The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1023: Provocation in person is unforgivable

"haha, yes!"

  Natsume Yang spread his hands and said a little helplessly.

 “You two guys...!”

Uncle Straw Hat looked at Natsume Yang and Luffy. Not only did they appear beside him, but they also started talking as if no one was watching. He suddenly felt that he was being provoked.

 Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable. He shouted violently and fired two shots at the two of them, "Go to hell!"

 In his opinion, the two of them would definitely not be able to hide from each other at such a close distance!


 But unfortunately, both bullets were dodged and flew away against the foreheads of the fake Sanji and Usopp.

“You didn’t even hit it at such a close distance, Brother Straw Hat, what are you doing!”

 There were some doubting voices below.

 “Damn it!”

Hearing this, the straw hat man couldn't help but grit his teeth.

 These people below will be his capital for crossing the sea in the future, and he must not expose his flaws in front of them.

“Straw Hat Boss, come on, let them know how powerful you are!”

 At this time, there was another loud shouting of pirates below.

 “You two...!”

The straw hat uncle just raised his hand and was about to shoot when a majestic voice suddenly came over!

 “Don’t move, you are already surrounded!”

Immediately, a large number of neat footsteps came.

I saw numerous naval forces completely surrounding a few hundred meters near the high platform, obviously intending to kill all the people making dumplings.

 “Damn it, the navy is here so quickly!”

 Seeing the navy, the pirates were a little panicked.

"Surrender quickly, you evil pirates, don't even think about escaping in front of me!"

A rough voice suddenly came, and a plump man wearing a vice-admiral's robe, carrying a big ax on his back, and wearing a big bellyband came out.

"Oh! Zhan Momomaru, are you here to catch me? Zoro, Sanji, should we run away!"

Luffy looked at Zhan Momomaru and whispered to the fake Sanji and Zoro beside him.

But they were ridiculed by the fake versions of Sanji and Zoro: "Who are your Zoro and Sanji?"

“Also, see clearly, the navy is coming for our captain!”

 Let’s talk about Uncle Straw Hat!

“Damn it, there are so many navy coming, it’s not good!”

 He glanced at the pirates below with a gloomy expression.

Then he looked at Natsume Yang and Luffy, and suddenly a sneer appeared on his face: "Young men, I'll be watching you here. Charge and let them know how powerful our navy is!"

"And you two, since you admire me so much, come on too!" After saying that, he stretched out his hand to push the two of them down.

However, these two people remained motionless, and Uncle Straw Hat couldn't help being surprised.

  But the pirates below have become crazy, "Come on, let Brother Straw Hat see our strength. We are now members of the Straw Hat Pirates, why are we afraid of their navy!"

 “Oh, are there two more accomplices?”

  Although the Straw Hat uncle did not push Natsume Yang and the two down, he had already let Zhan Momomaru lead them towards Natsume Yang.

 “Huh? Why do I always feel that these two people look so familiar!”

Zhan Momomaru looked at Natsume Yang and the two of them and couldn't help but feel that they looked familiar.

 He felt that he should have seen them somewhere, but he just couldn't remember where he had seen them.

“No matter what, let’s keep an eye on the straw hat first!”

Zhan Momomaru's eyes returned to Uncle Straw Hat, which made Uncle Straw Hat feel a little uncomfortable.

Px4 told him that Straw Hat Luffy was on that high platform.

There were only a few people on the high platform, so he naturally locked onto the circle around Uncle Straw Hat.

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