However, Tezoro said that he would wait and see before deciding whether to join the Ice King Pirates.

As for the Navy, the names of Natsume Yo and Kantsuki Chinatsu as the Shichibukai were cancelled.

Originally, according to Sakaski's idea, the best decision should be to use the final value of Natsume Yang's name before canceling it.

But there is no way to defeat the world's noble Tenryu people. They feel that letting such criminals stay in the Shichibukai is simply dirtying their eyes!

 So, Sakaski made this decision very reluctantly!

 He doesn’t have the strength to challenge the world government yet!

But in order to reflect the danger of Natsume Yang and to make the new world less peaceful, Sakaski used some tricks on the reward order!

Ever since, a new bounty order that shocked the entire sea appeared!

  The Four Emperor Ice Emperor Natsume Haru has a bounty of 2.5 billion Beli!

 Hundred Beasts Kaido, with a bounty of 2.1 billion Baileys!


Sidel, the Second Whitebeard, has a bounty of 1.3 billion beli!


  The murderous medical woman Kanyue Qianxia has a bounty of 43000 beli!

The Ice Emperor Pirates instantly became the pirate group with the largest bounty on the sea.

 After all, no one had ever had a bounty of more than 2.5 billion before this, and the highest was Kaido’s previous bounty of 1.9 billion.

“2.5 billion, haha, I really want to sell myself for money, 2.5 billion, that’s a lot of money!”

Hold his reward order, Xia Muyang said mockingly.

The above picture is of him looking down at Kaido. The angle is quite good, perfectly showing Natsume Yo's powerful and arrogant side!

 “Hehehe, I’m over 400 million too!”

 Kantsuki Chinatsu held her new reward order and was as happy as a three-year-old child, showing off in front of Natsume Yang.

“Okay, okay, our Qianxia is also a person of good worth, and deserves praise!”

Xia Muyang smiled and nodded, fully affirming Kanyue Qianxia.

  It was great when the Shichibukai were cancelled, but after the Shichibukai were really missing, Sakaski really started to have a headache.

 The pirates in the first half of the Grand Line became extremely rampant after losing the shock of Natsume Yang and Kanzuki Chinatsu.

 The lives of the people suddenly fell to hell, and many people began to denounce the navy.

Complaining that they don't do the right thing, don't consider the people, and are the lackeys of the powerful.

 The prestige that the navy had finally built up suddenly suffered a huge blow.

  In order to save the prestige of the navy, Sakaski was extremely busy.

He often didn't even have time to eat, so he just wanted to find a suitable candidate to become a Shichibukai, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find a suitable one.

 Let alone find two more!

 Sakaski’s head feels a little big!

 In the end, Warring States gave him a move!

Release Moonlight Moria and restore the identity of the Shichibukai.

Sent people to find Crocodile Crocodile and let him regain his title as Shichibukai.

 Not to mention, after all, he has rich experience in the Warring States Period.

 After these two people agreed and became the Shichibukai again, the first half of the Grand Line immediately calmed down!

Time, three months passed quietly like this.

During these three months, Sakaski could not help but feel relieved that Natsume Yang was quiet and did not cause trouble.

He was really afraid that Xia Muyang would suddenly do something at this time, which would really make him anxious.

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