The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1004: I want to crush all his pride

 There is no other way. If possible, Natsume Yang would like to stay a few more days.

 But the system only gave him four days. Unless he completed the mission in the Pirate World, he could stay as long as he wanted!

 One Piece World!

 “Is it in the Chambord Islands this time?”

Appearing from Area 15, Xia Muyang scratched his head, and under the watchful eyes of a group of frightened pirates, he summoned Bai Ling and headed towards the Seven Waters Capital.

 Three hours later!

"Huh? Chinatsu actually went out to sea to do a mission. Can't this little girl save people some peace of mind?"

 After seeing the message Kanzuki Qianxia left on the table, Natsume Yang couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

 As for the safety of Guanyue Qianxia? He is not worried!

 After a year of teaching by Natsume Yang, he is now someone who can make pirates with a bounty of more than 300 million go around him.

 It’s enough in the New World, let alone the first half of this great route.

 But after two days, Kantsuki Qianxia still didn’t come back, and Natsume Yang began to have a bad premonition.

 Does it take so long to complete a mission in the first half of the Grand Line? Absolutely not.

  Something must have happened!

Just when Natsume Yang was guessing this, a letter of provocation from the Beast Pirates appeared at his door.

 “Quinn, miss Ba Jin, very good, very good!”

"Since you want to provoke me, you also use Qianxia as a threat, thinking that I am easy to bully!"

“Then I will let you know the consequences of provoking me!”

Xia Muyang’s eyes boiled with murderous intent, the veins on his forehead bulged, and the provocative letter was crushed into powder by him.

Xia Muyang didn't stop for a moment and set off on Bai Ling.

 New world, Beast Pirates!

"Quinn, are you sure that he would trade something as important as the historical text tablet in exchange for Kanyue Qianxia's life?"

Kaido looked at Quinn who was looking excited and asked.

“Don’t worry, Boss Kaido, if he is not willing to exchange, I will slowly torture Kanyue Qianxia until he is willing!”

"If he doesn't exchange it until Kanyue Qianxia dies, we won't lose anything!"

"On the contrary, Natsume Yang will suffer tremendous pain. At this time, if all of us come together, we won't be afraid that we won't be able to capture him!"

“Hmph, as long as he dares to come, I will ensure that he never comes back!”

 Quinn confidently said that no matter what Natsume Yang chooses, it will be a sure win.

 That night a year ago, he, Quinn, became a complete laughing stock and was ridiculed by all the pirates in the New World.

 Sometimes, even his men’s eyes had a look of disdain.

From that moment on, he began to work hard to become stronger and vowed to regain his face from Natsume Yang.

 Now, with Kanyue Qianxia in hand, the best opportunity has come, and he will naturally not let it go.

"Quinn, don't underestimate him. Since that guy can intimidate the entire Big Mom Pirates by himself, all of them will not dare to mess around!"

 “Then, his strength must be extraordinary!”

"If you underestimate his words, we will be the ones who suffer the consequences!"

 Jin on the side saw that Quinn was already a little overwhelmed by hatred, so he couldn't help but remind him.

“Hmph, just keep an eye on it, how could I, Quinn, miss? Jhin, don’t let others embody your ambition and destroy your own prestige!”

Hearing that Jhin didn’t believe him, Quinn immediately retorted.

This has to be Jin. Someone else has already gone to see the King of Hell.

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