The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1432: Things are different and people are different

Natsume Yang, on the other hand, looked at Kanyue Qianxia lazily, being a listener and saying a few words from time to time!

The two of them did not hide their traces or their auras, so all parties in Yangyin Village quickly discovered the two of them!

 On the watchtower not far away!

“Look at those two people, do they look like Mr. Natsume Yang and Mr. Kanyue Qianxia!”

 A chuunin pushed his companion, and a blond chuunin pointed in the direction of Shadow Rock and asked!

“Hiss, don’t tell me, they really look alike, the more they look, the more they look alike! No need to look, that’s Lord Natsume Yang! Look, he is waving to us!”

The blond chuunin looked at Natsume Yang who was waving to him from a distance, and said with more and more certainty!

“What, my God, it’s really Lord Natsume Yang! Hahaha, Lord Natsume Yang is finally back!”

“Let me tell you, if something like this happens, how could Mr. Natsume Yang not come back?”

 The eyes of a chunin with a broken arm instantly became wet, and he burst into tears!

“Quick, quick, quick, report it to the second-generation Kageage-sama!” The blond chuunin suddenly reacted and shouted!


 Several figures disappeared directly and headed towards Yangying's office!

 In fact, without them reporting it, Shadow Rock and Natsume Yang, one of the important areas of Yangyin Village, have been discovered!

 “What era is it now! Linggu!”

Xia Muyang stood with his hands behind his hands and asked without turning his head!

Linggu, one of his earliest team members, although his ability is not as good as that of the current second-generation Yangying Jiuyan, his ability is still outstanding in the entire Yangyin Village!

During the years when Natsume Yang was in charge, he served as the captain of the AN department and was one of Natsume Yang's right-hand men!

 And now, looking at what he is wearing, he is actually the Minister of ANBU!

 “Konoha’s 79th year!”

Reigu coldly reported a number. Behind him, eight people lined up in a row, and none of them had a lower aura than a jounin!

 “Is it already the 79th year of Konoha? It turns out that I have been away for so long!”

 The year he left was Konoha 67! The last time he came back to kill Junichi Saten was in Konoha 73!


The next moment, another figure flashed over, and what he saw was a girl in her twenties. She had the same long hair as Kanyue Qianxia, ​​and the same deep eyes as Natsume Yang!

 As soon as she appeared, she was surrounded by snowflakes, just like a fairy!

 She rushed directly to Kanyue Qianxia and shouted coquettishly: "Mom, you are back, Xiaoying misses you so much!"

“Okay, okay, you still have some conscience, do you still miss me?”

 Kanyue Qianxia gently caressed her daughter, who was as tall as her and slim, and her eyes were red with tears for a while!

Having been wandering outside for too long, returning home for a while will eventually make you fall in love with the scene!

“Don’t you miss me at all? Am I so disappointed? Oh, my heart hurts! The water thrown away by my married daughter!”

Natsume Yang had a heartbroken look on his face. He touched his heart, but there was no trace of the majestic feeling of the **** who was the most powerful in the ninja world back then!

“Oh, Xiaoying, of course, misses daddy too. Didn’t I rush here as soon as I heard you were back?”

Natsume Hotaru said coquettishly, and then she rushed into Natsume Yang's arms like a swallow returning to its nest!

 “Hmph, you still have some conscience, you have raised it in vain for so many years!”

Natsume Yang lightly scratched Natsume Ying's nose, and then looked at the second-generation Yangying Jiuyan who was flying not far away!

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