous intent at this moment.

"Captain, are you talking about... Konoha... cold light!" The man couldn't help being surprised when he heard this and took a slight breath.

"Well, as you think, according to reliable information from our intelligence department, the captain who transported the supplies this time is that **** Natsume Yang. Do you think I can let go of such a good opportunity?"

Captain Yun Ren gritted his teeth and said bitterly, his voice extremely low.

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