The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1128: You're nothing but trash

But the next moment, a frustrated samurai who looked like a ball of flesh appeared in front of the door, "Hyotei-dono is late, Wano Country has suffered for too long!"

 He spoke to Natsume Yang, but his eyes were fixed on Torrenis, who was in the first place.

"Most people attribute their success to themselves and their failures to their environment. But they attribute the success of others to their environment and their failures to themselves!"

“Your Excellency Shutenmaru, I’ll leave him to you!”

"Let him see how ridiculous his own efforts are in the eyes of you people after losing his identity as the Ice King Pirates!"

 Natsume Yang threw a pot of wine on the table to Shutenmaru!

“Hmph, among the four emperors, I think you, the Ice Emperor, are a bit interested in me. Okay, then I will show you the style of the Wano warriors!”

Jiutianwan grabbed the pot of wine, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

 Then, he pulled out the long knife from his waist, pointed at Torenis a little drunkenly and said, "Come on, let's fight to the death. I have wanted to kill you and steal your treasure for a long time!"

“However, the reputation of the Ice King Pirates is so great that I don’t even dare to attack them!”

"You are really ridiculous. With such a big backer as the Ice King Pirates, you still rely on the reputation of others to dominate, and at the same time you are dissatisfied and scornful of others."

“Let me tell you, without the protection of the Ice King Pirates, you would have died a year ago!”


Xia Muyang opened his hand and waved a blast of cold air, freezing the surrounding area. At the same time, he also isolated the dancing girls, and the whole room turned into a huge secret room!


 Looking at this posture, he knew that he might be in trouble today.

 But he is not easy to mess with. His fists are covered with armed domineering, and he flies towards Shutenmaru.


 The battle ended quite quickly. Shutenmaru and Torenis passed by each other. Then, Shutenmaru sheathed his sword and turned around.

 “Without the protection of the Ice King Pirates, you might not even have a bounty of 300 million!”

Shutenmaru glanced at Torenis with disdain and saw that Torenis's chest suddenly tore open an extremely long hole that spanned the entire chest and actually extended all the way to his neck.

 The next moment, Torrenis landed with a bang. With his eyes wide open, he lay in a pool of blood with his eyes open.

Torrenis was killed with just one knife!

“As expected of Shutenmaru, a famous samurai from Wano Country, he is really powerful!”

 Xia Muyang threw a wine bottle again and said with a smile.

“I believe that His Majesty the Ice Emperor can do this easily!”

 Shutenmaru looks very proud, but it depends on who is right!

 For Natsume Yang, he naturally did not dare to make a fool of himself!

"You must be the Spade General. You seem to have the makings of a hero. You have done a lot of bad things in Wano Country during this period!"

  After dealing with Torrenis, Natsume Yang looked at General Spades with a bitter look on his face.

“It’s enough for a dying person to receive such praise from the Ice Emperor!”

General Spades took a sip of wine. The originally extremely mellow wine was like water, and it was hard to get into his throat!

"You people, tell me, what crime do you deserve?"

Xia Muyang turned his attention again to the pirates who still did not dare to raise their heads.

 “Captain, spare your life!”

 “Captain, we are forced!”

 “Captain, have mercy!”

 All the pirates immediately kowtow like pounding garlic.

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