"Suffering such severe trauma, with our remaining strength, we will inevitably be coveted by the rest of the pirate groups in the New World!"

“If this happens, we may not even be able to reach the final place!” Kaido almost stopped roaring.

"Calm down, of course the reason why I am not in a hurry is because of my purpose!"

Natsume Yang waved his hand, signaling Kaido to be calm.

He went on to say: "The navy has deployed such a large force. It would be a big loss if it just encircles and suppresses us!"

“So, do you know what they will do?” Natsume Yang looked at Kaido and asked with a smile.

 “Start with the soft persimmons!”

 Kaido gave the answer without hesitation. As the former king of the sea, he still thought about this clearly!

“So, who is the more popular persimmon on the sea today?” Natsume Yang asked again.

 “The new Whitebeard Pirates!” Kaido said the answer without thinking.

“That’s it! So, they will definitely deal with the new Whitebeard Pirates first!”

“After all, if they rush to deal with us at this time, their final result will definitely be heavy losses!”

“Then they won’t have enough strength to stop me from unlocking the secret of Onepiece!”

“Do you think those in the Navy and World Government are such short-sighted people?”

“Will they only pursue temporary happiness without long-term development?” Xia Muyang asked with a smile on his lips.

"No, those old guys are fine!" Kaido narrowed his eyes, took a big gulp of wine and said.

"Then do we still need to be anxious? There is no need!" Natsume Yang looked at Kaido with a smile.

 “That’s natural!” Kaido’s face was naturally quite thick, and he pretended as if nothing happened just now.

“So, their real plan should be: to deliberately create such a big battle!”

“When everyone in the sea mistakenly thought they were coming to pursue and stop our Ice King Pirates, they suddenly changed direction and killed the new Whitebeard Pirates in one fell swoop!”

“Then, they will follow our planned plan, follow us closely, and then compete with us in the final place!”

“Perhaps there is still an ambush of theirs in Laludev!”

As if reading a book, Xia Muyang spoke out the plan of the Warring States Period.

If Warring States were to hear what Xia Muyang just said, his eyes would probably be scared out of his head.

  His plan was stated almost word for word by Natsume Yang.

"Then what should we do now!" Kaido couldn't help but admire him and asked.

“Strengthen your vigilance and prepare to go to the final place. Elite soldiers and strong generals are the only requirements!”

"Although based on my understanding of the Warring States Period, I may have guessed part of his plan!"

“But this is just a guess after all. Accidents may happen! It’s better to be fully prepared!”

 As the captain of such a large pirate group, Natsume Yang felt that it was better for him to be cautious.

"give it to me!"

Hearing this, Kaido immediately volunteered and walked out.

“Wait a minute, since we know that the Navy’s target may be the New Whitebeard Pirates, how can we not remind them!”

“The balance of the new world is quite good now, but we can’t let it change too much!”

“Furthermore, this can also disrupt the deployment of the navy, and the pressure we will face will be much less by then!” Natsume Yang said again.

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