Of course, it is impossible for Natsume Yang to do nothing during these two months.

If you want to take charge of a large pirate group with more than 5,000 people, the most important thing is to have the power to control personnel.

 The second step is to use both kindness and power, so that the entire Ice King Pirates can be completely controlled.

In the past two months, he sent people to eliminate all the forces that were doing evil under the guise of his Ice Emperor Pirates.

 Then, recruit troops from all over the world to strengthen the Ice Emperor Pirates and reduce Kaido's former prestige.

Natsume Yang believes that the resentment in Kaido's heart is definitely very great.

 It's just that now that he's suppressing her, he doesn't dare to have an attack.

 But as long as Natsume Yang is good or bad, Kaido will definitely be the first person to rebel.

 Natsume Yang is a person who likes to have everything in his hands.

 So, regarding Kaido’s hidden danger, he must basically solve it while he is still in this world.

To this end, he made some bold decisions that were relatively innovative and required courage.

  Lian is the leader of a pirate group who is almost unable to survive in the new world.

 In the New World, a place where bounties are easily worth hundreds of millions!

 He, who has a bounty of just 100 million, is the kind of person who can bully anyone he sees.

 He thought that his life would be a fate of being criticized!

And when he saw the Ice King Pirates gathering troops and buying horses, he took part in the test with the mentality of giving it a try.

Unexpectedly, with excellent management performance, he became one of the candidates responsible for managing an island under the Ice King Pirates.

At that moment, Ryan felt like a pie in the sky had been hit, and his heart was filled with mixed emotions.

 Excited, happy, proud, you name it!

Moreover, the rest of the people who can govern the island are basically big pirates with a bounty of more than 300 million, but he is the only one with a bounty of 100 million.

The most important thing is that he never thought that a low-level person like him could actually be personally summoned by the Ice Emperor Natsume Yang.

When Natsume Yang patted him on the shoulder and said to him with a smile: "Kuris Island will be left to you, I am very confident about you." He wished he could be furious.

It was a feeling of meeting a soulmate, and it was so exciting that he, a grown man, burst into tears.

Since he became the island manager, pirate captains who had bullied him in the past have been coming to apologize in person.

 The former crew members also expressed their desire to come back.

In this regard, Ryan said that he can laugh off those who bullied him in the past, but he will not forgive those crew members who left!

 Only one betrayal is enough!

At that time, even if they left voluntarily, Ryan would not resent them.

 However, they humiliated him in front of the enemy, and then boarded the enemy's pirate ship.

He will never forgive this traitor's behavior!

"Now, I have become the manager of Fifang Island. Lord Natsume Yang believes in me so much, I can't let him down!"

Even if the entire island has specific patrol areas, it is basically impossible for anything to happen.

However, Ryan still insists on monitoring from time to time every day to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

 If something went wrong, it would be worse than killing him.

 The island that Ryan is responsible for is a factory for processing desserts.

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