The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 215: Take Bronya and Xier to the dungeon

Bronya didn't hesitate for long, because Kiana seemed not satisfied after eating one cake and wanted to eat Bronya's.

Of course, Bronya didn't give it to her. She cut a small piece with a knife and fork, and then put it in her mouth.

"Yeah!" Bronya's eyes widened.


The next moment, Bronya gave her evaluation.

Halfway through the meal, Bronya felt full.

At this time, there was a sound coming from the stairs.

It was Teresa who came down.

As soon as she came down, Theresa noticed the Homu cake in front of Bronya.

She stretched her head over to take a look and exclaimed: "Wow! Such a big Homu cake!"

Bronya cut a small piece and handed it to Theresa, "Principal."

Theresa waved her hand quickly when she saw this, "No, Bronya, I've already eaten in the morning, you can eat these by yourself."

"Bronya is not like a certain foodie who can't eat so much." Bronya said calmly.

"Hey, who do you think is a foodie?"

Someone consciously took his seat and shouted to Bronya.

After Theresa heard this, she couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food, so she took it and said, "That's okay."

Next, Bronya cut several pieces of the Homu cake and gave them to the rest of the people.

Of course, Kiana also participated.

When it was finally time to give it to Lin Jue, Bronya looked around and found that Lin Jue was holding a game console and choosing games there.

Bronya walked over.

"Brother Lin Jue, give it."

Although it is okay for Bronya to call her "brother" based on her age, Bronya rarely calls Lin Jue "brother" on weekdays. She usually calls him by his first name.

Calling this time showed that Bronya was quite satisfied with Lin Jue's Homu cake.

Lin Jue took the cake and looked at the game on the screen, "Bronya."

Hearing Lin Jue calling her, Bronya said calmly, "What's wrong? Do you want me to play games with you?"

Lin Jue was silent for a while and said, "Do you want to try to meet Xi'er?"


It was like a bolt from the blue, hitting Bronya on the head.

Bronya turned her head and glanced.

Others took cakes and turned on the TV. No one pays attention here.

In other words, they thought Lin Jue was going to play games with Bronya, so they didn't bother them.

There happens to be something on TV tonight that everyone is interested in.

Bronya turned around and said, "Of course Bronya wants to."

"There will be danger, life danger, both for you and Xi'er." Lin Jue continued.

After hearing this, Bronya said without hesitation: "Forget it."

If she was only in danger, she wouldn't be afraid, but Xi'er would also be in danger, and she wouldn't take the risk.

Seeing Bronya's refusal, Lin Jue thought for a while, "There may be some problems with what I expressed. But I'm not very good at explaining it to you now."

Lin Jue was thinking and suddenly thought of something.

"follow me."

Bronya looked confused, but still followed Lin Jue upstairs.

Arriving at the top of the building, Lin Jue said, "Bronya, are you willing to believe me?"

Hearing this strange question, Bronya thought for a while and nodded: "Bronya is willing to believe you."

"Okay, then whatever I do next, don't resist me."

Bronya slowly typed a question mark, but still nodded.

The next moment, she felt her body light up and her vision went dark.

The next moment, she felt her eyes go white, and then she discovered

Where is this?

Bronya looked at the surrounding scenery in confusion.

Then, she was stunned by the scenery in front of her.

The full moon stood in the dark sky, and under the faint moonlight, there was endless blue fluorescent light.

The fluorescent waves were surging and rolling, and the long coastline turned into crystal blue.

Just like blue stars falling into the sea, like aurora appearing in the blue ocean. The blue fluorescent light spreads out in sheets under your feet and is lifted up by the waves, like fireflies floating in the air, which is extremely romantic.

Bronya couldn't believe that the scene in front of her was real. She stretched out her hand and tried to touch these blue fluorescent lights.

When the hands touched these fluorescent lights, these fluorescent lights instantly shattered, turned into little dots of light and scattered, and then disappeared.

At this time, Lin Jue's voice came from behind her.

"How's it going? Is it beautiful?"

Bronya turned around and saw Lin Jue's smiling figure.

The blue light reflected on his face looked particularly cold, but he smiled warmly. His purple eyes were slightly narrowed, like melting clouds, making people feel gentle. Two completely opposite feelings appeared on him at the same time, but they didn't seem abrupt.

Bronya was stunned, her mouth opened but she didn't know what to say.

Lin Jue asked in confusion: "What's wrong? Why do you look so stupid?"

Could it be that something went wrong while bringing her into the small world?

This was the first time he had done this, and he didn't know what the consequences would be.

If true, then he would be sorry for Bronya.

At this moment, Lin Juexin was a little panicked.

After hearing Lin Jue's words, Bronya came back to her senses and realized that she had indeed behaved like a fool just now.

However, Lin Jue actually said this to her directly, and she was not very happy.

Bronya returned to her usual indifferent face, "Bronya is not a fool."

Lin Jue breathed a sigh of relief and walked to Bronya's side, "How about the scenery here."

Bronya nodded seriously, "It's beautiful."

It's really beautiful.

Bronya has never seen such a beautiful ocean.

Lin Jue opened his hands, "That's good."

Feeling the sea breeze, Lin Jue couldn't help but think of what he had said to Yae Rin.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"So, where is this place?" Bronya tilted her head, looking puzzled.

The last moment she was on the roof of the St. Freya girls' dormitory, and the next moment she was here.

This was also an experience that Bronya had never heard of.

Obviously, this change was related to the man in front of her.

Lin Jue turned around, "Let's keep it a secret for now, let's talk about more important things first. Do you remember the question I asked you at the beginning?"

Bronya nodded, "Ask Bronya if she wants to try to see Seele."

"Huh~" Lin Jue chuckled, "Since you're in, we can only go play with Seele."

Just when Bronya was wondering what Lin Jue meant by this sentence, Lin Jue silently said it in his mind.

"System, let's start."

"As you wish."

Yes, Lin Jue made a decision to "go to the dungeon" for the first time, taking Seele and Bronya with him.

There are four reasons.

First, the people that Lin Jue brings must be people who will never hurt Lin Jue. This trust standard is determined by the system.

The purpose of this setting is to prevent Lin Jue from misjudging people and letting some people with bad intentions enter the dungeon with Lin Jue.

Every dungeon is alive for the participants. If the participants have bad intentions towards Lin Jue, Lin Jue will easily die at the hands of his own people.

This is a necessary rule.

Seele and Bronya will definitely not hurt Lin Jue, and Lin Jue is assured of this.

Second, Seele and Bronya both know that Lin Jue has some ability to travel through time and space. This time, let them know more clearly.

Third, it just happened to let the sisters meet. Satisfy their wishes.

Fourth, and the most important point. The reason why the system's dungeon mechanism can bring more people is to let Lin Jue know how to train teammates and not fight alone.

Seele and Bronya just happen to have the potential to be cultivated - after inheriting some fragments of Lin Jue in the first life, Lin Jue can be so sure.

However, the main reason why he started the dungeon without explaining to Bronya was that Lin Jue was too lazy to explain.

It was too troublesome to explain.

Bronya was brought into the small world, first to test the consequences of bringing others into the small world, and second to regulate the time flow rate difference between the small world and the collapse world, so that the time in the collapse world would not pass for a long time.

Bronya was still confused, and the next moment, an emotionless electronic sound came from her mind.

"Lin Jue invites you to participate in the dungeon together, do you agree?"

Bronya raised her head and glanced at Lin Jue, and Lin Jue nodded.

"Agree." Bronya replied.

Then, the two disappeared instantly.

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