Before the Warring States Period, I had always felt that the Four Emperors were simply a cancer in the New World.

 Now, since there is an opportunity, why not take advantage of this opportunity to eliminate a force of the Four Emperors!

  For example, the new Whitebeard Pirates!

 It can not only effectively damage the morale of the pirates, but also strengthen the navy's control over the new world.

 After wiping out the New Whitebeard Pirates, he and Im and others attacked the Ice King Pirates from front to back.

Even if the Ice Emperor Pirates cannot be completely eliminated, at least it is definitely enough to severely damage the Ice Emperor Pirates.

 In this way, only the two emperors are left in the new world, and the red hair is the master of peace.

 In this way, from now on, their navy will have the final say in the new world!

 One Big Mom pirate group cannot make much waves.

 Everyone thought this plan of the Warring States Period was excellent, and no one thought there was a possibility of failure.

 After all, if such a lineup cannot capture Natsume Yang, then the end of the sea will really come!

 This plan can only succeed, it will only succeed, there is no possibility of failure.

The Ice King Pirates!

“The navy and the world government have adopted an iron-fist policy, and the world is surrounded by navies that are rounding up you!”

“Captain, are you not in a hurry at all? Since you have obtained the guiding stone, why don’t you hurry to the final place!”

 “Aren’t you still waiting to give them the opportunity to make dumplings for the navy?”

 Kaido was very confused. He really couldn’t understand Natsume Yang’s operation.

 Cause such a big commotion, and then make a high-profile deal with Bigum, and cede an island to Bigum in exchange for a guiding stone.

 I thought that after getting the contents of the stone tablet, Natsume Yang would go to the final place, and Kaido Company was ready to set sail.

Oh, Natsume Yang is lucky. He has been having fun since last night’s transaction and didn’t even mention heading to the Final Land!

Kaido really wants to say, is Natsume Yang's brain broken?

Shouldn’t we go to Larudev immediately and untie the onepiece at this time?

Having fun all the time is such a naughty thing!

 “Don’t be so anxious, it’s my thing, no one will be missing!”

"I'm waiting for Nico Robin to show up now, and after she has finished translating for me, I will set off immediately!"

Natsume Yang spit out a mouthful of watermelon seeds without looking worried!

"You are not in a hurry, but the navy has already laid a dragnet for us!"

“If you don’t fight back at this moment to break free from the Navy’s net, by the time you find Nico Robin and finish the translation, you will probably be a fish in the Navy’s net and be slaughtered by others.”

“You are willful and don’t drag the entire Ice King Pirates to bury you with you, okay, Captain. We, the Ice King Pirates, don’t want to end up like this!”

 Kaido almost pointed at Natsume Yo's nose and cursed!

 What Natsume Yang is doing now doesn't have the slightest feeling of a wise captain.

It is as if they have given up resistance and are waiting for the navy and world government to catch them.

“Don’t worry, we, the Ice King Pirates, will not be done with it. Don’t say depressing words so early. After all, we were once one of the Four Emperors. Don’t you have any magnanimity at all?”

 Xia Muyang waved his hand, signaling him again not to worry.

"How can I not say depressing words? There are three generals, two alternate generals, plus 50,000 elite navy personnel. It is even more terrifying than the lineup for a big battle!"

“We, the Ice King Pirates, will suffer heavy losses at the very least if we face such a lineup. How can I not be excited!”

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