The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 214: Game Clearance


Theresa opened the door and Lin Jue walked in.

In the dormitory, Kiana and Bronya were playing games, while Mei and Yae Sakura were sitting and watching.

Kiana was concentrating on it and cooperated with Bronya to fight the boss in front of her.

This is the boss of the last level and also the most difficult boss.

On the screen in front of her, it can be seen that Kiana's blood bar is already red.

On the other hand, Bronya was injured, but her health bar was still around 80%.

"Hey hey hey hey."

The boss launched a set of combos, and Kiana controlled the character to dodge.

During this period, there were several attacks that were about to fall on the characters controlled by Kiana. Fortunately, Bronya came to help block them.

But after this set of combos, Bronya's health bar dropped by 20%.

The game console made a clicking sound, and the four people watched it so intently that they didn't even notice Theresa was back.

Theresa and Lin Jue kept silent in tacit agreement. Theresa carried Ji Zi upstairs, and Lin Jue walked over and put down the dessert.

When Mei and Yae Sakura heard the noise, they turned around and happened to see Lin Jue putting down desserts.

Seeing that the two of them were about to say hello, Lin Jue put his index finger in front of his mouth.


The two understood and nodded.

Then Lin Jue came over quietly and watched with the two of them.

The game has reached fever pitch.

Kiana's health bar was almost zero.

Bronya's health bar also reached red blood.

However, the boss's health bar also only has about 5% left.

Meteorites were falling everywhere on the field, and both of them were controlling the characters to dodge.

At this time, Bronya said to Kiana: "Kiana, when the boss has the last bit of blood left, he will be violent for the last time. This time, you must hide well."

In this game, if either player dies, the game will be declared failed.

"Don't worry, I won't fall in the same pit twice." Kiana licked her lips, indicating that she was ready.

"hope so."

Bronya controlled the character, avoided every meteorite nimbly, and quickly came to the boss.

Then, Bronya released a skill.

The skill did no damage, but the boss's hatred was successfully transferred to Bronya.

The next moment, the boss launched a set of silky combos against Bronya.

This set of combos is different every time, and there is no stiffness during the period. If you want to avoid this set of combos, it will test the operator's eyesight and reaction ability. It is easy for ordinary players to eat all of this set of combos, even for advanced players. Players can only dodge a few times at most.

But Bronya is not an ordinary player. She stares at every move of the boss with her eyes and her hands are sharp.

Avoid them all.

After this set of combos, the boss will fall into a period of vulnerability.

Bronya took advantage of this time to play all her skills in a coherent manner.

After releasing it, the boss just entered the blood lock state.

On the screen, the camera showed a close-up of the boss.

Like an ape, the boss beat his chest, his eyes were scarlet, and he roared angrily.

Then, a large number of meteorites fell.

This is the final stage of the boss, and more and more meteorites will fall intermittently on the site as time goes by.

At this time, players need to find a way to completely kill the boss while constantly dodging crazy meteorites.

However, the boss's total resistance will increase by 150% in the final stage. Ordinary attacks are like scraping. Before the boss is scraped to death, he will easily be killed by meteorites.

So at this time, the best way for players is to attract the boss to be killed by a meteorite.

This task was naturally completed by Bronya.

She controlled the character, dodging the boss's attacks while pulling the boss under different meteorites.

She calculated the time in her mind and could always leave when the meteorite was about to fall, only for the boss to be hit.

This continued for more than a minute, and the boss finally fell.

The meteorite stopped falling, and Kiana breathed a sigh of relief.

The first time she played, she failed to dodge the last wave of meteorites and died, causing the game to fail.

Bronya also breathed a sigh of relief.

The two put down their game consoles at the same time. After a long period of nervous tension, both wanted to take a break.

Kiana stretched, "Well——, I'm so tired, but it's finally over."

"Is this a game that you guys played all night long?"

Suddenly, a familiar male voice reached their ears. They were both stunned for a while, and turned around to find that Lin Jue was already standing aside.

"Hey! Lin Jue, when did you come?" Seeing Lin Jue, Kiana greeted him first, and then thought of something, "Where's my dessert?"

Lin Jue pointed to the table, "No."

Only then did Kiana notice that there was a red bag on the table. She rushed over, opened the red bag, and took out the packaging box inside.

Bronya was a little late and waited for Kiana to take out the things before she came over.

"The brown box is the Houm cake. What you want is in the white box."

Lin Jue reminded.

Hearing this, Kiana handed the brown box to Bronya and opened the white box in an instant.

The moment she saw the cake, Kiana's eyes lit up, "Wow!!!"

Pink round two-layer cake decorated with numerous fruits. It looks luxurious.


Bronya also made a sound of surprise.

On a large square cake, there is a large picture of Homu, made with various decorating bags and some yellow fruits, mango and orange.

Next to the large homu, there are some small homu.

There is also the small red and white ball in Homu's hand, and the blue ball in the air.

It looks like these Homu are playing with each other.

Mei Yi took a look and was also shocked.

"Lin Jue, if you make this cake, it will make people reluctant to eat it."

Yae Sakura looked at Bronya's confused look and couldn't help but laugh.

Bronya nodded.

Lin Jue scratched his head and said, "That's it. I'll be more careful next time."

"However," Yayi said, "Lin Jue has made rapid progress, and the cake now is obviously more exquisite than the cake this morning."

When Lin Jue heard the compliment, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Yeah, just like that one." Yae Sakura was about to use the pink two-layer cake from before as an example. When she looked back, Kiana was already rubbing her belly and lying on the sofa with a satisfied look on her face.

Yae Sakura: ""

Looking at the empty box, Yae Sakura was a little confused.

How much time has passed?

She was shocked for a while, why was the cake gone when she turned around?

Mei Yi was not surprised and said with a smile: "Kiana is like this."

"Well" Kiana smacked her lips, "Good time!"

Yae Sakura shook her head, "Now I understand why you didn't let Kiana enter the kitchen."

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