The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 197 The Beginning of Daily Life

On the first day of vacation, not long after Lin Juegang got up, he picked up his cell phone and asked Mei Yi if she had time today. Google search reading

Mobile phones, also known as terminals and personal terminals, are tools given to students by schools together with student ID cards and ID cards. They have functions such as connecting to the school network and communicating with each other.

But on weekdays, everyone prefers to call the terminal a mobile phone.

At the same time, there is also a separate deposit mechanism for St. Freya Academy. When you go out on weekdays, you can pay as long as you have any one of the three.

Lin Jue went downstairs to have breakfast, and soon felt his phone vibrate.

Taking out her mobile phone, Mei Yi replied the message.

[I have time, what’s wrong? 】

【Do you want to go shopping together? I took a look yesterday and it seems that the refrigerator in the dormitory is almost empty. 】

【Lin Jue! You actually want to secretly ask Mei Yi to play! ! ! 】

The sudden news made Lin Jue's hands tremble.

You don't need to think about it to know that this message must have been sent by Kiana.

However, Lin Jue did feel guilty just now.

No, it was obviously normal for him to go shopping for groceries with others, but he didn't have an appointment to hang out with someone.

Don't let Kiana lead you astray.

Lin Jue thought silently.

The next moment, the message showed that it had been withdrawn.

[Sorry (expression) Sorry (expression), Kiana suddenly snatched my phone away just now. 】

[I really need to buy some ingredients. Why don’t we meet at the square at 2:30 this afternoon. 】

The square of St. Freya Academy is the intersection of Lin Jue's dormitory and Mei's dormitory connecting to the outside world.

Very nice location.

【good. 】

After Lin Jue replied, he looked up and saw an expression on Joyce's face that said, "You can do that, kid."

"Old Qiao, no."

"No need to explain, young man, I understand, I understand." Joyce waved his hand.

Then he sighed, "Oh, I remember back then."

He shook his head again, "Forget it, let's not mention what happened back then."

Lin Jue: ""

"No, you didn't even see what I was talking about. Why do you have this expression?"

Joyce grinned, "You must be chatting with someone else when you hold the phone. Most of the people St. Freya's phone can contact are your classmates. Except for you, the others in your class are all girls. And on weekdays, I talk to you I also know the ones I’m close with, do you need me to continue?”

Lin Jue's eyes widened: "Is this okay?"

"Hehe, boy, you are still young." Joyce chuckled, and then approached Lin Jue, with a tone that sounded like someone who has experienced it before, "If it's your first time, remember to dress up. Girls are particularly concerned about the first impression. ”

"I know, I know." Lin Jue finished the meal with a dark look on his face, and then slipped back to his room.

As soon as he returned to the room, he was greeted by a burst of nameless ridicule.

"Hahahaha." Wuming watched everything, lying on the bed and rolling around laughing.

Unexpectedly, this was the first time that the cat did not meow. It was on such an occasion.

Lin Jue was too lazy to pay attention to the cat, and his mind was wandering involuntarily.

"Would you like to dress up better? But this is the only thing I have."

"No, no, there are a lot of them in the system backpack. I took a lot of them from the world of sea beasts."

Lin Jue patted his head, took out a mirror, threw out a bunch of clothes, and started trying them on one by one.

"This one is too dark and not sunny enough. This one is too fancy and not clean enough. This one does not suit my temperament, this one"

Wuming stared at Lin Jue blankly, not smiling either.

It thought for a while and jumped out of the window.

After a while, inside the Valkyrie dormitory.

Meiyi stood in front of the mirror with a troubled look on her face, "Which clothes should I wear?"

Kiana was dragged into playing games by Bronya, while Himeko and Yae Sakura stood next to Mei and gave her advice.

Himeko: "I think the purple one is great."

“Isn’t purple a bit too old-fashioned?”

Yae Sakura: "How about the white one."

"Is the white one too young and not dignified enough?"

Nameless onlooker: ""

Finally, after repeated selections, the three of them finally selected the clothes that the three of them agreed on.

At this time, Meiyi breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Zi smiled and said: "Aren't you going to buy some food? It's like a date."

Mei Yi blushed, "That's what I say, but this is my first time going out with a boy."

Yae Sakura also smiled and glanced outside the room.

Kiana and Bronya played the game console given by Lin Jue. The complex games and the ultimate experience made them so happy that they were already addicted.

"Kiana is already immersed in the game world. Your date this afternoon is smooth."

Listening to Yae Sakura's joking voice, Mei Yi shrank her head like an ostrich, "It's just a date to buy groceries."

Himeko and Yae Sakura smiled.

Everyone can see that when a man asks a girl to go shopping, he just wants to use a suitable reason to trick the girl out.

We said we were going to buy groceries, so let’s go shopping first and have some fun, and then we’d have time to go shopping.

As long as Lin Jue can grasp it, the afternoon will be a date with Mei Yi.

The three girls all knew that Mei Yi was pretending to be confused.

After Wuming read it blankly, he slipped back to Lin Juena.

After a whole morning of selection, Lin Jue selected the equipment that suited him.

"Meow meow meow." Wu Ming called several times.

"Huh~" Lin Jue took a deep breath.

It's noon now.

Lin Jue sent a message saying that Joyce had left and there was no one to cook, so why not eat out together at noon.

Meiyi replied quickly, sending two thinking emojis and then saying it was okay.

Then, the two of them set off.

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