The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 226: First time entering a dungeon

The sky is gloomy and the sky is dim in the evening, inside a school cafeteria.

"Bronya? Bronya?"

In a daze, Bronya seemed to hear someone calling her name again.

"Bronya? Bronya? What's wrong with you?"

The body was pushed gently, and the brain was turned to mush.

Bronya spent a lot of effort to raise her heavy eyelids.

"What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Do you want me to take you to the infirmary?"

In front of him, a black-haired girl with a high ponytail looked at him with worry.


Bronya subconsciously called her name. Her voice was dry and hoarse, as if her throat was stuck.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Bronya felt as if her body was falling apart, and the severe pain in her abdomen made her curl up.


Bronya murmured.

Seeing this, Linmengjie became even more anxious, and her eyes seemed to be about to shed tears.

"Bronya! I'm going to find the teacher now! Hold on."

With that said, she stood up.

There seemed to be other people around, chattering.


At this time, a calm and coercive female voice sounded.

The surroundings immediately became quiet.

Then, Bronya felt someone pick her up.

"I'll take her to the infirmary, and everyone else will do whatever they need to do!"

Bronya couldn't feel what happened next, she could only feel endless dizziness.

Afterwards, she could only feel as if she had been placed in a soft place.

Then, she fell into a deep sleep.

I do not know how long it has been.

Bronya opened her eyes suddenly and sat up.

The sun shone on her eyes through the curtains on the side.

Bronya stared blankly at the scene around her.

"Where is Bronya?"

Her brain was very chaotic, and the two memories collided with each other.

She is Bronya Zaicek, the Ural Silver Wolf, and a student of St. Freya.

She is Bronya, an unwanted orphan,

No, she, who is she?

[Dungeon player: Bronya Zaicek, hello, you have successfully entered the dungeon, please select the task you want to complete. 】

In his mind, an emotionless electronic sound suddenly sounded.

Hearing this electronic sound, Bronya suddenly recalled everything.

"Bronya remembered, Bronya is, Bronya Zaicek!"


After realizing this, Bronya suddenly realized something else.

Now, she seems to be able to understand something called emotion.

She now felt that her legs were completely her own.

Bronya recalled two memories and finally understood everything.

She is Bronya, Bronya Zaicek.

She was tricked into coming in by a guy named Lin Jue.

She is now in a "player state", her spirit entering a completely fictional body.

So, she is now a completely normal person, with a complete emotional circuit and normal legs.

"Then what's the difference between me now and me before?"

This thought suddenly came to Bronya's mind.

By chance, there was a mirror next to her, and Bronya turned her head and took a look at "herself".

You don’t know this by looking at it, but you’ll be shocked when you see it.

"Is this still Bronya?" She was stunned.

Her long, fluffy and smooth silver hair stood upright, her eyebrows were delicate and flawless, her skin was like snow, and her aura was like an orchid, giving her an aura of lightness.

At this moment, her red lips were slightly open, and her silver eyes were staring blankly at herself, looking a little cute.

To be honest, if it weren't for the charm that belonged to her original face, Bronya would have doubted whether this face was hers.

Bronya stretched out her hand and poked her face. She looked at herself in the mirror and poked her face as well.

The real elastic touch on her hand made her wake up - this was not a dream.

Under the student uniform, you can already see the bulge and round waist. He looks like he is only seventeen or eighteen years old, but he is still slim and graceful.

The slender white legs are covered with a pair of knee-high white socks, and are paired with a standard student plaid skirt. They are pure and cute but also very attractive.

At first glance, the whole person is cold, arrogant and agile, and at the same time quite seductive.

Can't help but do so.

Bronya had a rough feeling. If she stood up, she might be about 1.6 meters tall.

This is a full 20 centimeters higher than her original height!

Moreover, despite the fact that this body looks a bit small. The power contained within cannot be underestimated.

Bronya simply waved her fist, feeling that her body seemed to contain infinite power.

