The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1012: You've never looked at me

“Ara ala, I didn’t expect Mr. Natsume Yang to be able to find this place. As expected of the Four Emperors, he is really well informed!”

“Give it to me, I think you have nothing else to do with me besides translation!”

 Nico Robin seemed to know Natsume Yang's purpose, and also went straight to the topic.

“Can’t I come here just because I miss Miss Robin?” Natsume Yang said with a smile.

 “Hehehe, if that’s really the case, it would be an honor for me!”

 “But it’s a pity that you won’t do that!”

"All your thoughts are on Kanyue Qianxia, ​​but you have never looked at me!"

Robin pretended to be sad and rolled his eyes at Xia Muyang. Not to mention, don’t be charming!

 “Haha, as expected of Miss Robin!”

 Natsume Yang took out the rubbing contents from his chest and handed it to Nico Robin!

 “His Majesty the Ice Emperor is also interested in Larudev?”

Seeing this, Sabo couldn't help but ask!

"Hahaha, I think everyone should be interested in the legendary Larudev!" Natsume Yang laughed.

"Then it seems Luffy is in danger. His dream of becoming the Pirate King may be on hold. He can't compete with someone like you!"

Yo Natsume: "I have no intention of competing with him for the position of Pirate King. I'm just interested in Larudef and Onepiece!"

Sabo: "Haha, aren't Mr. Natsumeyo afraid that after unlocking the secret of Onepiece, he will cause chaos in the world and be hunted by the World Government?"

He looked at Xia Muyang with burning eyes, wanting to see something in Xia Muyang's eyes!

 “Hahaha, if Mr. Natsume Yang was afraid, he wouldn’t act like this!”

 “I remember he once said that there is nothing in this world that he is afraid of!”

At this time, Nico Robin suddenly intervened and handed over the translation of the rubbing to Natsume Yang!

“Ding! The speed of the decryption task has been accelerated. Congratulations on the host’s strength returning to 70%!”

After Natsume Yang read the translated content, a system voice came from his head.

 “Goodbye then, Miss Robin!”

 After putting the contents away, Natsume Yang stood up and prepared to leave!

“What, he’s going to leave without even a word of thanks, Mr. Natsume Yang!” Nico Robin said sadly.

 “Hahaha, sorry, I forgot, thank you very much again for your help, it was a big help!”

 After saying that, Xia Muyang rode on Bai Ling and stood up.

 After a while, he disappeared in front of Nico Robin and Sabo.

 Over somewhere in the new world!

 “Next, should we continue to decipher, or should we take a rest!”

“Forget it, the rabbit bites people when it’s anxious, it’s better to give the navy some time to breathe!”

 “There’s still plenty of time anyway, so don’t rush it now!”

On the way back, Natsume Yang finalized the next plan.

“Then, let’s talk about it in a year. Now it’s better to develop the Ice King Pirates!”

“Now that we have incorporated the pirate group, we must do a good job!”

Originally, he didn't plan to form a pirate group, but there was no way, Kaido really **** him off.

At the same time, he also understands a truth: only those who are powerful will be feared by others, and only then will their power be stronger, and they will be able to protect Guanyue Qianxia in a more comprehensive way.

 So, he simply turned the entire Beast Pirates into the Ice Emperor Pirates.

 Since there really is such a pirate group, at least it cannot be allowed to fall apart.

 It was already two days before we returned to the Ice Emperor Pirates.

By the way, I also seduced a younger brother on the way - the future leading rich man in the pirate world, the Golden Emperor Tezoro!

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