The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1660: The eight kings of the food world are coming


Zhang Xingling couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and felt a chill running directly from the soles of his feet to his forehead!

He finally realized that Kanyue Qianxia was the only person in the entire continent who would use that kind of attack!

 But what frightened him was not Kanyue Qianxia, ​​but Natsume Yang!

 Because everyone in Baoling Continent understands that Xia Muyang and Guanyue Qianxia will generally never be separated!

Since the woman he met that day was Kantsuki Qianxia, ​​does it still need to be guessed about the identity of the man who never made a move that day?

 Besides Natsume Yang, is there anyone else?

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a deep fear in his heart!

He actually provoked Xia Muyang, and even spoke nonsense in front of Xia Muyang. The most important thing is that he also exposed his true face!

 When he thought of the horror of Natsume Yang, he was completely panicked!

 He felt he was finished!

He finally understood why he was so completely defeated that day!

 Because in front of Natsume Yang, he is really just an ant!

“I actually swore in front of them. I was just asking for death!” Zhang Xingling was terrified!

“Now that I know I’m afraid, why couldn’t my head and eyes work well at that time?”

“You don’t even think about it, how many people in the world can defeat you so easily, who can’t even lift me out of Fengling Pavilion, and who can use that kind of unique attack?”

"I didn't dare to provoke Natsume Yang before, but now he has a powerful force with abundant resources and greatly expanded wings. Provoking him is no less than seeking death!"

Taoist Moxu had a look of hatred on his face, and warned: "I will straighten out the atmosphere of Tianxing Sect from now on, and don't cause any trouble for me during this period!"

“This time I can take advantage of the opportunity of sending off exchange students to help you intercede. Next time, you have to figure it out yourself!”

“If you make enemies of Xia Muyang, no, let alone make enemies, even if you have a problem with him, you must apologize immediately! Otherwise, even if he doesn’t care, there will be a lot of people who will!”

Taoist Mo Xu narrowed his eyes and said in a solemn tone: "There are many people in Baoling Continent who want to curry favor with Xia Muyang!"

"You can think about it. If you offend one person, you will be targeted by hundreds of sects. You will know how serious it is to be against Natsume Yang!"

Hearing what Taoist Moxu said, Zhang Xingling couldn't help but tremble in his legs and turned pale!

“Now the status of our nine major sects has been shaken by the existence of Luo Xian Sect. Before the situation is unclear, don’t mess around. Do you understand?”

Taoist Moxu warns you!

“Disciple, I understand that I will put things in order when I go back this time and I will not cause any trouble again!”

 Zhang Xingling promises to speak out!


Taoist Moxu waved his hand, and Zhang Xingling went down!

 After Zhang Xingling left, a young man who looked to be in his twenties walked in with a sword on his back!

“Master, are you looking for me?”

The young man bowed slightly to Taoist Moxu and said!

“Disciple Mo Lin, you must make good use of this trip to the Luoxian Sect!”

“That Natsume Yang is an unparalleled talent in the world. Even if you don’t get his guidance, as long as you are by his side, you will realize many different things!”

"The specific process and content are up to you to control yourself. How much you can get is all up to you!"

Taoist Moxu looked at this young man with hope in his eyes!

“Disciple understands, I will pay attention to it. If I can gain something, I may be able to take this opportunity to break through the ninth level of the Sky Realm!”

This young man named Mo Lin is actually a monk in the Sky Realm. It's really terrifying!

 “Hahaha, go ahead, I’m waiting for your good news!”

Taoist Moxu laughed with satisfaction after hearing this!

Upon seeing this, Mo Lin excused himself and left!

 “Natsume Yang, let me see how you are going to deal with our conspiracy this time!”

A sinister look suddenly flashed across Taoist Moxu’s face!


 In other sects, various things are happening in the same way!

Each sect sent out the most powerful geniuses in their sect, and then, under their escort, they all headed to Luo Xian Sect!


 Luoxian Sect!

"Xia Muyang, you are simply a devil. You have invited all these powerful people here. Aren't you afraid of scaring the monks who are coming?"

Kan Yue Qianxia looked at the eight beings with figures that could cover the sky and the sun in front of her, with a look of helplessness on her face!

“Hahaha, they have no place in the captive world of delicious food anyway!”

“Bringing them to this broader and more solid Baoling Continent wouldn’t be the best use of everything!”

Natsume Yang said with a malicious expression on his face.

Looking at the Deer King Sky Deer, which is tens of thousands of meters high and even the surrounding peaks are as short as building blocks! The Queen Mother of Snakes and the King of Snakes!

And the horse king Hercules, who can make a continent disappear forever with just one breath, his eyes are full of anticipation!

 That’s right, Natsume Yang has brought the captive world of gourmet food, the eight kings of the gourmet world, to this world!

 After all, when Natsume Yang left the captive world of gourmet food, these eight kings were already redundant!

 In this case, why can’t we bring them into this world!

 It can not only increase the diversity of spiritual beasts in this world, but also increase the competition between spiritual beasts!

 Think about it, the arrival of King Ma and the others will bring some different scenery to this world!

You must know that in this world, the largest spiritual beast is only a few kilometers long!

 In front of the Horse King, Deer King, Snake King and others, they are really just younger brothers!

Of course, there are no kings among spiritual beasts! There are three nine levels and nine rings of the firmament realm!

Even the demons did not dare to invade the spiritual beasts back then. You can only imagine how powerful their deterrence was!

 It is precisely because of their existence that spiritual beasts can survive together with human monks until now!

 Otherwise, all the spiritual beasts would have been killed by humans long ago!

 There are also many Sky Realm spirit beasts, more than human monks! But it’s a pity that the quality cannot be compared!

 This is why there is a balance between spiritual beasts and humans!

Of course, humans tame spiritual beasts! Or maybe the spirit beasts tame humans, all with the tacit approval of the top leaders of both parties!

 In short, according to the content of the agreement back then, the two parties can fight as they please without being restricted!

 But there is only one bottom line, that is, we are not allowed to catch all the swamps, but we must maintain species diversity!

Whether it is for humans or spiritual beasts, it is the same!


Horse King snorted, like thunder from the sky, and the whole earth trembled!

“Gulu, sect master, are you sure these eight-headed spiritual beasts can protect our Luoxian Sect?”

Du Qiuyue looked at Ma Wang and the others with panic on their faces!

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