The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 227 Organizing memories

"Bronya" has been alone for as long as she can remember.

No one knew where she came from, but when people noticed her in the orphanage, she seemed to have been there a long time.

Because she was alone, "Bronya" was often bullied by wild children.

Everyone laughed at her, called her a "monster" and a "wild seed that no one wanted".

"Bronya" is withdrawn and reserved by nature. He doesn't fight back when he is bullied, he just endures everything silently.

Later, "Bronya" participated in a funding policy and had money to go to school.

Even after going to school, "Bronya" was bullied frequently.

But "Bronya" has always pretended to turn a deaf ear and endured all this silently.

Until that night, when she was already a junior high school student, she was walking on the road and was surrounded by a group of gangsters.

This group of gangsters have evil smiles on their faces, and you can tell what they want to do at a glance.

"Bronya" resisted desperately, but she was just a weak woman, how could she stand up to a group of people.

Fortunately, a passer-by noticed her and immediately called the police and brought someone to rescue "Bronya". Only then did "Bronya" survive.

After that, "Bronya" made up her mind to change this situation.

So she gritted her teeth and joined a martial arts class.

A few years later, "Bronya" was admitted to a good high school - Jiyi School. and became a boarding student.

It was at that time that she met Lin Mengjie.

Lin Mengjie is a well-known school beauty who is a top student. She is also extremely talented in singing and dancing.

Her family background is very good, but it has not been very prosperous recently.

On this day, those gangsters came out after being imprisoned for several years, and happened to meet Lin Mengjie.

This group of gangsters seemed to have no remorse at all, and Lin Mengjie attracted all the attention.

Then they surrounded Linmengjie again.

This time, "Bronya" happened to be passing by.

The now-different "Bronya" saw them and what they were doing, and just went up and fucked everyone down.

"Bronya" called the police and sent them in.

After that, "Bronya" and Limengjie became close friends.

At that time, "Bronya"'s grades were not very good, but she was promoted after Lin Mengjie's careful tutoring.

"However, in my memory, there seem to be very few things related to ghost stories."

Jiyi School is the high school where Bronya lives now.

As for the strange stories about Jiyi School, I only have a few words in my memory.

It is said that there are ghosts haunting Jiyi School at night.

Just this sentence, it seems that I heard someone mention it accidentally.

It seems that it was finally confirmed to be a rumor.

Any more and it will be gone.

In addition, Bronya didn't have much clue about the murderer who wanted to kill her.

She hasn't messed with anyone in recent months. Those gangsters are still locked up and there is no way they can come out.

To say that the only thing that has gone wrong recently is probably the meal before.

As soon as "Bronya" finished eating that dinner, she immediately lay down and was sent directly to the infirmary - where Bronya is now.

It was obvious that something was wrong with that dinner.

Bronya sat on the bed, sorting out "Bronya's" memories bit by bit, while also relieving the pain in various parts of her body - caused by that meal.

The door was suddenly pushed open.

A middle-aged woman and a medical staff came in.

The two of them were stunned when they found Bronya sitting on the bed.

"You woke up earlier than I expected."

The medical staff is an old man who has studied both Chinese and Western medicine. He has been practicing for more than 60 years and has solved all kinds of diseases.

"Maybe it's because she has a better physique."

The middle-aged woman is Bronya's class teacher. She is a very dignified and responsible class teacher. At the same time, she is also Bronya’s math teacher and has been a teacher for 20 years.

"Grandpa Li Da, Teacher Liao."

Bronya said hello to the two of them according to the names in her memory.

"Hey." Grandpa Li Da smiled, took a stool and sat down, "Here, stretch out your hand."

Bronya did as she was told.

Li Da checked Bronya's pulse. After a while, he nodded, "It's nothing serious. Just take some anti-inflammatory medicine on time."

"Excuse me, Grandpa Li Da." Bronya thanked her politely.

Li Da waved his hand, "Hey, you're welcome, you're welcome."

He stood up and said to Liao Yumei: "I'm going outside to get medicine. If you have anything to ask, just ask it quickly."

After that, he left.

"What's the matter, Teacher Liao?"

Bronya raised her eyes and looked at Liao Yumei doubtfully. Her gray eyes blinked, looking quite cute.

Liao Yumei touched her head gently, "It's okay, I just wanted to ask how you feel now?"

"Bronya feels everything is normal and can return to class at any time."

"It's good to be back in class. However, the teacher would like to ask you, have you had any conflicts with any classmates recently?"

Bronya shook her head: "Not really."

"No, it's okay if you don't." Liao Yumei smiled, making it hard to tell what she was thinking.

Bronya tilted her head and looked at Liao Yumei: "The teacher seems to be a different person today."

On weekdays, Liao Yumei is a stern person who looks very oppressive.

But now, Liao Yumei looks like the aunt next door who cares about the little sister next door.

"Ahaha, is that true? In fact, I'm always like this. It's just that I can't control you naughty guys if I'm not a bit dignified on weekdays." Liao Yumei laughed.

"Okay, let's get the medicine first. Although your body is almost healed, you still have to take the medicine on time." Liao Yumei stood up and helped Bronya get out of bed.

"Teacher Liao, Bronya can do it herself"

"Hey, it's okay, come on, let's go."


With Liao Yumei's support, Bronya walked outside the infirmary.

Li Da has already taken the medicine. The two came to Li Da.

After Li Da warned Bronya a few words, the two left.

"Teacher Liao, Bronya wants to walk the next step by herself."

Walking out of the infirmary, Bronya saw that Liao Yumei still wanted to help her answer the dormitory questions, so she hurriedly said.


While Liao Yumei was still hesitating, another man came up to her.

"Teacher Liao."

The man called out.

Liao Yumei nodded, "Okay, I'll come right away."

She touched Bronya's head gently again, "Then be careful on your way back. If you still feel unwell after you go back, be sure to go to the medical room in time."

"Bronya understands."

Afterwards, Liao Yumei followed the man and walked another way.

Bronya watched the two people leave.

She did not choose to go back to the dormitory.

In her memory, this man seemed to be the director of the Political Department, named Qiu Fugui.

"Okay, why do you suddenly ask Bronya if she has had any conflicts with anyone else?"

Bronya murmured to herself, and then quietly added.

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