The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1022: It seems you are really popular

Natsume Yang couldn't help but smile: "When did Miss Robin become so good at complimenting others!"

"There is a good show going on. Do you want to go and see it with me?" Xia Muyang asked without looking back.

“Haha, of course, you can’t miss seeing the majestic Four Emperor Ice Emperor Natsume Haru acting like a child, teasing a few little pirates!”

Nico Robin readily agreed, and immediately left Natsume Yang standing side by side, like a couple.

  It is really a perfect match! The man is sunny and handsome, and the woman is charming and charming!

When the Straw Hat Uncle arrived at the gathering place, there were already hundreds of pirates with bounties worth over 10 million gathered here, and it was a bustling place.

Of course such momentum naturally alarmed the navy!

  When I heard that it was the Straw Hat Pirates, I immediately got the focus. Zhan Momomaru set off with the pacifists and a large navy!

Here at the high platform, the straw hat man climbed onto the high platform with a stack of paper under his arm.

 After the Straw Hat Uncle took the stage, the scene slowly became quiet.

Uncle Straw Hat cleared his throat, and then said with great satisfaction: "Brothers, being able to come here means that you still agree with me as your elder brother in your heart!"

 “From now on, everyone is part of the Straw Hats!”


 At this point, he changed his tone and immediately attracted everyone's intense attention!

“I was contradicted by two passers-by, so I decided to hand over the task of arresting these two people to you!”

“The first person to bring back these two passers-by will become the captain of my first fleet of the Straw Hat Pirates!”

"This is their portrait. When I catch them, I will let everyone know the consequences of contradicting me. Do you understand, kids!"

 “Go, catch them, and let me show them the cruelty of labor!”

 After saying that, he threw down the stack of papers.

 Immediately, it was robbed by a crowd!

  "I was actually contradicted by two passers-by. Could this kind of person be Straw Hat Luffy?"

This year’s Supernova Wet-Hair Karibu held the paper and looked at the portraits of Natsume Yang and Luffy on it, and couldn’t help showing a meaningful expression.

 But not everyone will be as rational as him. After getting the portrait, they are immediately ready to disperse.

Coincidentally, at this moment, Luffy, who came following the lively atmosphere, and Natsume Yang, who came over to see that he was walking with Robin, appeared in the sight of this group of people at the same time.

 “These two people...!”

 The pirates thought these two people looked so familiar!

Then, they all took a look at the portrait at the same time, and then they all showed surprise and shouted: "It's the two people in the portrait, come on!"

 “It seems that Mr. Natsume Yo is very popular!”

Seeing this, Robin couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing!

“Being chased by so many people really looks down on me!”

 Natsume Yang couldn't help but shook his head, then grabbed Nico Robin's hand and disappeared in front of everyone.

 The same is true for Luffy on the opposite side, and their destination seems to be the same.


 “Where have you gone?”

 The pirates were immediately stunned!

Then he quickly looked around and saw two people appearing on the platform of Uncle Straw Hat at the same time.

 “Hey, you are also being hunted by them! What a coincidence!”

 Luffy looked at Natsume Yang and the transformed Robin, and felt that they looked familiar, but he didn't think much about it.

Seeing that they were also being hunted by these pirates, I couldn't help but think that they were the same kind of people.

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