The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 213 Wuliang Talongsuke

After struggling for a long time, Lin Jue made the dessert they wanted.

Lin Jue wiped his sweat and said, "Huh, now I'm pretty proficient at making desserts."

"Why don't you make a few more servings for Lin?" Lin Jue pondered for a moment, then opened the refrigerator again.

"There's not enough material."

Lin Jue reluctantly closed the refrigerator and looked at the time.

15:46 pm, it’s just past now.

If you go out to buy materials and then come back to make it, it will be dinner time.

"Maybe go there in the evening and just have it as a midnight snack."

Lin Jue shook his head.

"Then let's do it. I'll do it for Xiaolin next time I have a chance."

Lin Jue packed the desserts he had made before and went out.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Wuming suddenly jumped in front of Lin Jue.


Wuming pointed in a direction.

Lin Jue knew what Wuming meant: there was a situation in that direction.

Only if there were people or things related to Lin Jue, Wuming would come to remind him.

Lin Jue frowned, put the packaged desserts into the system backpack, and followed Wuming over.

"Now, it's already 2015. It's been 10 years since that day."

"A lot has happened in the past 10 years."

Follow Wuming all the way out of St. Freya and walk to a hillside outside the city.

During this period, Lin Jue complained many times about what Wuming was doing and how he could run so far.

When they arrived at the place, Lin Jue heard someone talking in the distance.

"Isn't this voice Teacher Jizi?"

Lin Jue was stunned.

At this time, Wuming jumped and stepped on a fallen leaf.


The surrounding air seemed to freeze for a moment.

Lin Jue hurriedly said: "Teacher Ji Zi? Why are you here?"

When Wuliangta Jizi saw Lin Jue, she just let go of her vigilance and said suspiciously: "Don't worry about me for now, why are you here?"

Lin Jue said honestly: "Wu Ming brought me here. It kept pulling me and wanted me to come here. I thought something had happened, so I followed it."

"Nameless?" Ji Zi looked at the white cat and said suddenly: "That white cat before was you?"

Seemingly understanding something, Jizi looked slightly embarrassed and said, "It seems that it misunderstood."

Seeing Ji Zi's expression, Lin Jue couldn't help but wonder: "What did it misunderstand?"

Ji Zi was silent for a while and looked at Lin Jue.

"Why is this little kid so curious?"

Lin Jue: ""

First of all, he is not small

He wanted to retort loudly, but he didn't dare.

The painful days when Ji Zi taught me a lesson are still vivid in my mind.

"But let me tell you, this little brat is actually fine."

Ji Zi took out a wine glass from somewhere and said to Lin Jue: "How old are you this year?"

Lin Jue was silent for a while, and finally said: "I should be 18 years old."

"18 years old? You can drink then." Ji Zi handed the wine glass to Lin Jue.

"Does Theresa know you did this?"

"She won't know if you don't tell her. You don't dare to tell her because you drank too."

"I haven't drank yet."

"Stop talking nonsense, take it or not!"

Ji Zi glared at Lin Jue.

Lin Jue took the wine glass, and Ji Zi quickly took out a bottle of wine and poured it into Lin Jue's wine glass.

Under the pressure of Ji Zi's gaze, Lin Jue drank the glass of wine.

Ji Zi said with satisfaction: "Drink now."

Lin Jue finished the drink in one gulp and smacked his lips.

"Mellow and strong, a good wine."

Ji Zi said dumbly: "Hey, you have good taste. And I didn't choke on such a high concentration of wine. It seems like this is not the first time I drank it."

Feeling the smell of alcohol on Ji Zi's body, Lin Jue couldn't help but ask: "Teacher Ji Zi, you are not allowed to drink in school, so you secretly came here to drink, right?"

"Am I so idle?" Ji Zi rolled her eyes at Lin Jue, smiled and shook her head. Then, she gave up her position.

Lin Jue just saw a stone tablet behind Ji Zi, and it said: "The Tomb of Wuliang Talongjie."

Jizi's eyes softened and she looked at the stone tablet: "He is my father. He died in 2005. The cause of death is unknown."

Lin Jue: "Sorry."

