The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1657: A group of people should be neat and tidy

“Do you all think you have escaped from my grasp? But it’s a pity, as long as you are still on this continent, I can catch you!”

“We agreed to let you all sing Conquer together, how can I let you leave anyone? Wouldn’t that be a slap in my face?”

Looking at the monks who disappeared in front of them, Kanyue Qianxia showed a smile that said she had everything under control!

 Hearing this, Zhang Xingling couldn't help but swallow his saliva!

Those people have already escaped so far, and Kanyue Qianxia can actually catch them back. This is terrifying!

 “Sixty-one bound roads, six pillars of light prison!”

 As soon as she saw it, she slowly raised her palm!

A huge amount of spiritual energy gathered together, and then turned into dozens of pieces of spiritual energy and flew into the distance, stirring up the billowing sky!

Just for a moment, he completely disappeared from Zhang Xingling's sight!

“What is this going to do? Can we catch them back like this?”

 Zhang Xingling looked at the scene in front of him and said a little confused!

 He can’t understand Kanyue Qianxia’s operation at all!

 “Fifty-eight bound roads, slapping the toes to chase the sparrows!”

 Kanyue Qianxia said again, then closed his eyes, and powerful spiritual energy burst out from his body!

Within a minute, a smile suddenly appeared on Guan Yue Qianxia’s lips!

“I found you, little mice, now none of you can escape!”

I heard him say this, and the next moment, I saw her behind her in the void, speaking orchid: "Binding Road sixty-three, bound by chains!"

Another chain that Zhang Xingling and the others were very familiar with burst out and flew through the air at extremely fast speeds!

“Did we catch them now?” Zhang Xingling looked at this scene and said with great fright in his heart!


As soon as he finished speaking, the chains stretched out from Kanyue Qianxia's body came back at a very fast speed.

At the end of the chain, the monks who had just escaped were all captured!

 “Gulu, how on earth do you do this? How strong is it to sense and easily subdue so many people at the same time?”

 Zhang Xingling's pupils shrank directly into needle shapes, and he said with infinite horror in his heart!

In his opinion, only the power of the sky realm can do all this!

Zhang Xingling looked at Guanyue Qianxia, ​​who had no power to restrain a chicken, and couldn't help but feel a little disbelief!

If Kanyue Qianxia is really in the Sky Realm, then he has really hit a brick wall!

Moreover, now that she has an absolute advantage, Kanyue Qianxia is fully capable of killing him and silencing him!

 He may not even have a chance to threaten or struggle!

 Let alone revenge!

 Zhang Xingling couldn't help but start to panic!


 The chains were tightened to the end, and all the monks who had just escaped were captured without missing a single one!

"Everyone, we meet again!" Kanyue Qianxia showed an extremely "sunny" smile. It can be said that her smile can make people and animals harmless!

If it were before, these monks might still have the heart to appreciate it, or even make a few jokes!

 But now, they were so frightened that they couldn't help but shudder!

 They could not predict at all what Kanyue Qianxia was going to do to them next!

 This feeling of having their life completely in the hands of others, they used to find it very refreshing and they liked it very much! Because they control other people's lives!

 But now, they just want to say, it’s not good at all! Because their lives are in the hands of others!

"Tell me, everyone, how do you plan to solve today's matter! Things like sneak attacks halfway scare me!"

Kanzuki Qianxia said with a smile, "She really looks like Natsume Yang, she is so good at Natsume Yang!"

 “What do you think?”

One of the monks swallowed his saliva and said with a trembling voice!

Looking at the panic on his face, it’s hard to believe that he is a strong man at the seventh level of Haori Realm!

If those monks in the Silver Star Realm and the Bright Moon Realm knew what he looked like, they might not be able to believe it at all!

 After all, in the past, there was never a time when a strong man like him was not a peerless and proud existence, and how could there ever be a time when he was so defeated and panicked!

 “Haha, I don’t want to do anything, let’s see what you plan to do!”

“If your answer satisfies me, I’ll let you go, otherwise, hey, you know the consequences!”

 Looking at Guanyue Qianxia's smiling face, the eyes of these people looking at Zhang Xingling suddenly became even more resentful and angry!

If it were Zhang Xingling, how could they end up like this!

Looking at Kanyue Qianxia’s appearance, everyone understood that if they didn’t shed some blood, they might not be able to get through this matter.

 Their lives may not be saved!

"How about I give you one hundred thousand spiritual crystals?" A middle-aged male monk looked at Guanyue Qianxia and put forward his conditions!

One hundred thousand spiritual crystals, for a Haori Realm monk, can be said to be enough to cut off his body!

 After all, monks generally use only spirit stones!

 One piece of spiritual crystal can be exchanged for one hundred spiritual stones!

Even some monks in the Firmament Realm may not be able to get so many spiritual crystals!

"what about you?"

After listening to this, Kanyue Qianxia didn’t answer, but other monks from the village left!

“Is it clear that we should go up? What a little fox, he looks so young, why is the city so deep!”

Seeing Kanyue Qianxia's appearance, these people couldn't help but curse in their hearts!

“How about I give you a book of Haori Realm spiritual skills, plus fifty thousand spiritual crystals?”

 Another monk gritted his teeth and said with a look of pain on his face!

"Where are the others!" After hearing this, Kanyue Qianxia said without any change in her expression!

Looking at Kanyue Qianxia's appearance, these people couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in their hearts. Could it be that such a heavy bleeding cannot satisfy Kanyue Qianxia?

 They couldn't help but start to panic!

 At the same time, they hated Zhang Xingling even more!

As for why they don’t hate Guanyue Qianxia, ​​it’s because they don’t dare. Now Guanyue Qianxia is a swordsman and they are fish and meat!

 They dare not have any hatred towards Kanyue Qianxia!

“One hundred thousand spiritual crystals, one Hao Sun Realm spiritual weapon, and one Hao Sun Realm Kung Fu technique!”

“One hundred and ten thousand spirit crystals, ten bottles of great recovery pills to treat injuries in the Haori realm!”

“Four books of Haori Realm spiritual skills, plus 20,000 spiritual crystals!”

“Fifty thousand spiritual crystals, plus…”


 In less than half a minute, each of these people was bleeding profusely, each one bleeding more than the last!

 So much so that in the end some monks could really say that they had lost all their money!

“I wonder if seniors are...satisfied with our compensation??”

Looking at Kanyue Qianxia, ​​whose expression showed no change at all, these people asked very anxiously!

They are afraid that if Kanyue Qianxia is dissatisfied, then they will really want to cry without tears!

You can't escape, you can't fight, you can't fight, your life is completely in Kanyue Qianxia's hands!

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