The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1129: Kill who should be killed, don't get in my eyes

These people all understand what kind of person Natsume Yang is.

 Smiling tiger is definitely the best way to describe it!

 Furthermore, the strength is extremely powerful, and there is no existence that they can resist.

 Although he may look amiable and harmless to humans and animals on weekdays, when it is time to kill someone, he is absolutely unambiguous!

 Take Torrenis for example!

 He already has the power to manage an island, and can be said to be Natsume Yang's confidant.

Such a person must have a high and powerful position!

 But so what!

 The result of confronting Natsume Yang is death! Natsume Yang didn't show any kindness at all.

Seeing the frightened looks of these people, Xia Muyang stood up and kicked each of these people with hatred, and said: "Okay, don't look so ugly, after all, they are all elites with a bounty of over 100 million. Being so cowardly is really an embarrassment to our Ice Emperor Pirates!"

"I think you were just coerced, and you haven't done anything particularly harmful. You can avoid the death penalty!"

"You guys, please join me at the headquarters later. You will be working as a low-level combatant. Management is not suitable for you!"

 “I will send someone else to manage Wazhi Country and restore its development!”

Hearing this, these people felt as if they had been granted amnesty, and they quickly kowtowed and thanked them, "Thank you, Captain, for your tolerance!"

“General Spades, please become an ordinary citizen and live a good life for the rest of your life!”

Xia Muyang looked at the restless General Spade again.

 “Thank you Bingdi for your tolerance!”

Hearing this, General Spades was overjoyed and quickly prostrated himself!

“You guys, go and gather all the younger brothers from Torrenis. General Spades, go and gather your own younger brothers. Convict those who deserve to be convicted and kill those who deserve to be killed. Do you understand?”

“Before I arrive at Wano Country next time, I want to see a clean Wano Country!” Natsume Yang said.

 "Captain, Torrenis...those younger brothers...are mostly unruly and disobedient to us...I'm afraid...!"

These pirates lowered their heads, not daring to look at Xia Muyang's expression, and said tremblingly.

"What's the problem? Just tell them that Torrenis is inviting them to a banquet and ask them to come to the banquet quickly. Anyone who doesn't obey the order will be killed!"

"When they arrive, use Torrenis's head as a deterrent and pull out my tiger-skin banner!"

"Tell them that I have some understanding of the current situation in the country of Wano, and I am ready to eliminate the bad apples. If you dare to resist and disobey, I will personally supervise the case!"

"At the same time, unite those pirates who have not done bad things and those who have been coerced. This way, you will have your own support!"

“After this, can’t you still deter a group of pirates whose bounty is only about ten million?”

Natsume Yang said quite disappointedly.

 “The captain is brilliant!”

 These people quickly flatter you!

  "Okay, come back to me as soon as you're done and don't make any small moves for me!"

 Xia Muyang got up, took Kanyue Qianxia and left!

“You have to work hard, otherwise, Natsume Yang may really kill you next time!”

Before leaving, Kanyue Qianxia pretended to scare them!

 “Don’t dare!” This frightened these people’s faces so much that they even said they didn’t dare!


In response to this, Xia Muyang couldn't help but shook his head, helpless!

The Ice King Pirates!

“Who should I entrust to manage the Kingdom of Hezhi? It’s really hard to choose this person!”

 After returning to his hometown, Natsume Yang began to worry about managing the talents of Wano Country again!

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