The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1005: If you want to die, I will help you

 “Look at the moon and Qianxia, ​​open your eyes and watch!”

“Today, I will completely break his Natsume Kaname’s spine, crush all his dignity, and make him unable to survive on the sea!”

Quinn lifted the silky chin of Kanyue Qianxia, ​​who was already dying, and smiled.


 The eyes of Kanyue Qianxia were full of disdain, and she was speaking lowly bit by bit.

 “How dare you look down on me!” Quinn was instantly irritated.

He grabbed Guanyue Qianxia's snowy neck and drove her into the earth with all his strength: "You alone are worthy of looking down on me!"


Kuanyue Qianxia spat out a mouthful of blood on Quinn's face and made a sarcastic sound.

"Just for Natsume Yang, you think too highly of him!" Quinn shouted angrily!

  "Giggle, Mr. Quinn, why should you be angry because of such a little bitch!"

 “When that guy Natsume Yang comes, just tell her with practical actions!”

"Since she thinks so highly of Natsume Yang, wouldn't it be better for you to crush her last hope in front of her in person?"

At this time, a voice came, and a short, heavily made-up old woman walked over with a cane.

  It’s miss Ba Jin!

“That’s right, you’ll know how ‘brave’ Natsume Yang is later!”

“Haha, I can’t wait to think that he is about to be humiliated by us!”

 Quinn may have thought of something, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

The moment he finished speaking, a sharp voice suddenly rang in his ears: "You don't have to wait any longer, Quinn, I'm already here!"

Seeing that Natsume Yang came down in lightning, and then suspended in front of everyone.

  The word "Ling" between the eyebrows is shining with green light, like a god!

 He looked down at Quinn and the others, with murderous intent boiling on his face.

 “Jie Jie Jie, you are finally here, Natsume Yang!”

"Have you seen it? Your woman is in miserable condition. If you don't want her to continue to suffer, just be honest!"

 Speaking, Quinn smiled arrogantly.

 He raised his hand and scratched another blood mark on Guanyue Qianxia's face that could be broken by a bullet, causing the latter to cry out in pain.

“Quinn, I advise you not to seek death. I’ll give you three seconds to let go of Qianxia and hand over Miss Ba Jin. I can still spare your life!”

Looking at the scars all over Kanyue Qianxia’s body, Xia Muyang’s murderous intent seemed to have materialized.

If looks could kill, Quinn would have been torn into pieces by him.

"Hahaha, Natsume Yang, you are not a child anymore, why are you still saying such childish words!"

Quinn couldn't help laughing, and then his face suddenly turned ferocious, "Please clarify the situation for me, Natsume Yang!"

"Your woman is now in my hands, and her life is in my hands!"

"If you want her to live, just straighten your posture, kneel down, and cut off one of your arms!"

"Very good, Quinn, you will pay for this. I hope you can still threaten me so calmly later!" Xia Muyang said coldly with narrowed eyes.

Then, he glared angrily, and endless icy power surged out.

Quinn grabbed Kanyue Qianxia's arm and it instantly turned into a lump of ice.


Quinn was shocked, with a ferocious look on his face, and wanted to grab Kanyue Qianxia in his hand and continue to threaten Natsume Yang.

Jhin on the side immediately rushed towards Natsume Yang, and cooperated with Quinn tacitly, disrupting Natsume Yang's rhythm.

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