Ji Zi shook her head: "No need to apologize. It just so happens that you are here today, please accompany me to visit the grave."

Lin Jue nodded.

Afterwards, the two spent some time cleaning up the area around the stone monument.

When the cleaning was almost done, the two stopped.

"Let's go, it's almost time." Jizi took a step forward, "Let's go down."


Lin Jue followed Ji Zi all the way down the mountain.

At the bottom of the mountain, Jizi's car was parked.

Jizi opened the car door and took out another bottle of wine from the car.

She held up the wine bottle and gestured to Lin Jue: "How about you drink with me for a while longer?"

Lin Jue raised his forehead and said, "Teacher Jizi, if you drive now, you are considered a drunk driver."

"What are you afraid of?" Jizi said nonchalantly, "Anyway, Teresa will find her here later."

Lin Jue opened his eyes wide.

"Then I'll still stay here? What if Theresa catches me drinking?"

St. Freya students are prohibited from drinking alcohol, which is expressly prohibited by Saint Freya.

"It's okay. If you can't beat me, you'll be beaten."

Ji Zi showed a smile to Lin Jue.

"Can I go?"

"Then let me beat you up."

Lin Jue's face was expressionless.

The unknown cat ran away long ago.

If it was still there, Lin Jue really wanted to catch it and give it a hard lesson.

There is a stone table not far away and a stone bench next to it.

Lin Jue followed Ji Zi and walked to the stone table to sit down.

Lin Jue drank another drink with Ji Zi, "By the way, Teacher Ji Zi, is today your father's memorial day?"

Ji Zi drank the wine in her hand and rolled her eyes at Lin Jue: "You don't need to call me so raw after class, just call me Ji Zi. It makes me look like an old man in his sixties."

Lin Jue's mouth twitched.

"Huh~" Jizi's eyes were a little drunk, and it was obvious that she had drunk too much wine.

She said: "My father is a great scientist. When I was a child, I wanted to be a scientist like him."

"So I studied hard since I was a child. In 2002, I entered the California Institute of Technology at the top of my grade."

Lin Jue was surprised and said: "So Teacher Jizi is so powerful?"

Suddenly, he realized a problem.

"Then, why did you become a Valkyrie?"

The wine glasses were empty, so Jizi took out the wine bottle and filled both glasses.

When she heard Lin Jue's question, she smiled, did not answer immediately, and continued what she was doing.

Afterwards, Ji Zi took another big gulp of the wine in the glass, and Lin Jue also drank some.

Jizi's eyes wandered, recalling the past.

"It's to investigate my father's death."

"In 2005, my father died suddenly. Moreover, the cause of death was unknown. In order to investigate the truth of my father's death, in 2006, I accepted the 'Artificial Stigmata' project and joined the Destiny's Valkyrie Force."

Lin Jue nodded.

As a world-class organization, Tianming is indeed a good choice to rely on Tianming for investigation.

However, the cost of the Artificial Stigma Project is not small.

Although, Lin Jue knew that most of the Valkyries who came out of Destiny were involved in the Artificial Stigma Project, and Ji Zi should be no exception.

But when the other party mentioned it today, Lin Jue felt an inexplicable feeling of palpitations.

"Ji Zi, Lao Ji Zi, is your physical condition okay now?" Lin Jue asked cautiously.

"Ha~" Jizi smiled contemptuously, "Are you looking down on me? At least I can live for another thirty years."

Lin Jue didn't take this seriously.

Valkyries who receive artificial stigmata generally live to be between 30 and 40 years old, and those in better condition may live longer.

But like Himeko, an A-level Valkyrie who came out of the Vanguard, has experienced countless battles, has more or less hidden wounds on her body, and has a shorter life expectancy.

Especially Himeko who is drunk all year round

Suddenly, Lin felt a throbbing pain in his brain.

He closed his eyes and tried his best to look natural.

In his mind, several fragments of the previously sealed memories given to him by the first "Lin Jue" tried to escape.

Lin Jue keenly discovered that there were clips containing Ji Zi.

As soon as Jizi's physical condition was mentioned, these clips wanted to fly out. Lin Jue didn't think this was a coincidence.

Could it be related to Himeko's current situation?

