The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1435: Heaven and earth are eclipsed

 But the rebounding sea immediately launched angry waves, each of which was more than a hundred meters high, covering the sky and the sun!

“Hey, hey, hey, is what I saw really real?”

 “Are you kidding me, is this the true strength of Natsume Yang-sama?”

 The relieved people accidentally glanced at the sky, and then they were frightened again!

I saw countless cloud rings rolling away in the sky, so vast that it was impossible to see the end of it with the naked eye!

 It was as if a big hand stirred up the entire sky!

 They were not the only ones to see this scene!

All the people in Yangyin Village, as well as Wuyin Village not far from Yangyin Village, all saw this scene, and they couldn't help being shocked and speechless, and then they shouted for a miracle!

Hearing these people’s ‘reflections’, Kanyue Qianxia smiled, and she decided to add some spice to these people!

 “With all your strength? No, no, no, you are too small for your Natsume Yo-sama!”

“This is only two-fifths of his normal strength. If he shows it at full strength, the world will collapse!”

"He has the ability to destroy the ninja world with one palm! Those people in Otsutsuki are just ants, he can crush them to death with one finger!"


 Destroy the ninja world with one palm? ? Can Otsutsuki's enemies be crushed to death with one finger? ? Is this still something humans can do? God is nothing more than that!

 Moreover, the terrifying aura just now was only two-fifths of the normal state. How powerful is it to go all out!

Everyone was once again shocked by Natsume Yang's terrifying strength, which completely refreshed the world view!

 “Okay, let’s go back to the village!”

 Seeing that everyone was shocked by his own strength, Natsume Yang smiled and calmly gave the order to return to the village!


 “What, Mr. Natsume Yang is back!”

"Hahaha, I knew Natsume Yang would definitely come back! I knew he wouldn't be able to watch Yangyin Village fall into crisis without showing up!"

"With Natsume Yo-sama here, what should the Otsutsuki clan have to fear! The worst we can do is fight him, we are the Hidden Village, the number one ninja village in the ninja world!"

 The villagers of Yangyin Village and many ninjas cheered happily after learning that Natsume Yang was back!

They have absolute trust in Natsume Yang. No matter how big the threat is, as long as Natsume Yang is around, they will not be in any danger!

 He will always believe that Natsume Yang can defeat the enemy and protect them!

 In their minds, Xia Muyang is a god, no one can defeat him, he is invincible!

 Therefore, when Natsume Yang and his party returned to Yangyin Village, they were welcomed by the entire village!

“Master Natsume Yo, you are finally back! In front of you, the Otsutsuki clan still wants to collect tailed beasts to rule the world. Just dream!”

“Yes, yes, they may have forgotten the tragedy of being blasted by Lord Natsume Yang back then!”

“Master Natsume Yang, please tell me how to fight. We believe that under your leadership, the Otsutsuki clan are nothing more than local chickens and dogs!”

 When everyone saw Natsume Yang, they were all so excited that they couldn’t help themselves! This scene is comparable to a large-scale star chasing scene!

After all, it was the man in front of me who, when the five major nations ruled the world, single-handedly developed the sixth largest nation, the Kingdom of Yang, and the sixth ninja village, Yangyin Village.

 And let Yang Country and Yangyin Village arrive first, becoming the largest country and the largest ninja village in the ninja world!

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