The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1433: Just a native chicken and a tile-dog

"How is the matter? Who are the Otsutsuki clan here?" Natsume Yang asked bluntly!

“Otsutsuki Toneri, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, and the sealed Otsutsuki Kaguya, Otsutsuki Momoshiki!” Jiuyan said with a very solemn expression!

 “How many tailed beasts have been captured?” Natsume Yang asked again!

"Except for the Three-Tails, Four-Tails, and Nine-Tails, all have fallen! The Leaf Village is probably in danger now!"

Jiu Yan replied that she always feels particularly at ease in front of Xia Muyang!

 Because this man will hold up the sky for them, and it will never collapse!

“Oh, have everyone come out? It’s interesting, these people are quite smart!”

"However, they are still just ants! If you want to change the world, you have to ask me, Natsume Yang, if I will agree!"

Xia Muyang sneered with disdain at the corner of his mouth, not taking these people seriously at all.

 For him, among these people, only Princess Kaguya is a little bit troublesome!

Of course, it’s just a thorny issue, the rest are just a matter of swordsmanship!

"Leave this matter to me! Bai Ling, Chinatsu, you two stay in Yangyin Village, and I'll go to Konoha Village to take a look!"

Natsume Yang said it so lightly that it sounded like he was going sightseeing, and he didn't think these people were troublesome at all!

 “Lord Natsume Yang, this…”

Hearing this, Jiu Yan couldn't help but struggle a little, and his tone was full of doubt!

Not only him, but also the other ninjas had doubts on their faces!

“Dad, if you go to Konoha Village alone, can you really deal with the enemies? But they already have six tailed beasts!”

“Coupled with the ten-tailed body controlled by Otsutsuki Kaguya, the strength has already far exceeded the level of the fourth battle!”

“I know you are very powerful, dad, but isn’t your decision a little too conceited?”

“In the fourth battle back then, we used all the strength of the entire ninja world to end it victoriously! Now the enemy is several times stronger. No matter what, you have to bring a few elites with you!”

"Mom, please advise Dad. It's too risky for him to do this. It's not fun! This is a war that affects the entire ninja world! We should think about it in the long term!"

Jiu Yan is not suitable, and if it is inconvenient to say it, Natsume Hotaru is suitable! She said with a face full of doubt and worry!

“Yes, Sir Natsume Yang, you are taking a bit of a risk like this!”

Yoshisei Akichi, who just arrived here and was standing at Natsume Hotaru, also said!

  He was still a young boy last time, but now he has become a person who looks quite stable!

 The rest of the people present nodded sympathetically and agreed with Natsume Hotaru's view!

 They know that Natsume Yang is very strong! However, the enemy is stronger. They are afraid that Natsume Yang will disappear for too long, and they fail to understand the situation and make incorrect judgments!

 At that point, the situation will only get worse!

“Master Natsume Yang, take me with you! I really miss the years of fighting with you now!”

“And I, there is no one in the ninja world who can fight with me now, my hands are very itchy now!”

Zabuza and Lao Zi looked excited and eager to fight!

“And me, and me, Brother Natsume Yang, when the time comes to deal with those guys like Kaguya Otsutsuki, leave their men to us to deal with them!”

  Natsume Shio, this once free-spirited young man is now twenty-one or twenty years old, but his bellicose character has not changed at all!

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