The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 198: Afternoon with Mei Yi

In the girls' dormitory, Himeko and Yae Sakura watched Mei leave. Google search reading

Suddenly, Ji Zi asked: "Why, aren't you jealous?"

There was only one person beside her, and it was obvious who she was asking.

Yae Sakura smiled: "Why are you jealous?"

With a calm appearance, she smoothed her hair with her hands without leaving a trace. This inadvertent action revealed her inner uneasiness.

Ji Zi saw through it but didn't say anything. He just said lightly: "Tsk, Lin Jue is such a brat."

What a blessing.

Ji Zi didn't say the second half of the sentence.

In the middle of her words, she suddenly stopped talking and suddenly asked: "By the way, where did Teresa go early this morning?"

"Who knows, maybe the principal has her own things to do."

"This guy." Jizi snorted coldly, "I still want to find her to ask questions about the new swimming pool."

Arriving at the square, Lin Jue didn't spend much effort before finding Mei Yi under a forest.

He walked over and said hello.

"Hey, I'm not too late, am I?"

Mei Yi heard the sound and turned around.

Today, Lin Jue was wearing a light blue T-shirt with a simple pattern on the chest. He was wearing a pair of light beige trousers. It looks tall without being obtrusive.

He strode towards Mei Yi with a sunny smile on his bright and clean face, a greeting in his hand, and there was light in his purple eyes.

"Fortunately, I just arrived." Yayi responded with a faint smile.

Today, Mei Yi is dressed up exquisitely.

The long light purple hair has changed from the usual high "kendo girl style" ponytail, but is naturally scattered, and paired with a red bow, it looks cute and youthful.

She was no longer wearing a school uniform or a Valkyrie uniform.

Wearing a lavender coat, a white skirt, black silk high heels, and a black bag in both hands. With some light makeup on her face, she looked pure and sexy.

Lin Jue, who is 1.8 meters tall, walked all the way to Ya Yi. Seeing that Ya Yi was dressed beautifully today, he couldn't help but praise: "Ya Yi is very beautiful today."

"Ah, are you?" Hearing the compliment, Mei Yi tilted slightly, glanced to the side, and her pretty face turned slightly red.

Seeing Yayi's shyness, Lin Jue smiled lightly and said, "Then, let's go eat first."


The two of them left the square together.

Lin Jue had already prepared and thought about which restaurant to go to for dinner.

It is an extremely Eastern-style egg roll restaurant.

After a long period of insinuations, he heard that Mei Yi likes to eat Eastern-style omelette rice.

After asking around for a while, he found out that this omelette restaurant was probably the best omelette restaurant nearby.

Moreover, this restaurant is also very close to the largest supermarket here.

Although his purpose this afternoon is not pure! His purpose is very pure.

He simply went out to buy groceries with Mei Yi.

I'll go there after dinner later

Following Lin Jue to the hotel, Yayi looked a little surprised.

"Is it this store?" Yayi murmured.

"What's wrong, don't you like it?" Lin Jue felt a knot in his heart when he heard Ya Yi's tone.

I don’t think this store has any connection with Mei Yi.

Damn it, I forgot to ask about this.

Meiyi shook her head, "It's okay, I just remembered some past events."

Then, she smiled at Lin Jue: "Let's go in."

Lin Jue slightly heard about Yayi's past.

I heard it from Kiana before.

Entering the restaurant, both of them ordered the restaurant's signature dish - Eastern-style omelette rice.

The two came to a seat next to a window and sat down.

Lin Jue was afraid that Ya Yi would be sad when she remembered the past, so she chatted with Ya Yi in random directions.

Fortunately, his chatting skills were okay. After chatting for a long time, Mei Yi was made to laugh by Lin Jue from time to time. It seemed that he was still in a good mood.

Lin Jue also breathed a sigh of relief.

The two started chatting about their recent daily life, and continued talking about their favorite foods and things they like to do.

The meal is served.

Meiyi was the first to take a bite: "Well, the omelette rice made in this store really tastes good."

Lin Jue also took a bite and suddenly asked: "Ya Yi is so good at cooking, can she make omelette rice?"

