The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1024: One hundred million pirates, but one blow


 The battle between the navy and pirates was quite fierce.

“Jie Jie Jie, navy, let you know how powerful I am!”

A lean man covered in bandages, holding three thin blades in one hand and a machete in the other, shuttled through the navy at extremely fast speeds.

Screams continued wherever he passed, and blood splattered everywhere.

"Damn it, that's the seriously injured Elbio with a bounty of 9,200 Baileys!" A naval lieutenant colonel said with a solemn expression.

Suddenly, the naval lieutenant colonel felt a terrorist threat coming, and he quickly raised his sword to fight, but was pushed back directly.

 “It’s quite powerful, Navy!”

I saw a tall man with scarlet lips and a shark-tooth-like sword standing in front of the lieutenant colonel.

 “You are Lipsa Bisduti who has a bounty of 8,800 beli!” said the lieutenant colonel, sweating profusely.

 In the entire battlefield, the pirates actually have the advantage!

 On the high platform!

The fake Franky said: "Captain, these guys are so strong, it seems it will work, they will help us deal with these navy!"

The straw hat uncle smiled calmly: "Yes!"

Then, he shouted wildly: "Young men, whoever kills the most sailors in this battle can be a cadre. Kill them all!"

 But what he said shocked the people on the sidelines. Frankie pretended to be a cadre: "Cadre? You...!"

  Disguised Nami: “What about us!”

  She already had bad suspicions in her mind!

But the straw hat uncle said with a smile: "Think of a way to keep your position. With these powerful subordinates, labor and capital can conquer the world!"

 After saying that, he laughed triumphantly. Sure enough, he was planning to abandon these former partners.

At this moment, a laser beam suddenly shot out, blowing away a large number of pirates, and the pirates screamed in agony.

 “The pacifists are coming!”

 A pirate shouted in panic.


Except for Natsume Yang, all the pirates present were shocked!




 As soon as the pacifists appeared, light cannons exploded in all directions, and the bombarded pirates flew upside down in all directions.

With his powerful and arrogant strength, the pirates fell directly into despair.

 “Are you kidding? Why would such a human weapon appear here?” A collapsed pirate said desperately.

  "Beep beep beep, pirate Straw Hat Luffy, it's confirmed!"

Suddenly, a pacifist spoke in the direction of Gaotai Natsume Yang and the others.

The straw hat man suddenly panicked. He thought the pacifists were targeting him!

Momomaru also followed the direction of the pacifist PX4 and stared at Luffy, who was carrying a large package next to Uncle Straw Hat.

 As for Uncle Straw Hat, he didn't take it seriously at all.

 “Are you a pacifist? Interesting!”

Du Di grinned, and then he held the knife and charged straight at the pacifist!

 However, the next moment...!


It was just a matter of a laser beam, and Du Di was pierced through the body without any resistance, and then fell to the ground seriously injured.

“It’s actually just one move! How can a man worth 88 million Baileys be so unbearable!”

 All the pirates started to tremble as they spoke in horror.

 “The situation is not good, run away!”

 Seeing this, the Straw Hat man ran away without hesitation! His partners also ran away in panic.

 The entire surface was completely reversed in an instant because of the two pacifists who appeared on the scene.

 The pirates began to turn around and run away, with no intention of continuing to fight.

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