"What's wrong?" Ji Zi asked when she noticed that Lin Jue suddenly closed his eyes.

Lin Jue replied naturally: "I'm getting drunk, so I need to slow down a bit."

Ji Zi laughed and said: "Oh, is it starting to fail now?"

She stood up and walked towards the car, "Hold on for a while, and I'll get you some yogurt."

The discomfort caused by the fragment breaking through the seal was far beyond Lin Jue's imagination.

After Ji Zi left, Lin Jue's face immediately distorted.

Fortunately, the pain went away as quickly as it came.

After just a while, Lin Jue felt the pain disappear.

Coincidentally, Jizi also just finished taking the yogurt.

"No, drink some and feel better."

Lin Jue took the yogurt and said thank you.

While drinking yogurt, Lin Jue took a look at the clip that had just flown out.

Ji Zi took away the wine glass placed in front of Lin Jue, "Okay, you can stop drinking from now on."

Lin Jue narrowed his eyes, pretended to feel relieved, and let out a long breath: "Huh~"

"Are you feeling better?"

"Well, that's better." Lin Jue nodded, his voice deliberately hoarse.

"Just be nice. If something happens to you, I will blame myself for the rest of my life."

Ji Zi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Jue laughed: "By the way, did Ji Zi find out the truth about her father's death later?"

Ji Zi shook her head: "No. Although I tried my best to investigate the truth, there was still no result in the end."

At the end of the story, Jizi felt a little lonely.

"That's it, it's okay. I'll help you investigate in the future." Lin Jue said, patting his chest.

Ji Zi smiled, "Do you think this is comfort? This way of comfort is really special."

"Hehe." Lin Jue scratched his head.

"However, I may not care so much about the truth about my father's death now."

After hearing Ji Zi's words, Lin Jue felt that he should change the topic now.

"Ji Zi, how does it feel to teach?" Lin Jue asked.

"How is it?" Jizi repeated these three words, and said with a dumb smile, "At the beginning, I didn't feel very tired, but now I feel that Theresa is right, these naughty kids are really It’s difficult to deal with.”

"Especially Kiana, she failed the first test after entering school. It gave me even more headaches after that. She couldn't improve her academic performance, slept in class every day, and especially liked to skip classes. This child is not stupid, she just doesn't like it. Thinking about studying, alas.”


Ji Zi thought about it, vomiting all kinds of weird things that happened since she started teaching.

Most of them are about Kiana.

"In this case, why did Ji Zi choose to become a teacher later?" Lin Jue suddenly discovered a blind spot, "Stay at the Tianming headquarters and have a good rest, or stay in the Valkyrie Army to continue investigating the cause of her father's death. This is what Ji Zi would do. What to do.”

Ji Zi glanced at Lin Jue, seeming to remember something, and said nostalgically: "It's a familiar question. I remember, on the first day of teaching, Theresa seemed to have asked me a similar question."

"What did I tell Theresa at that time?" Jizi murmured, her eyes half-lidded and half-opened, and the feeling of intoxication in her eyes became stronger.

Suddenly, she lay down on the stone table.

Lin Jue hesitated for a while, then tapped Ji Zi's body with his hand, "Ji Zi, it's almost time for us to go back, right?"

"Well" Ji Zi turned her head and looked at Lin Jue with drunken eyes.

Without any warning, Lin Jue's face, which was red from drinking too much, was instantly in front of Lin Jue.

Lin Jue was startled and instinctively leaned back.

But Jizi's hand held his head firmly.

"He is indeed handsome." Ji Zi said with interest, "It would be better if I were ten years younger."

As she spoke, Ji Zi's voice became weaker and weaker, and Lin Jue couldn't hear clearly what she was saying.


Ji Zi leaned against Lin Jue.

She had been drunk for a long time and only fell down now.

The softness from the physical contact made Lin Jue's face blush, but the next moment, the smell of alcohol that hit his face made him sober.

He picked up Jizi and wanted to put her in her car to rest.

However, as soon as he stood up, the petite figure that appeared in front of him made him tremble with fright.

"Dedede Teresa?! Ahaha, um, you're here."

Theresa looked at Lin Jue expressionlessly, her eyes full of scrutiny.

