"I...can give you 150,000 spiritual crystals...can you?"

Han Tianqi swallowed and said with some lack of confidence.

 After saying that, maybe he was afraid that Xia Muyang would not agree, so he added: "If you are still not satisfied, I can give you another spiritual weapon from the Haori realm!"

 Looking like this, there is no trace of the arrogance that he had at the beginning!

Xia Muyang stared at him for a while. Han Tianqi kept swallowing saliva and was extremely panicked!

Han Tianqi just wanted to say that he had never been as nervous as he was today, and it could even be said that he was at a loss!

 But there is no way, everything he has now is in Natsume Yang’s hands!

 After a long time, when Han Tianqi felt that he could hardly hold on any longer, Xia Muyang finally looked away!

 “Yes, I accept your conditions! Hand over your things and you can leave!”

Hearing Xia Muyang's words, Han Tianqi felt as if he had been granted amnesty!

If this was the case in the past, he would definitely feel humiliated by this feeling!

 But now, he only has a sense of joy of surviving the disaster!

"Zhang Zongzhu, come on, hand over your resources, and you can leave. We are innocent, we will pay with one hand and let people go with the other!"

 Natsume Yo has a businessman's expression, and he says it neither salty nor bland!

“Okay, hand over the money with one hand and release the person with the other. You must keep your promise!”

 Zhang Xingling obviously cannot trust Natsume Yang!

 Han Tianqi, on the other hand, looked calm!

 There is no disturbance at all!

“Hehehe, don’t worry about this, I won’t be one of those people who doesn’t keep his word. After all, God is watching what people do!”

"If I don't keep my word, let the thunder strike me to death!" Xia Muyang said seriously!

Hearing that Xia Muyang made such a vicious vow, Zhang Xingling felt relieved.

 After Kanyue Qianxia untied him, although he was reluctant to give it up, he still obediently handed over his Qiankun Bag!

However, if Zhang Xingling knew Xia Muyang's true identity, he probably wouldn't be so calm!

Thunder? Even if Xia Muyang goes back on his words, there is no way he will be struck by lightning!

 After all, the controller of this world is just his little brother!

“Can I go?” Zhang Xingling looked at Xia Muyang, and the chain that ran through his chest suddenly disappeared!

The same goes for Han Tianqi!

 After he glanced at Xia Muyang, he quickly left the place!


 Zhang Xingling clasped his fists, and from the moment he turned around, a strong look of resentment suddenly flashed in his eyes!

He thought in his heart: "Today's shame, I will pay it back to you one day! Just wait for me, you bastard. If you don't take revenge, I swear you won't be a human being!"

Looking at Zhang Xingling leaving, Guan Yue Qianxia said with some worry: "Since you know that he will not give up, why do you let him go and let him go back to the mountain?"

Xia Muyang: "Let him go. There are many people to take care of him. There is no need to keep Tianxing Sect!"

“If he dares to do evil, this Baoling Continent cannot tolerate him!”

 “That’s right, what you said makes sense!”

 Kanyue Qianxia sighed and said: "Let's continue our journey, don't let these people spoil our mood!"

“Let’s go, after these things are over, I should also ask Yun if I can leave this continent and return to the world I once had!”

"If I remember correctly, he once told me that when I take control of this continent, I will be able to travel across the stars and return to the world I used to live in!"

Xia Muyang looked into the distance, feeling slightly hesitant and confused!

When I was close to the country, when I came through the Naruto world, he was extremely thinking about going back!

 But now that he really has this ability, he can't help but hesitate!

 “Hey, if it really works, I will continue traveling with you!”

“I also want to see what the world you were in was like!”

 “I also want to see what those things you once said look like!”

 Kantsuki Chinatsu held Natsume Yang's arm with a smile on her face, like an elf!

 “Haha, maybe things and people there have changed, everything has changed!”

Xia Muyang sighed. He didn't know whether the aquamarine star carrying the Eastern dragon was still the same world as the one he once stayed in!

 There is a saying that goes well, things are different and people are different!

 He was afraid that when he went back, everything would have become unfamiliar!


 One month later!

Xia Muyang and the two of them, who basically traveled around the Baoling Continent, returned to the Luoxian Sect!

“Sect Master, the disciples of other sects have been selected, do you want them to set off?” Du Qiuyue asked!

“Let them set off! Everything is going according to our previous plan, and let everyone in the sect see what the geniuses in this world are like!”

Xia Muyang thought for a moment and then answered!

"okay, I get it!"

Du Qiuyue retired and went to deal with these things!

"The geniuses of all the sects in the world? I wonder how much they have grown since the war?" Xia Muyang is looking forward to their growth!

 At the same time, all the major sects in the world have received responses from the Luoxian Sect one after another!

 “It’s finally time to respond!”

  Many sect leaders said this, with a sense of resentment that they had been waiting for a long time!

 Among these sects that send out the best talents, including Tianxing Sect!

“I have a rough impression of the two people who blackmailed you that day, but are you sure you want to know?”

In Fengling Pavilion, Taoist Moxu waved the fly whisk in his hand and said with an enigmatic look!

“Disciple wants to know, if you don’t take revenge for this, you are not a gentleman, and I can’t swallow this breath!” Zhang Xingling knelt in front of Taoist Mo Xu and said bitterly without raising his head!

"Well, if it were other forces, I would have told you right away, but this time, I'm afraid you really hit the wall!"

Taoist Moxu sighed, and a trace of fear flashed across his sinister face.

He flicked the whisk again, helped Zhang Xingling up, looked at him with an unwilling face and said: "According to your description, using that kind of strange attack, there is only one person in my mind who can match it!"

"Who is it? Where do you start from kicking the iron plate? Can't you even afford to offend me, Master?"

 Zhang Xingling is actually the disciple of Taoist Moxu!

“You won’t forget so quickly the great man who provided powerful relief work for our coalition forces in the recent war, right?”

Taoist Moxu sighed and said very cryptically!

“Master, are you talking about...!!”

Zhang Xingling suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and was immediately startled. Then he looked at Taoist Mo Xu and swallowed, hoping to get a definite answer from him!

Taoist Moxu nodded upon seeing this and gave Zhang Xingling a positive answer!

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