“What do you think, dear?”

The compensation that these monks said, watching Yue Qianxia is very satisfied.

 The extortion of such a large sum of resources at once was enough for the monks of the Luoxian Sect to squander it for more than a year!

 But she knows that when it comes to blackmail, there is no one more professional than Natsume Yang!

Hearing Kanyue Qianxia’s words, at this moment, all the monks couldn’t help but look towards Natsume Yang who had been lying next to him watching the show!

 There has never been a moment when they felt that time passed so slowly!

So that in less than a second from when Xia Muyang opened his eyes and stood up, they took apart and analyzed every detail of Xia Muyang's movements!

“Haha, it seems that you are all doing well, so rich! To be honest, I am very excited about the things you said!”

Xia Muyang smiled like a fox, with a cunning look on his face, but his words made the hearts of all the monks instantly rise to their throats!

 The meaning of Natsume Yang’s words seems to be that he is not satisfied!

 Thinking of this, their hearts sank!

Just as they were thinking this, Xia Muyang said: "Of course, there is no big dispute between us, right? All the faults are because of Zhang Xingling!"

“We’ve never known each other before. I believe that after this meeting, we have a deep understanding of each other!”

“I have accepted all your generous gifts. Then, if you have nothing else to do, you can leave!”

“It’s just that I hope you won’t show up so suddenly next time!”

“Otherwise, we will inevitably have to give another gift, but next time it won’t be such a small one!”

Listen, what Natsume Yang said is simply a perfect trading cliché!

He completely regarded these people's apology as a meeting gift, and he also conveniently pointed all the fingers at Zhang Xingling!

Not to mention these casual cultivators, even the elders of Tianxing Sect, after this incident, I am afraid they will not easily forgive Zhang Xingling!

A huge gap has arisen between them, even if Zhang Xingling can make up for the losses of these elders!

Those elders will always remember Zhang Xingling’s trick on them today!

 Tianxingmen, after today’s incident, may become less harmonious!

And if this elder leaves, then the strength of Tianxing Sect will inevitably be affected, and the situation Zhang Xingling has created for so many years will also fall short!

It can be said that with just a few words, Xia Muyang was able to sow discord, erase the unpleasant things like blackmail, and give these monks a big warning!

 What is the art of speaking? This is it!

  It’s simply a live version of ‘Being a female cousin and setting up a chastity card room’!

"Understand, understand, this kind of thing will definitely not happen next time. If you are still satisfied, then...let us go?" A monk asked tentatively!

“Let go, it’s not good for our friends to be **** like rice dumplings like this. After all, they are all overlords of one party!”

Xia Muyang looked at Kanyue Qianxia with a smile on his face, and the latter immediately loosened his grip on these people!

“Well, according to the meeting ceremony just mentioned, I think none of you are going to let me go!”

"My methods are not as gentle as hers, and they can kill people at every turn!"

Xia Muyang put his hands in his sleeves, and the smile on his lips almost reached his ears!

 “Of course, of course, we won’t let you go!”

These people couldn't help but smile, and then they all obediently handed over their Qiankun bags!

Xia Muyang smiled slightly, and without seeing any movement from him, all the Qiankun bags of these people disappeared. This immediately made the monks think more highly of Xia Muyang!

 “Everyone, it’s good to leave without seeing you off!”

Xia Muyang’s face is full of smiles, like a big shopkeeper, being friendly makes you rich!


 Suddenly, they all disappeared in the same place as if they had been granted amnesty, as if they were afraid that Natsume Yang would regret it!

 In response to this, Natsume Yang and Kanyue Qianxia couldn’t help but look at each other and smile!

 Then, they looked at Zhang Xingling and Han Tianqi who were still not let go!

 “How is it, Sect Master Zhang, how are you feeling now? Do you have any thoughts?”

 Xia Muyang looked at Zhang Xingling condescendingly, with amusement on his face!

 “Hmph, becoming a king or losing a bandit is just a matter of death, there is nothing to be afraid of!”

 Zhang Xingling couldn't help snorting when he heard this, he was very arrogant!

 However, looking at his trembling legs, Natsume Yang wanted to laugh a little!

Is this a sign of saying no but being honest with your body?

"Are you really not afraid? Sect Leader Zhang, why are your legs shaking?"

Guanyue Qianxia exposed Zhang Xingling mercilessly without giving any face!

 “What do you think, how can you let me live!”

No, once Zhang Xingling was exposed by Kanyue Qianxia, ​​he couldn't stand it any longer. He wanted to negotiate terms with Xia Muyang!

 How could he really want to die like this!

He still has so many things he wants to get but hasn’t gotten them yet!

This world is so beautiful, he is not willing to give up!

Not to mention that he has such a large sect. If he dies, all his previous efforts will be used to make wedding clothes for others!

 Zhang Xingling doesn’t want to!

 Since we can use resources to solve the problem now, why should we throw away our lives in vain?

 Isn’t it good to be alive? Why beg for death?

“Haha, I don’t know, how much do you think your life is worth? If the resources provided cannot satisfy both of us, then we will have to let you die in the wilderness!”

Natsume Haru was obviously smiling, but there was no smile at all on his face! Some are just creepy chills!

“I’ll offer the same resources as them. No, I can offer a higher price. I just want you to let me go, okay!”

“Today I was careless and offended you two. I sincerely apologize to you two. From now on, I will never dare to do it again!”

Looking at the smile on Xia Muyang's face, Zhang Xingling didn't dare to neglect at all and said quickly!

Saving one's life is important. As long as one still lives, everything can be done!

“Haha, what Sect Master Zhang said, how can we be such stingy people!”

“Let’s do this, one hundred thousand spiritual crystals, one book of Hao Sun Realm spiritual skills or exercises, and ten bottles of pills used in the Hao Sun Realm, we can let you go!”

  Natsume Yang offered a very direct price!

 “Okay, no problem!” Upon hearing Xia Muyang’s conditions, Zhang Xingling felt pain in his heart, but he agreed without even thinking about it!

“Sect Master Zhang is indeed a cheerful person. So, little brother Han Tianqi, what about you, what do you want to give in exchange for your life?”

Xia Muyang looked at Han Tianqi who could no longer keep a low profile with a kind face and asked!

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