“What do you think, Chinatsu, should I listen to their opinions?”

Xia Muyang looked at Kanyue Qianxia beside him with a smile and said!

Hearing this, everyone present could not help but look at Kanyue Qianxia, ​​full of expectation, hoping that she would open her mouth to persuade Natsume Yang!

 But they will be disappointed this time!

Hearing this, Kantsuki Qianxia said: "You all underestimate your Lord Natsume Yang! Just do as he wants. He will go to aid Konoha, while Bai Ling and I will stay behind to guard Yangyin Village!"

 “Master Kanyue Qianxia, ​​this…”

 Everyone could not help but be shocked by Kanyue Qianxia’s answer!

Where is the Kanyue Qianxia who used to assess the situation? Why is he as arrogant as Natsume Yang!

Come on, their enemies are the four masters of the Otsutsuki clan, as well as their White Zetsu army, puppet army, and six controlled tailed beasts!

How could Natsume Yang cope with this alone?

“Well, it’s all nonsense! No matter how much I tell you, you won’t believe it, so I’ll give you a little confidence!”

Xia Muyang sighed slightly, stretched out his hand, and a huge ice palm held everyone in the palm, saying: "Space movement!"

 Everywhere you look, move instantly!

 After using Fengchuan Ye four or five times in a row, they appeared on the sea!

“His, if I remember correctly, the sea should be hundreds of miles away from our Yangyin Village!”

Natsume Chao said with disbelief!

 Don't say it was him, everyone else looked shocked!

In just a few breaths of time, moving hundreds of miles, is this something that humans can do? ?

“Don’t be surprised, the highlight is next. Let me tell you where my confidence comes from!”

After finishing his words, Xia Muyang's eyes narrowed slightly. Under normal conditions, only one-fifth of the sealed strength was left, which was raised to two-fifths!


 Everyone felt a terrifying, overbearing and cold aura, which suddenly landed on them like an ocean!

At this moment, everyone present was crushed to the ground without any resistance at all!

The sea beneath them was constantly collapsing, being squeezed directly and forcefully by this terrifying oppression!

 One mile!

 Ten miles!

 Hundred miles!

The scope of the collapse is getting bigger and bigger, until it reaches beyond the sight of everyone present, and it continues to spread!


Everyone present could not help but swallow their saliva again, but they only felt as if there was a mountain pressing on them, and they were going to be crushed directly like this!

 They... all of them, have no power to resist at all, even Jiu Yan, this peerless ninja who is called the number one in the ninja world after Natsume Yang!

She just felt that she was as ridiculous as an ant under this momentum!

If the collapse of the sea was shocking enough, then the movement from the sky made them refresh their concept of the word "god" again!

 The sound of thunder roaring continuously came from the sky, and then, countless thunder and lightning struck from the sea areas in all directions!

At this moment, the entire sky and sea were trembling and wailing, surrendering directly to Natsume Yang's powerful strength!

This perfection is a scene of doomsday!

“Okay, let’s just show it here! Now you should have a clear understanding of my strength!”

Xia Muyang said this and calmed down his breath. In an instant, the world returned to calm!

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