Lin Jue and Theresa met their eyes and felt guilty inexplicably, "No, De, ah, principal, please listen to my explanation."

Theresa sighed: "Oh, no need to explain. I've been here for a long time."

"Ah this."

Lin Jue hugged Ji Zi, neither advancing nor retreating at the same time.

"Okay, take Jizi to the car."

After hearing Theresa's order, Lin Jue breathed a sigh of relief.

After setting up Ji Zi, Lin Jue got out of the car. When he turned around, he saw Theresa holding a bottle of drink.


Theresa handed the drink to Lin Jue and said.

Lin Jue took the drink and asked Theresa tentatively: "Principal, it can't be bitter melon juice in this."

"Why, do you dare to drink wine and bitter melon juice?"

Theresa remained expressionless.

Lin Jue, who was not sure of Theresa's mood at the moment, had no choice but to bite the bullet and drink the drink.

The moment he entered, Lin Jue was stunned.

This taste is not bitter melon juice.

"It's honey water, just like yogurt, it can relieve hangover to a certain extent." At this time, Theresa said leisurely, "You don't drink much wine, so drinking some honey water should be enough."

Lin Jue felt warm in his heart and thanked Theresa: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, get in the car and I'll take you back." Theresa sighed, "One or two people are not worrying."

"Uh" Lin Jue couldn't refute and had no choice but to get in the car.

The sky has darkened.

After getting in the car, Teresa skillfully found Jizi's car keys and drove back to Santa Freya.

On the way, Lin Jue couldn't help but marvel.

Driving a car with Teresa's body type must be a little uncomfortable.

But when Lin Jue remembered that Bronya had also driven a car, he felt that it was not unusual.

Speaking of which, Theresa is a little taller than Bronya.

"By the way, principal, why did Himeko choose to become a teacher in the end?"

Lin Jue remembered that Jizi didn't answer his question and asked Theresa.

Theresa looked hard at the traffic and concentrated on driving. After hearing Lin Jue's words, she was silent for a while.

After a while, she said: "It's because of Jizi's captain."

"Himeko's captain?"

"You should know that Jizi was not a very powerful warrior at the beginning, just a genius student."

Teresa recalled part of the past, "Himeko chose to join the Valkyrie force in order to investigate the cause of her father's death. But after becoming a Valkyrie, she has to take on the responsibilities of a Valkyrie."

"At that time, Jizi suddenly encountered an emergency and was ordered to go to the battlefield."

"For a person who can only memorize knowledge from books, the first mission is an emergency. For Jizi, it is undoubtedly a very disturbing situation."

Lin Jue nodded, "So, was Ji Zi's captain inspiring Ji Zi?"

"Yes." Theresa said, "I can't remember exactly what she said. But she successfully guided Jizi from the past to the future."

In the past, it meant that Jizi could not accept her father's death and was determined to find out the truth about his death.

In the future, Jizi calmly faces reality and regains hope for the future.

Lin Jue understood what Theresa meant.

Teresa also felt a little emotional: "'We must always have hope, everything we do is for a better future.' That's what the captain said. Jizi was deeply inspired by this. Later, Jizi decided to become a teacher , but also to realize her captain’s dream, pass on this hope, guide those ignorant children, and encourage them to change the future.”

"Ji Zi did this." Lin Jue nodded and praised, "Although she is very strict with us, no matter who encounters a problem, she will always patiently guide her and help her solve the problem."

"So, she is the most respected teacher in St. Freya Academy." Theresa smiled.

The car slowly drove into St. Freya, and Teresa skillfully found the parking lot to park.

After getting off the car, Theresa picked up Ji Zi on her back and said to Lin Jue: "I will take Ji Zi back next, and you should rest early."

"Wait a moment, principal."

Hearing Lin Jue calling her to stop, Theresa stopped, turned around and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

Lin Jue took out the packaged dessert and handed it to Theresa.

"I haven't sent over the snacks Kiana and Bronya asked for yet."

Lin Jue said awkwardly.

After chatting with Jizi for so long, he had forgotten about it.

Those two people must be impatient.

"Oh -" Theresa obviously knew about this, "I thought you had sent it there a long time ago."

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