Mei thought for a while: "I haven't tried it before, but I can try it in the future."

"Mei Yi will definitely cook better than this store."

"Where?" Mei Yi smiled again.

At this time, Lin Jue suddenly stretched out his hand and said, "Don't move."

Yayi was stunned for a moment and listened to Lin Jue's words without moving.

She felt her face being scratched by Lin Jue's hand.

"It's okay, some rice got on your face." Lin Jue took out a tissue, wiped his hands, and said jokingly, "But how do you eat without getting rice on your face?"

Yayi blushed and took two mouthfuls of rice.

She didn't know what happened, but she knew it must have happened while she was talking to Lin Jue.

She doesn't usually eat like this

Lin Jue joked a bit, and then returned to the original topic they were talking about.

About half an hour later, the two of them finished eating and paid.

After eating, the two went to the supermarket as planned.

It's about 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Jue and Mei Yi came to the vegetable section of the supermarket.

"Well, let me think about it." Meiyi pushed a shopping cart and walked in front of various ingredients.

"Kiana complained last time that she wanted to eat cream stew, and she needs to buy some ingredients today."

She was choosing as she spoke.

Lin Jue realized that there was nothing to buy, so he followed Meiyi, either helping to carry the bags or helping to weigh.

"Oh, right! Principal Theresa seemed to have mentioned that the bitter melon juice at home was gone." Meiyi slapped her head.

Lin Jue looked around and found a bag, "I'll go buy some."

"Okay." Meiyi didn't refuse, and gave a few instructions, "Buy some of all kinds. The principal's favorite drink is bitter melon juice. She won't mind if you buy more."

"Yeah." Lin Jue nodded and turned to the counter selling bitter melon juice.

It was easy to find. The counter selling drinks had the least people.

Lin Jue took out a small bottle of bitter melon juice. This was the first time he saw this thing.

He became curious and bought the small bottle of bitter melon juice in his hand first, opened it and drank it all.

Then, he showed a bitter melon face.

"Besides Theresa, is there anyone in the world who likes to drink this thing?"

Lin Jue complained and threw the bitter melon juice in his hand into the trash can beside him.

Although he complained, Lin Jue still followed Mei's instructions and took some bitter melon juice of various types and threw it into the bag.

Then Lin Jue turned around and found Mei, who had already picked a cart of ingredients.

The two went to pay the bill and prepared to go back.

On the way back, Lin Jue naturally carried the bag full of ingredients.

Mei was enough to pick the ingredients, and Lin Jue's role was to pick up the full bags of ingredients.

Of course, since there were too many, Mei would also carry some.

The sky was gray at this time, and Lin Jue took a look when he walked out of the supermarket.

"Oh no, it might rain." Lin Jue said.

Mei followed Lin Jue out of the door, and when she heard what Lin Jue said, she looked up at the sky.

"The weather forecast clearly predicted that it would not rain this afternoon, so let's walk faster."

Mei looked worried. They both walked out of the door, carrying heavy bags. If it rained, it would be difficult to go back.

Lin Jue nodded.

He used the "power of nature" to feel it without leaving any trace, and confirmed that a downpour would fall in 5 minutes.

The weather was not good. It would have been a perfect time to go home and chat with Mei at this time.

The strong wind blew, and the pedestrians passing by the street also felt the prelude of "the coming rainstorm", and their steps became faster.

Lin Jue and Mei also quickened their pace.

It was definitely too late to get back in 5 minutes. Lin Jue took out his mobile phone and wanted to send a message to Ji Zi, asking Ji Zi to drive to pick them up.

But Ji Zi said yesterday that she seemed to have something to do this afternoon. Lin Jue didn't hold much hope.

5 minutes later, the rainstorm came as expected.

Lin Jue had expected it and took Mei Yi's hand and walked to the nearest shelter from the rain.

- At a bus stop.

If Ji Zi didn't come for a long time, they could still take the bus back.

There were often taxis in this area, and if it didn't work, they could also take a taxi back.

After sitting down on the bus, Lin Jue told Mei Yi his thoughts.

Mei nodded: "Now it seems that this is the best way."

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