The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1015: On the rational use of carrots and sticks

 This situation occurs because Natsume Yang feels that such a large Ice Emperor Pirates cannot make a living entirely by looting!

 So, after he took office, he directly cooperated with various institutions.

 The partners sent candidates to the Hyokui Pirates for production, and Natsume Yang was responsible for the defense of their transportation channels and sales channels.

 On the entire sea, there should be very few pirates who dare to oppose the Four Emperors!

Moreover, the desserts produced on this island also have a key sales target, and that is the Big Mom Pirates.

 Suddenly, the deterrence became even stronger.

 If you destroy the deal between the two emperors, you will definitely be burned by the anger of the two emperors.

 Hence, Ryan is very focused on the taste and safety of desserts.

He must not destroy the Ice King Pirates' brand name.

Lane always thinks so!

And there are more than a dozen people who have the same understanding as Ryan!

 They are all loyal supporters of Natsume Yang.

Different from Kaido who relied on pure force to intimidate him.

 Natsume Yang used three methods of force, favor, and promotion to win over people's hearts.

It's even better than Whitebeard's method of family ties.

 At least, few people in the Ice Emperor Pirates now miss the days when Kaido was the boss.

 Because Natsume Yang is the boss, it gives them a broader space for development and better welfare benefits.

 Another three months have passed!

Today's Hyokui Pirates is no longer just a pirate group, it is also one of several major processing plants on the sea.

ˆHonoured as the ‘safest’ processing plant!

Also relying on the name of this processing plant, Natsume Yang changed the world's people's perception of the pirate group.

Although they still very much reject pirates, at least their understanding of pirates has changed from simply burning, killing and looting to becoming more colorful.

As for Natsume Yang, he has become a super boss who takes both black and white, controlling more than a dozen major trading channels.

  Now let’s talk about Hyokui Natsumeyo, who would think that he is just a teenager!

 He has been dubbed the strongest man, the talented young man, the most influential top figure, overlooking the entire sea of ​​life.

 However, this also made the navy and the world government more afraid of the Ice King Pirates.

If a year ago, their fear of the Ice Emperor Pirates was only due to the strength of the entire pirate group.

 So now, it is a multiple compound type!

 Not just military force alone, but also economic and political influence.

There is no way, there are many countries cooperating with the Ice King Pirates, so much so that the Ice King Pirates have a tendency to become the second world government.

 This is absolutely not allowed, but they have no way to deal with the Ice King Pirates.

Now the Ice King Pirates have become powerful and are a behemoth.

 The cohesion is very strong due to Natsume Haru, making it more difficult to deal with than any other three Yonko Pirates.

 Once you take action against the Ice King Pirates, you must be mentally prepared for world politics, economy, and even balance to be turbulent.

 If you are not careful, chaos may occur, which is definitely not what the navy and others want to see.


 “This boy Natsume Yang’s methods are simply extraordinary!”

“I came to this world alone, and yet I took possession of such a behemoth as the Beast Pirates!”

“The key is to be able to manage such a large pirate group calmly and in an orderly manner. It would be difficult for me to do this!”

“It’s really just like what the saying says: if you don’t make a sound, it’s enough, if you make a blockbuster!”

Sengoku, who was training new recruits, sighed to Garp beside him.

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