The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1042: Marco wants to fight guerrilla warfare

“Good idea, captain, it would be most effective for you to do this yourself!”

 Kaido glanced at Natsume Yang, then walked out with the mace.

 “Then let the navy start to doubt life!”

 Natsume Yang showed a devilish smile, and then dialed Marco's number.

  The new Whitebeard Pirates!

Marco and the others are having a party, noisy and joyful...

 “Berat Berat!”

The phone on Marco's body suddenly rang!

He picked it up and saw that it was the phone bug that was used specifically to talk to Natsume Yang. He couldn't help but twitch his brows and connected it.

 “Yo, Marco, long time no see!”

 From the very beginning, it was a nutritious sentence.

“Hahaha, I feel honored to be remembered by the mighty Ice Emperor!” Marco replied lazily.

He then asked: "Tell me, why did you suddenly come to see me this time?"

Marco knew that with their current status and influence, it would be impossible for Natsume Yang to call him specifically if there was nothing major.

He didn't believe that Natsume Yang called just to catch up with old times.

"I have something very important to tell you, it is related to the life and death of your pirate group!"

As soon as these words came out, the environment that was noisy just now suddenly became quiet.

 They all looked at Marco with a look of surprise on their faces.

“Oh, I don’t know what it is, why don’t you tell me about it…”

Marco felt a chill in his heart. Considering the recent situation on the sea, he began to have some speculations in his mind.

 “I think with your head, it shouldn’t be difficult to guess what happened!”

"I won't make any detours. The navy's target this time may be you. After taking care of you, they will take care of me with heavy troops!" Natsume Yang said.

Marco asked: "How sure are you?"

Natsume Yang replied: "60% sure! After all, this is just my guess!"

Marco took a deep breath and said, "I understand, thank you very much!"

 After saying that, he hung up the phone!

“Huh, it seems that my ominous premonition is not unreasonable!” Marco said after hanging up the phone.

 “Natsume Yang’s words are still very credible!”

"Even if he has his own selfish motives in this, one thing that cannot be changed is that what he said is very likely to happen!"

Ace spoke, and the entire pirate group was relatively kind to Natsume Yang.

"In this case, it is better to believe that there is something than to believe that there is nothing. Get ready to welcome the navy!"

“This way, we won’t be caught off guard by the navy!” Marco made the final decision.

Without Natsume Yang's prior warning, they would never have been able to withstand a surprise naval attack.

 There is no way, they are no longer the white-bearded pirate group before.

 At present, they are just barely maintaining the title of Four Emperors!

 One naval admiral is enough to cause them a lot of harm, let alone three admirals together.

 As long as they are attacked by the admiral, they will suffer heavy losses and even fall from the position of four emperors.

 So, facing such a strong naval lineup this time, they did not even dare to engage in head-on confrontation with the navy, and could only engage in guerrilla warfare with the navy!

ˆThrough constant and flexible changes in position, it will cause greater losses to the navy, forcing them to give up their plan to attack themselves.

 Then they turned to implement another plan of theirs - besieging the Ice King Pirates!

Therefore, when Kizaru and the others arrived in an absolute manner, deployed their personnel, and prepared to take down the new Whitebeard Pirates in one fell swoop, they discovered that Marco and the others had already escaped before them.

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