The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1043: The sea is the territory of fishmen

“Our plan was discovered by others? What a great mind!”

“Marco and the others shouldn’t be able to do this yet!”

“If there is anyone else above the sea who has such a mind, it is probably only the Ice Emperor Natsume Yo.”

“You can actually guess our plan based on just a few superficial signs. You are worthy of being a hero who can rise up in just over a year!”

Lieutenant General He, Chief of Naval Staff, said with a flash of appreciation in his eyes.

“Grandma He, is Natsume Yang that powerful?”

“We didn’t reveal anything, and he guessed this just based on our little movement?”

Taotu on the side said with some disbelief.

Hearing this, Lieutenant General He replied: "Don't underestimate that guy, he is one of the most evil people I have seen in all my years on the sea!"

“It takes more than a year to completely digest the Beast Pirates into our own, and make them even stronger on this basis!”

 “I’ve never seen anyone do it before!”

“This alone is enough for me to be wary of him!”

“And now you have seen that he actually guessed our plan and notified Marco in advance!”

“So, next, we must consider whether our next plan has been exposed!”

He Zhong would kind of like to change his plans, if possible.

 But the war has started, and it is not easy to change!

 Perhaps even if you know that the plan is leaked, sometimes you have to continue to implement it.

"You are overthinking. This may be something he encountered by chance. He will definitely not be able to guess our next plan!"

“If he was really that powerful, he would have sent out troops long ago!” the tea dolphin on the side said nonchalantly.

Taotu nodded after hearing this, thinking it made sense.

 It's already scary if you guess it once. If you guess it again, it's not a matter of being smart.

 If that really happens, they will begin to wonder if there is a traitor in their navy!

 “Maybe!” Lieutenant General He sighed!


At this moment, the warship behind them suddenly exploded without any warning.

 “Bang bang bang!”

Several sounds were heard continuously, and all six warships behind Hezhong exploded in less than two seconds.

In an instant, flames shot into the sky, the air trembled violently, and a large number of naval forces were blown away, screaming in agony.

 “Above the sea is the world of fishmen!”

Seeing this, Kizaru couldn't help but raise his right hand, and several laser beams were fired directly into the sea.

"Puff puff!"

 Under the sea, there was a tearing sound immediately, and then, a large stain of blood came up, along with the corpses of two fishmen.

“Strengthen your vigilance and prepare for battle. The fishmen are invincible in the sea. They are coming for our warships!” Lieutenant General He immediately ordered.


 The sailors responded and immediately paid close attention to what was going on under the sea.

 “Gravity Knife Pressure!”

 Fujitora suddenly drew his sword and swung it towards the sea, and a sword energy spread out like ripples.

 Then, the sea shook violently and collapsed into a huge hole.

Everyone felt like a sea earthquake, and more than a dozen murlocs appeared.

 “The target is out!”

Kizaru stretched out his hand, and the laser beam shone with cold light. Just when he was about to shoot it out, a huge wave suddenly came from the bottom of the sea.

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