“The same goes for you, hurry up and supervise the work. If you can’t finish it, I will tell the captain that you are not doing your job well, and I have already executed you, so your death will be in vain!”

“People like the captain don’t care how you ants die!”

Torrenis is very good at pulling the strings. He was still slandering Xia Muyang earlier, and now he began to use Xia Muyang's majesty to suppress these people.

"How do you know that your captain doesn't care about the life and death of these pirates? How can you still be the tapeworm in Natsume Yang's mouth!"

"Today is an eye-opener. It turns out that there are still people who dare to work under Xia Muyang and become their own emperor!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the door.

 Then, there was a sound of exclamation outside the door, and then there was the sound of falling to the ground, and then it became completely quiet.

"who is it?"

With such a change, Torrenis instinctively felt that something was wrong!

 “Ask me who I am? Haha…”

Outside the door, the voice came again, but it stopped abruptly in the middle of the sentence, but the footsteps that followed made Torenis' face change greatly.

The steps were unhurried and slow, very light, but it was like stepping on his heart, making him feel like he was about to suffocate.

 “This feeling, shouldn’t it be...!”

Suddenly, Torrenis thought of something and his eyes widened suddenly!

The next moment, the face of a young man appeared in his sight. The young man walked over holding the girls one by one.


Torrennis suddenly stood up as if he had seen a ghost, his pupils shrank into needle shapes, and his forehead was suddenly dripping with sweat.

The pirates around him couldn't help but take a deep breath when they saw this young man.

Then, he was so frightened that he trembled all over and fell to his knees directly, pressing his head to the ground and making it difficult to lift it up.

 The two people who appeared in front of them were Natsume Yang and Kanyue Qianxia!

"How can it be…!"

Torrenis only felt that his body was cold, as if it had fallen into an ice cellar, and his body felt like it was filled with lead. He wanted to move but couldn't!

He said that he was not afraid of Natsume Yang, and was even very dissatisfied with Natsume Yang, but when Natsume Yang appeared in front of him, how could Torenis not panic.

 Nonsense, that is the strongest man in the world, a person who can kill him with just one look.

“Why, are you surprised to see me here?”

Natsume Yang stopped about twenty meters away from Torrenis, glanced around casually, and said: "What an enjoyable atmosphere, what a luxurious environment, it makes me feel a little bit... I want to indulge in the gentle land!"

“Tell me how you want to die to apologize!”

Xia Muyang sat down in a place without even looking at the big men kneeling beside him.

 “Do you have to be so heartless? Captain!”

Hearing Natsume Yang's plain tone, he was about to kill himself, and Torenis couldn't help but squeeze his hands.

"Not to mention the **** things you did to the people of Wano, how much harm you caused to the people of Wano!"

"Just saying that you ruined the reputation of the Hyokui Pirates and committed corruption are enough to chop off your seven or eight heads. Why, you don't think that your crimes are not enough to kill you!"

Xia Muyang picked up an apple on the table, wiped it, and took a bite.

Torrenis will seize life and death! Natsume Yang can do it too!

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