This power is new to Bronya.

Bronya was a killer when she was a child, and her physical fitness was not bad either. But after the leg injury, it was difficult for her physical fitness to improve. Because of this, Bronya has always been responsible for remote output in the Valkyrie team.

This was the first time that she could feel how powerful her body was.

Bronya calmed down and suppressed the throbbing in her heart.

Now is not the time to focus on how you look.

[Player please: Bronya Zaicek choose your mission. 】

The emotionless electronic sound sounded in her mind again. Bronya raised her eyes and found a screen in front of her.

The background of the screen was a deep black, with rows of small characters that looked like they were burning.

[Main mission (select at least one, you can select all)]

[1: Find out the strange stories about Jiyi School. Relative difficulty level: three stars. 】

[Two: Eliminate the weirdness in Jiyi School. Relative difficulty coefficient: five stars. 】

[Side mission (free choice)]

[One (only): Find out the murderer who wants to kill "Bronya". Relative difficulty coefficient: three stars]

[Two: Get first/top ten/top thirty/top fifty/top one hundred grades in the final exam. Relative difficulty coefficient: five stars/four stars/three stars/two stars/one star. 】

[Challenge mission. 】

[1: Survive the Night of One Hundred Ghosts. 】

[Two: Solve the source of ghost stories. 】

[3: Destroy Jiyi School]

Finally, there is a line of larger fonts.

[Note: The more difficult the task is completed, the richer the reward will be. Completing challenge tasks will provide additional rich rewards. 】

Bronya looked at the lines of small words in front of her and fell into deep thought.

If what is happening now can be compared to some kind of game, she has never played such a game before, so she can understand it very quickly.

However, this is the first time that she has become a character in the game.

However, in theory, there should be an option for game instructions.

Bronya turned her eyes around a few times and found a small question mark in the upper right corner.

She thought in her mind - touching the little question mark.

A barrage popped up on the screen in front of me.

[Interesting copy description:]

[Participants will automatically become players - their souls will enter the copy, and their bodies will be protected in an absolutely safe place. Each player will enter a copy completely randomly. Players transform into new characters in the dungeon and participate in the dungeon world. 】

[Complete the mission to get rewards. The more difficult the character you complete, the richer the rewards will be. 】

[Players who die in the dungeon will be transformed into a God’s perspective and will no longer have the ability to participate in the dungeon. Note: Death in the dungeon will also have an unknown impact on the player's spirit. If it is not necessary, please protect your own life. 】

[The copy has a specific time limit. Once the time expires, everyone will immediately exit the copy for settlement. Before the time limit expires, players cannot exit the instance unless they have completed the selected main storyline. 】

[Note: Players lose their real-life abilities in the dungeon, leaving only the abilities of the character in the dungeon and the player's special abilities. 】

It was five o'clock in total, and Bronya finished reading it quickly.

At the same time, she gradually understood her current situation.

She was still a little confused about the last sentence.

Then she figured it out when she discovered she could summon Juggernaut.

Returning to the task selection interface, when Bronya was making her choice, she accidentally discovered that there was also a team interface.

[Participant team: Lin Jue, Xier Fuleai, Bronya Zaicek. 】

[Team mission: Survive in the organization for seven days. 】

[Task selected by team members. 】

[Lin Jue: Main mission one, main mission two. Side mission one (alone), side mission two. 】

[Xie Er Fu Leai: Main mission one, main mission two. Side mission one (alone), side mission two. 】

When she saw Xier, Bronya was so excited that she almost jumped out of bed.

"Calm down first." Bronya suppressed her inner joy and returned to the task interface to quickly select her task.

Since the other two are all selected, Bronya will definitely not be outdone.

select all.

[Selection completed. 】

[All players have selected tasks. 】


There are 24 hours in a day and 168 hours in a week.

It's about 17 o'clock now.

It seems that the time started early this morning.

Bronya turned off the screen and began to sort out and digest "Bronya's" memories.

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