The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1127: How powerful do you think you are?

“How can the captain be willing to kill you, a man with a bounty of 400 million? This is a big loss, and I don’t think the other brothers in the pirate group would agree!”

Torrenis's face was gloomy, but he pretended to be serious and said.

 The dancers around them looked at Torenis and Natsume Yang cautiously.

For the first time, they saw that Torrenis, who was usually lawless, just like the Turkish emperor taking life and death from them, turned out that one day his destiny would be controlled by others!

Looking at Xia Muyang's young face and his unflinching temperament when he said murderous things, they felt that maybe this was the real emperor.

“Can’t he be killed with a bounty of 400 million? Torrenis, you’ve been in Gentle Village for a long time, and you may have forgotten the **** past!”

“Drought Jack, whose bones are still cold, has a bounty of one billion, so what, if he doesn’t agree with me, kill him!”

  "Disaster Quinn, who refuses to rest in peace, has a bounty of more than 1.3 billion. What will happen to him? Provoke me, make me angry, kill him!"

"Do you think you are more important than these two, or do you think they are just two idiots?"

As soon as Natsume Yang said these words, Torrenis's heart suddenly became cold and he was completely desperate!

 The dancers were directly frightened by Natsume Yang!

Hey, hey, hey, there are more than 1.3 billion criminals with bounties on their heads. They are so powerful that the whole new world will tremble when they stomp their feet.

 He actually said he would kill him, but he also said it didn't matter.

 Oh my God, this is something only gods can do. Is this the Ice Emperor? The legendary strongest man in the world!

 “So domineering, so powerful!” these dancers said in their hearts.

 In the context of Natsume Yang, Torrenis looks too bad!

 “Natsume Yang, don’t bully others too much!”

Torrenis had a sullen face and yelled at Natsume Yang for the first time!

  “Is it too much to bully someone?”

“Haha, don’t you think it’s funny? You should know best what kind of world this is!”

"I am stronger than you now, and my power is higher than yours. Your life is in my hands. Do you think I am bullying you too much?"

“Since you know this truth, why did you go so far? After squeezing the people, building personal power, and destroying the Ice King Pirates, you told me that I bullied others too much..."

 After a pause, Natsume Yang continued: "Get it clear, Torrenis, whose power do you rely on to have the power you have now? Do you think it's you?"

“Let me tell you, you can become the emperor of Wano country because of my intimidating power, the intimidating power of the Ice Emperor Pirates!”

“Without the identity of the Ice Emperor Pirates, believe it or not, you wouldn’t survive tonight!”

“There are many masters in the Wano Country, and there are many masters who can kill you. If it weren’t for the shock of my strength, you would really think that this country of warriors is within your control!”

 “If you leave the Ice Emperor Pirates, you will be nothing!”

 Use the calmest words and speak the harshest truth!

But these words touched Torrenis' pride, and he shouted: "Stop talking nonsense here, I can be the earth emperor of Wano country only by my own strength and means, and with your Ice Emperor Pirates The group has nothing to do with it!"

Hearing this, Xia Muyang was not annoyed: "Oh, why don't we give it a try!"

Natsume Yang leaned on the pillar behind him with some time to spare, and said: "His Excellency Shutenmaru, the famous warrior of Wano Country, please show up and meet him. I think it will take more than a day or two for you to want to kill him!"

 Natsume Yang seems to be talking to the air!

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