The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1006: Do you think you can escape today?


But just when Quinn was about to grab Kantsuki Qianxia with his left hand, his left hand, like his right hand, froze into ice with a click.


Without giving Quinn a chance to react, words like cold reminders came out of Natsume Yang's mouth.

 Quinn's hands suddenly exploded.


 Quinn screamed and fell to the ground, almost fainting.

 “Natsume Yang, you’ve exposed your flaws!”

Jin turned into a flying dragon and roared towards Xia Muyang, but Xia Muyang seemed to have not seen him and said calmly: "Frozen space!"

 Then, a huge force of freezing force burst out, even the space was frozen.

Even Kaido looked horrified and couldn't move at all.

He was horrified, Xia Muyang's strength had completely exceeded his expectations.

This move freezes space and is absolutely invincible.

 “Chinatsu, I’m sorry, I’m late!”

Xia Muyang flashed in front of Kanyue Qianxia, ​​picked him up and floated in the sky again.

  After putting Kanyue Qianxia on Bai Ling, Xia Muyang looked at Quinn and others again, with substantial terrifying murderous intent flashing in his eyes.


 Frozen space requires a lot of chakra!

 “Senfa Hyōsūnmaru!”

Like lightning, he flashed in front of Jhin. A high-speed rotating ice ball appeared in his hand, and he pressed it on Jhin's chest, which had just been liberated.



The ice ball exploded with a crack, directly shattering Jhin's sternum.

Then, it turned into a huge storm with terrifying cutting power, as strong as Jhin. This man with a combat power value of 560,000, was also covered with cuts and bruises in an instant.

Blood dyed the snow-white storm red, and Jhin fell directly.

Just this one blow had already seriously injured Jhin, and the cold force on his wound would make him want to die.

“Kaido, I didn’t want to cause trouble for you, but since you are looking for death, don’t blame me!”

 Natsume Yang didn't even look at Drought Jack, he stared directly at Kaido and shouted.

 “Hmph, do you think you can still escape today?”

“If I let you escape today, how can I, Kaido, have the face to face these subordinates of mine!”

“Give them all to me, kill him, and risk all the dignity of our Beasts Pirates!”

 Kaido roared and turned into a powerful dragon, rushing towards Natsume Yang.

 Behind him, a group of sky combat troops attacked Bai Ling.

As long as he catches Kanyue Qianxia, ​​Natsume Yang will not be afraid no matter how brave he is.

 He cares so much about Kantsuki Chinatsu, so it goes without saying that Kantsuki Qiantsu must be his weakness.

Kaido is the strongest man in the world in single combat. Even the sea's restraining effect on Devil Fruit cannot kill him. He is fearless!

Even if he is as strong as Whitebeard, he cannot take his life, so the outcome can only be a draw.

Is it possible that Natsume Yang can have more terrifying attack power than Whitebeard!

 “I don’t know whether to live or die!”

Facing the charging Kaido and a flying devil fruit user, Natsume Yang showed a cold and cruel smile.

“Then let me see how big the gap is between you and me!”

He clasped his hands together suddenly, and then shouted loudly: "The Immortal Magic Ice Forest Cong is coming!"


The sea below Natsume Yang froze instantly, and a thick branch of ice rose from the frozen sea, covering an area of ​​more than a thousand meters.

 The speed is so fast, like lightning, that no one has time to react.

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